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Pure SWTor

Can you please respond to my question about mounting. Sorry. Its in the other thread. I wont repost it here. Ill read this though for my healer once he gets high lvl. Thanks for the info Alltrue,
Yeah, you could (and probably should) put a Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting check in there. Otherwise it'll just stun the target right away

Yeap, on pve I did not set Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting because I would like to use it as much as possible as "mitigation" instead of "interrupt". I was torn between to add it or not but what if I fight a very difficult story quest boss and he does not cast anything?(rare of course, usually they cast something). Also most strong+ mobs they will try to cast something immediately after I initiate combat so it does work as interrupt there too. Anyway, I will try both and see what benefits the most :)
Can you please respond to my question about mounting. Sorry. Its in the other thread. I wont repost it here. Ill read this though for my healer once he gets high lvl. Thanks for the info Alltrue,

I don't use mounting, and Pure doesn't support mounting. Can't answer any questions there, sorry.
sorry my thread was about joes - i was told that joes has mounting - but i cannot make it work.
sorry my thread was about joes - i was told that joes has mounting - but i cannot make it work.

Then you should be posting in Joe's thread, not starting your own or posting in Pure. There's no way I can help with your problem, but Joe is usually very good about offering support.
No; originally it was about profiles. It ended up becoming about joes because others advised me to start using Joes - so no - It was created in the correct location. I posted it in profiles because my question originally related to the Kick Profile.

Anyway, if you dont know how to fix mounts - Ill ask in Joes - since I was told that it is really to do with the routine; not the profile.

Ok and after all the tweaks and finally made it work, BuddyWing updates and now I get this error everytime I start the bot..

Unhandled exception during init: System.Exception: Failed to ReadProcessMemory
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean relative)
at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.ReadString(IntPtr address, Encoding encoding, Int32 maxLength, Boolean relative)
at ..()
at ..[](Boolean , String , Object[] )
at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.CallScript[T](Boolean hasReturnValue, String function, Object[] args)
at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorPlayer.GetSkillPointsSpentInTree(SkillTreeId tree)
at PureSWTor.Helpers.SpecHandler.calculateSpec(TorPlayer p, SkillTreeId tree1, SkillTreeId tree2, SkillTreeId tree3) in c:\Users\Rohirrim\Documents\Buddy Wing\Routines\PureSwtor\Helpers\SpecHandler.cs:line 250
at PureSWTor.Helpers.SpecHandler.get_CurrentSpec() in c:\Users\Rohirrim\Documents\Buddy Wing\Routines\PureSwtor\Helpers\SpecHandler.cs:line 122
at PureSWTor.Pure.GetRotations() in c:\Users\Rohirrim\Documents\Buddy Wing\Routines\PureSwtor\Pure.cs:line 186
at PureSWTor.Pure.RebuildBehaviors() in c:\Users\Rohirrim\Documents\Buddy Wing\Routines\PureSwtor\Pure.cs:line 125
at PureSWTor.Pure.Initialize() in c:\Users\Rohirrim\Documents\Buddy Wing\Routines\PureSwtor\Pure.cs:line 76
at Buddy.CommonBot.RoutineManager.set_Current(ICombat value)
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.SetCurrentCombatRoutine()
at Buddywing.MainWindow.DoInitialization()
Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!

EDIT: ignore my post, I had to close swtor also and start it again to work.
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Yeah GreyMagic issues are a bitch too. Sometimes you can fix those by deleting everything in your compiled assemblies folder, but most times you have to restart both bot and game.
Me again. Is it possible that the bot scan for cc targets and pause the aoe rotation? I always break the cc when the are 3+ mobs to fight. It seems "noobish" at groups and while soloing heroic missions is catastrophic to break my 2 cc (slice droid and sleep Dart) and fight 3 elites instead of 1 :) If it is not possible by bot to scan for cc'ed targets, how can I disable the aoe? Should I delete the HandleAoE, or is more complicated to remove it?

I would also like to use corrosive Dart on StrongorGreater targets. What would be the correct syntax to so?

