Yeah, you could (and probably should) put a Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting check in there. Otherwise it'll just stun the target right away
Can you please respond to my question about mounting. Sorry. Its in the other thread. I wont repost it here. Ill read this though for my healer once he gets high lvl. Thanks for the info Alltrue,
sorry my thread was about joes - i was told that joes has mounting - but i cannot make it work.
Unhandled exception during init: System.Exception: Failed to ReadProcessMemory
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean relative)
at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.ReadString(IntPtr address, Encoding encoding, Int32 maxLength, Boolean relative)
at ..()
at ..[](Boolean , String , Object[] )
at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.CallScript[T](Boolean hasReturnValue, String function, Object[] args)
at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorPlayer.GetSkillPointsSpentInTree(SkillTreeId tree)
at PureSWTor.Helpers.SpecHandler.calculateSpec(TorPlayer p, SkillTreeId tree1, SkillTreeId tree2, SkillTreeId tree3) in c:\Users\Rohirrim\Documents\Buddy Wing\Routines\PureSwtor\Helpers\SpecHandler.cs:line 250
at PureSWTor.Helpers.SpecHandler.get_CurrentSpec() in c:\Users\Rohirrim\Documents\Buddy Wing\Routines\PureSwtor\Helpers\SpecHandler.cs:line 122
at PureSWTor.Pure.GetRotations() in c:\Users\Rohirrim\Documents\Buddy Wing\Routines\PureSwtor\Pure.cs:line 186
at PureSWTor.Pure.RebuildBehaviors() in c:\Users\Rohirrim\Documents\Buddy Wing\Routines\PureSwtor\Pure.cs:line 125
at PureSWTor.Pure.Initialize() in c:\Users\Rohirrim\Documents\Buddy Wing\Routines\PureSwtor\Pure.cs:line 76
at Buddy.CommonBot.RoutineManager.set_Current(ICombat value)
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.SetCurrentCombatRoutine()
at Buddywing.MainWindow.DoInitialization()
Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!
Me again. Is it possible that the bot scan for cc targets and pause the aoe rotation? I always break the cc when the are 3+ mobs to fight. It seems "noobish" at groups and while soloing heroic missions is catastrophic to break my 2 cc (slice droid and sleep Dart) and fight 3 elites instead of 1If it is not possible by bot to scan for cc'ed targets, how can I disable the aoe? Should I delete the HandleAoE, or is more complicated to remove it?
I would also like to use corrosive Dart on StrongorGreater targets. What would be the correct syntax to so?
Spell.DoT("Corrosive Dart", "", 12000, ret => Me.CurrentTarget.StrongOrGreater()),
Spell.DoT("Corrosive Dart", "", 12000, && Me.CurrentTarget.StrongOrGreater()),
c != null && c.InCombat && c.IsHostile && !c.IsDead && !c.IsStunned
Spell.DoT("Corrosive Dart", "", 12000, ret => Me.CurrentTarget.StrongOrGreater()),
Hey Alltrueist - thanks so much for all of your help. I really appreciate you answering all of my questions. I apologize for asking so many. You were extremely helpful.
ThanksI configured the corrosive Dart. I will try the F7 when I get into a situation again that I need to cc a lot (solo heroic q). Also I want to say that I just tried pure with my Sith Juggernaut and is working perfectly. Sometimes it cancels master strike but most probably is my fault cause I may move e.t.c.
// This table contains the list of debuff names which represent crowd control...
// A crowd control debuff is one that last longer than 30 secs. If the debuff under consideration
// is short-lived (e.g., 6-10secs), it is not a crowd-control, but an interrupt spell.
// Some specs vary the spell duration based on the Advanced Spec--such as Whirlwind (60sec for Sorcerer,
// 6secs for Assassin). If the spell can be used as crowd-control in any spec, please list it here.
// Also note the crowd-control ability name is frequently not the name of the crowd-control debuff.
// For instance, "Whirlwind" CC ability produces the "Lifted (Force)" debuff on the target.
public static string[] DebuffNames_CrowdControl = {
"Afraid (Mental)", // from Intimidating Roar / Awe
"Blinded (Tech)", // from Flash Grenade / Flash Bang
"Lifted (Force)", // from Whirlwind / Force Lift
// Agent's "Sleep Dart" & Smuggler's "Tranquilizer" leaves no debuff on target. Hmmmmm.
"Stunned", // from Debilitate / Dirty Kick
I'm glad to hear Jugg works well, because my main is Jedi Guardian and I've spent tons of time fine-tuning his routine.
Also, I did some digging around in the base code, and I found this snippet:
Do you see the name of your CC effects listed there? It looks like Sleep Dart doesn't leave a debuff, so we can't track that, but I know you said you have 2 of them.Code:// This table contains the list of debuff names which represent crowd control... // A crowd control debuff is one that last longer than 30 secs. If the debuff under consideration // is short-lived (e.g., 6-10secs), it is not a crowd-control, but an interrupt spell. // Some specs vary the spell duration based on the Advanced Spec--such as Whirlwind (60sec for Sorcerer, // 6secs for Assassin). If the spell can be used as crowd-control in any spec, please list it here. // Also note the crowd-control ability name is frequently not the name of the crowd-control debuff. // For instance, "Whirlwind" CC ability produces the "Lifted (Force)" debuff on the target. public static string[] DebuffNames_CrowdControl = { "Afraid (Mental)", // from Intimidating Roar / Awe "Blinded (Tech)", // from Flash Grenade / Flash Bang "Lifted (Force)", // from Whirlwind / Force Lift "Sliced", // Agent's "Sleep Dart" & Smuggler's "Tranquilizer" leaves no debuff on target. Hmmmmm. "Stunned", // from Debilitate / Dirty Kick };
oops yes, is sleep dart I use mostly. The other one is Slice Droid like the one the Jedi Sentinel has. I see why there is the problem then... I will try to use slice droid when possible then instead of sleep dart. Thanks. I see why juggernaut is working that well hehe...and in aoe he first adds the debuff with aoe and then uses the crushing blow..just awesome. I also took a look of all the cc with notepad plus and all seem perfectly configured too. This combat routine makes me wanna play every class and every spec
Update from the SVN, I just put the debuff names for Sleep Dart and some other classes in the CrowdControlled section. I then linked the CrowdControlled to the ShouldAoE calls. I haven't tested, but it should work well now.
UpdatedWill test and tell you how is going. I know that I am overdoing it, but I just added another line to my Interrupts:
Spell.Cast("Legacy Force Choke", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && Me.HasBuff("Heroic Moment: Advance Recon") && Me.CurrentTarget.StrongOrGreater()),
Hope I wrote it right. Will test the cc thing and will edit my post to inform you.