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i try to delete them. I use Unpure, makes it a different?
UnPure is just Pure with movement enabled. It will still only move with the profile you're using.
i try to delete them. I use Unpure, makes it a different?
Ok. I deleted them, but the bot doesnt cast any abillities like 'Rack Blast' 'Quick Shot' 'Blaster Whip'. I dont know if the bot is supposed to do that?
Spell.Cast("Distraction", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <= 1f),
Spell.Buff("Crouch", ret => !Me.IsInCover() && !Me.IsMoving),
Spell.CastOnGround("XS Freighter Flyby", ret => ShouldAOE(3, 1f)),
Spell.Cast("Sabotage Charge", ret => Me.IsInCover()),
Spell.Cast("Shoot First", ret => Me.HasBuff("Stealth")),
Spell.Cast("Back Blast"),
Spell.Cast("Vital Shot", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Bleeding (Tech)")),
Spell.Cast("Charged Burst", ret => Me.IsInCover() && Me.EnergyPercent >= 70),
Spell.Cast("Quick Shot", ret => Me.EnergyPercent >= 70),
Spell.Cast("Flurry of Bolts")
Ok. Maybe i have to learn more about Scoundrel Rotation. Ty.
I encounterned a new problem. When the bot tries to attack a patrolling mob the character went to crouch, the mob walks away and the character stucks on his pos. Is it related to Pure or to my Profile?
Selfmade stuff:I've never seen that happen. The bot will crouch, then un-crouch and follow the mob, then attack. What profile are you using?
<Profile xmlns="">
<Name>[R]Tatooine 25-28+ grind</Name>
<Hotspot Name="Republic Medical Droid" X="81.85789" Y="44.50876" Z="-160.7203" />
<GrindArea Name="Jundland#1">
<mob>Distressed Rill</mob>
<mob>Gamorrean Guard</mob>
<mob>Czerka Gunman</mob>
<mob>Gamorrean Sentry</mob>
<Hotspot Name="Gamorrean Guard" X="65.92614" Y="44.48411" Z="-196.7079" />
<Hotspot Name="Czerka Gunman" X="57.3148" Y="44.44733" Z="-200.2595" />
<Hotspot Name="Gamorrean Guard" X="69.07126" Y="44.476" Z="-201.8063" />
<Hotspot Name="Gamorrean Guard" X="61.2982" Y="43.46266" Z="-204.1081" />
<Hotspot Name="Gamorrean Sentry" X="57.763" Y="44.45485" Z="-205.1167" />
<Grind GrindRef="Jundland#1" While="Me.Level < 28" />
It seems that the bot try to engage combat at maximum once the mob walks some yards until you crouch, you are out of range. The fix should be to lower the pull range but I have no idea how to do that in Buddywing...I don't even know if it is from the bot or the combat routine. The only "fix" you can do is bypass the crouch as starting combat ability in the cc... by adding a Me.InCombat into crouch ability. So the bot first will pull with an ability that will use instant when in range with enemy and then he will crouch.
Go to Buddy Wing\Routines\PureSwtor\Classes\Scoundrel and open the file of the spec you play with Notepad++ and change the
Spell.Buff("Crouch", ret => !Me.IsInCover() && !Me.IsMoving),
Spell.Buff("Crouch", ret => !Me.IsInCover() && !Me.IsMoving && Me.InCombat),
as a temporary solution until someone with better knowledge on the bot explain something different
has anyone successfully used this routine for afk bot questing or even grinding profiles? It doesn't move for me, even if i switch it to unpure...
Does anyone use Pure for healing in Flashpoints / Operations? I would love some feedback about the healing capabilities! I checked the profiles for the 2 classes I am trying to narrow down, Merc and Op, and I cannot see something wrong with the priorities. However, are there any hickups I should know about?
Also, which one of the 2 is more optimized?
Dulfy said:The Bodyguard Mercenary is by far the hardest healing class to play, and the only one that has access to a little bit of everything, but doesn’t excel at anything.