Spell.DoT("Corrosive Dart", "", 12000, ret => Me.CurrentTarget.StrongOrGreater()),


Spell.DoT("Corrosive Dart", "", 12000, && Me.CurrentTarget.StrongOrGreater()),
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Hey Alltrueist - thanks so much for all of your help. I really appreciate you answering all of my questions. I apologize for asking so many. You were extremely helpful.
Me again. Is it possible that the bot scan for cc targets and pause the aoe rotation? I always break the cc when the are 3+ mobs to fight. It seems "noobish" at groups and while soloing heroic missions is catastrophic to break my 2 cc (slice droid and sleep Dart) and fight 3 elites instead of 1 :) If it is not possible by bot to scan for cc'ed targets, how can I disable the aoe? Should I delete the HandleAoE, or is more complicated to remove it?

I would also like to use corrosive Dart on StrongorGreater targets. What would be the correct syntax to so?

Spell.DoT("Corrosive Dart", "", 12000, ret => Me.CurrentTarget.StrongOrGreater()),


Spell.DoT("Corrosive Dart", "", 12000, && Me.CurrentTarget.StrongOrGreater()),

We have a built-in check for stunned targets:
c != null && c.InCombat && c.IsHostile && !c.IsDead && !c.IsStunned
But I've also seen the behavior you're talking about. I'm not sure why it's still attacking stunned targets-- perhaps the IsStunned call only recognizes certain CC effects? Don't delete the HandleAoE, that will cause some cascading errors. I think Ama built in a function to enable/disable AoE, I believe if you press F7 in game it will do that (I've never checked to see if that function actually works.

As for your corrosive dart check, this is the correct syntax:
Spell.DoT("Corrosive Dart", "", 12000, ret => Me.CurrentTarget.StrongOrGreater()),
Hey Alltrueist - thanks so much for all of your help. I really appreciate you answering all of my questions. I apologize for asking so many. You were extremely helpful.

Hey buddy, I'm always happy to help. You aren't asking too many questions, it's just that you're asking them in the wrong places. It clogs up threads and makes it more difficult to keep discussions focused and offer help.
Thanks :) I configured the corrosive Dart. I will try the F7 when I get into a situation again that I need to cc a lot (solo heroic q). Also I want to say that I just tried pure with my Sith Juggernaut and is working perfectly. Sometimes it cancels master strike but most probably is my fault cause I may move e.t.c.
Thanks :) I configured the corrosive Dart. I will try the F7 when I get into a situation again that I need to cc a lot (solo heroic q). Also I want to say that I just tried pure with my Sith Juggernaut and is working perfectly. Sometimes it cancels master strike but most probably is my fault cause I may move e.t.c.

I'm glad to hear Jugg works well, because my main is Jedi Guardian and I've spent tons of time fine-tuning his routine.

Also, I did some digging around in the base code, and I found this snippet:
// This table contains the list of debuff names which represent crowd control...
        // A crowd control debuff is one that last longer than 30 secs.  If the debuff under consideration
        // is short-lived (e.g., 6-10secs), it is not a crowd-control, but an interrupt spell.
        // Some specs vary the spell duration based on the Advanced Spec--such as Whirlwind (60sec for Sorcerer,
        // 6secs for Assassin).  If the spell can be used as crowd-control in any spec, please list it here.
        // Also note the crowd-control ability name is frequently not the name of the crowd-control debuff.
        // For instance, "Whirlwind" CC ability produces the "Lifted (Force)" debuff on the target.
        public static string[] DebuffNames_CrowdControl = {
            "Afraid (Mental)", // from Intimidating Roar / Awe
            "Blinded (Tech)", // from Flash Grenade / Flash Bang
            "Lifted (Force)", // from Whirlwind / Force Lift
            // Agent's "Sleep Dart" & Smuggler's "Tranquilizer" leaves no debuff on target. Hmmmmm.
            "Stunned", // from Debilitate / Dirty Kick
Do you see the name of your CC effects listed there? It looks like Sleep Dart doesn't leave a debuff, so we can't track that, but I know you said you have 2 of them.
I'm glad to hear Jugg works well, because my main is Jedi Guardian and I've spent tons of time fine-tuning his routine.

Also, I did some digging around in the base code, and I found this snippet:
// This table contains the list of debuff names which represent crowd control...
        // A crowd control debuff is one that last longer than 30 secs.  If the debuff under consideration
        // is short-lived (e.g., 6-10secs), it is not a crowd-control, but an interrupt spell.
        // Some specs vary the spell duration based on the Advanced Spec--such as Whirlwind (60sec for Sorcerer,
        // 6secs for Assassin).  If the spell can be used as crowd-control in any spec, please list it here.
        // Also note the crowd-control ability name is frequently not the name of the crowd-control debuff.
        // For instance, "Whirlwind" CC ability produces the "Lifted (Force)" debuff on the target.
        public static string[] DebuffNames_CrowdControl = {
            "Afraid (Mental)", // from Intimidating Roar / Awe
            "Blinded (Tech)", // from Flash Grenade / Flash Bang
            "Lifted (Force)", // from Whirlwind / Force Lift
            // Agent's "Sleep Dart" & Smuggler's "Tranquilizer" leaves no debuff on target. Hmmmmm.
            "Stunned", // from Debilitate / Dirty Kick
Do you see the name of your CC effects listed there? It looks like Sleep Dart doesn't leave a debuff, so we can't track that, but I know you said you have 2 of them.

oops yes, is sleep dart I use mostly. The other one is Slice Droid like the one the Jedi Sentinel has. I see why there is the problem then... I will try to use slice droid when possible then instead of sleep dart. Thanks. I see why juggernaut is working that well hehe...and in aoe he first adds the debuff with aoe and then uses the crushing blow..just awesome. I also took a look of all the cc with notepad plus and all seem perfectly configured too :). This combat routine makes me wanna play every class and every spec :)
oops yes, is sleep dart I use mostly. The other one is Slice Droid like the one the Jedi Sentinel has. I see why there is the problem then... I will try to use slice droid when possible then instead of sleep dart. Thanks. I see why juggernaut is working that well hehe...and in aoe he first adds the debuff with aoe and then uses the crushing blow..just awesome. I also took a look of all the cc with notepad plus and all seem perfectly configured too :). This combat routine makes me wanna play every class and every spec :)

Update from the SVN, I just put the debuff names for Sleep Dart and some other classes in the CrowdControlled section. I then linked the CrowdControlled to the ShouldAoE calls. I haven't tested, but it should work well now.
Update from the SVN, I just put the debuff names for Sleep Dart and some other classes in the CrowdControlled section. I then linked the CrowdControlled to the ShouldAoE calls. I haven't tested, but it should work well now.

Updated :) Will test and tell you how is going. I know that I am overdoing it, but I just added another line to my Interrupts:

Spell.Cast("Legacy Force Choke", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && Me.HasBuff("Heroic Moment: Advance Recon") && Me.CurrentTarget.StrongOrGreater()),

Hope I wrote it right. Will test the cc thing and will edit my post to inform you.
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Updated :) Will test and tell you how is going. I know that I am overdoing it, but I just added another line to my Interrupts:

Spell.Cast("Legacy Force Choke", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && Me.HasBuff("Heroic Moment: Advance Recon") && Me.CurrentTarget.StrongOrGreater()),

Hope I wrote it right. Will test the cc thing and will edit my post to inform you.

Your syntax looks fine, but I don't think the rotation is set up to ever use the Heroic Moments.

Please let me know how the AoE stuff works.
Yeap, I manually use Heroic Moment myself when things go wrong. Anyway, I did a fresh install of pureswtor and works now. Update in a minute.

Edit: Working :) I just fought 4 mobs that were very close together. I used sleep Dart on the middle one, e.t.c. The bot used the single target rotation and did not broke the cc!

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I edited my upper post to let you know that is working fine, it does not interrupt :) (writing this post cause maybe you missed the edit and the new post will send you an e-mail due to subscription hehe)