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Pure SWTor

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Also updated specs:
Assassin - darkness
Marauder - rage
Gunslinger - saboteur, sharpshooter
Juggernaut - rage

From what I can tell lethality/dirty fighting are impossible to get right due to both dots having identical rebuff names.

I will be working on sorcerer lightning and madness builds this week sometime if you actually want the updated files.

Forgot to add...
From what I can tell lethality/dirty fighting are impossible to get right due to both dots having identical rebuff names.

Damn, I was looking forward to an improved Dirty Fighting routine :P How is your energy management on your SharpShooter routine?
For the Gunslinger dirty fighting, just see what I did with Scoundrel dirty fighting. You're right that there is no way to track the debuff (since it has the same name), but Ama was able to come up with a special call for DoTs that works around the problem.

As for the other builds, what exactly are you doing? Is there something that's not working? Most of those look like mirrors for my Republic profiles, I'm guessing I never got around to mirroring them properly. For the Assassin/darkness and Knight/rage trees, just copy what I have for Shadow/Infiltration and Guardian/Focus and you should be fine. Sorc lightning works fine, what are you trying to change there?

I can't get to much anymore because school is back in (I'm finishing my PhD) and I have precious little free time. If you can give me a focused idea of what's wrong I can try to fix it, but it may take awhile. If what you're doing is adding personal preference stuff (to make leveling easier) then I'll leave that to you.
Hey Ama, I just decided to return to SWTOR and I decided to give BW a go. From everything I read, your CR is Lazyraider/Tyrael style, which is what I am looking for! I only have 4 questions that I did not see addressed ( or I might have skipped them ).

1. What kind of healing logic does your CR use? For example; keep target above 90%, yourself 65% and raid group 50%? When does it decide to use its big/medium/small heals and CDs?

2. I read that there are alot of issues with the nav server. Since movement is manual, will this affect me when navserver is down? I assume so, but I am not that familiar with the bot yet.

3. Could you make a list or reference on your first post about which specs work as intended, which are coded but not fully tested and which are not implemented yet? This would be very useful!

4. Is it useable in Warzones? I have read that the bot is semi useless inside them. On open world pvp it should be fine though, right?

Thank you so much for your time and efforts, you and guys like alltrueist, aquintus and waltz in keeping the SWTOR community alive!

The Healing Logic is nowhere near as fancy as something like Oracle, but that's a limitation of our bot. Mostly, the rotation has a set of priorities and a set of health percentages. There is no way for the routine to see who the tank is, so you'll have to set the tank via the options menu (F8 in game). Certain routines (my scoundrel one, for example) have different priorities for tanks than for other members. If you don't set the tank, it'll assume you are the tank, which can be a problem.

Nav server goes down frequently, but the good news is you can still use Pure (not UnPure) when that happens and bot by hand.

All specs are working and supported, but not everything is equally functional. The people who work on rotations do not have every character in every spec, so testing is not always possible. If you find a problem with a rotation, post it here and we can try to fix it.

It should work in warzones, you'll have to bot at the keyboard though. I assume most people saying you can't use it in warzones are expecting an AFK type of bot, which won't work here (it's debatable how well it work in HB).

Hope that helps. Like I said before, I'm extremely busy with school stuff, but I'll try to work any fixes you guys find. I also want to stress that I have zero coding background (I'm a film student) and all of the credit needs to go to Ama for setting up a template so simple and elegant that a monkey like me can write routines. :D
It's not that there is something wrong specifically. Like for Saboteur there were key skills missing from the attack rotation, the disrupt wasn't in use, the aoe knockback was missing. Basically I'm going through and updating all the profiles for characters I actually have which are:

Operative, Juggernaut, Marauder, Gunslinger, Mercenary, Assassin, Sorcerer

I guess you could say I'm fine tuning the routines, and was just offering them up since they run smoother and don't die as often.

For the Gunslinger dirty fighting, just see what I did with Scoundrel dirty fighting. You're right that there is no way to track the debuff (since it has the same name), but Ama was able to come up with a special call for DoTs that works around the problem.

And I'll look into this for the Gunslinger/Sniper routines. I tried running it last night and all it did was through shrap bomb constantly.
People complained about the interrupts being used automatically, so we set it to only use interrupts when you're running the UnPure rotation (the afk version of Pure). The other stuff I'm not sure about, like I said, I only have a Scoundrel so I can't test anything.

Editing the rotations for your personal preferences is totally encouraged however. The rotations are really just designed for end-game raiding and flashpoints, but with some minor tweaks they can run anything.
Thank you for your response alltrueist, I got the information I needed! From your experience so far, which classes/specs perform optimal dps? For example, from the logs I have seen Snipers/Marauders seem to top the charts, but is the energy management for example good enough to perform an optimal rotation? Or is such functionality limited by the SWTOR code?
Thank you for your response alltrueist, I got the information I needed! From your experience so far, which classes/specs perform optimal dps? For example, from the logs I have seen Snipers/Marauders seem to top the charts, but is the energy management for example good enough to perform an optimal rotation? Or is such functionality limited by the SWTOR code?

We are limited in regards to energy management (the bot will blow all its energy until a certain percent and then conserve up to a percent and the blow everything again), but every single rotation we have should be optimal. If you find a rotation that is missing a key ability, or has priorities wrong, please do not hesitate to post here. If/when you do post, though, remember that we can't test everything. This means that a post like "sniper dps sux" isn't helpful at all, but a post like "snipers should be using ability x before they use ability y" is super helpful.

Hey again.
I still haven't had the chance to play with my gunslinger, since he isn't level 55 yet :P However, I decided to look at the code and I found some differences between DirtyFighting and Lethality in the latest revision. I don't know if they are intended, just slipped or do not matter, but I would like to point them out.

1. On Lethality, the Balistic Shield cd is commented, while the DF's Scrambling Field is uncommented.

2. Some abilities require Cover to work according to noxxxic, but they do not have ret => Me.IsInCover() on their line. These are Sabotage Charge/Explosive Probe and it is missing from Speed Shot, while Series of Shots has it.

3. Unless I missed it, only Lethality has Crouch in it's code.

4. Shouldn't crouch be higher? Sabotage Charge/ Explosive Probe require Cover and are high on our priority, so if someone does not manually use his cover skill, they will be skipped, right?

Now some notes / questions about the rotation. I actually have not played with this rotation, so I do not know if I rise valid points or not.

5. Without any kind of knowledge about how PrioritySelector works, I assume that if the conditions of one line apply, it keeps spamming the same skill until the conditions are not met. However it could also mean that it reads the line, checks the condition, executes it and then moves to the next one until the end, where it returns to the beginning, like an actual rotation.
If it isn't like a rotation, and may repeat one line many times, Shock Charge, Shrap Bomb and Vital Shot are a waste of energy if cast repeatedly. Still, I think it works like a rotation, so this point shouldn't be valid.

6. Even if the above is not valid, still when it completes a full rotation and reaches these dot spells, the debuffs should be nowhere near close to expiring. So, how can we track our individual debuffs? I saw the conversation with websyphen85 and I looked at your code, you have (what I can guess) a delay in msecs, which is one solution. Should this be applied to the Gunslinger DF code as well?

7. Also, is it possible to add a button override (or Hotkey) on HandleSingleTarget mainly for the interrupt? For example, let's say we place Sentinel's Force Kick (or any Interrupt) on number 1. The normal PrioritySelector would keep playing, but if we hold 1 (customizable hotkey) , only SpellCast("Force Kick") would be called. I am not familiar with the call for keypresses and hotkeys.

8. Seeing how Scoundrel Sawbones rotation goes, I believe a PvP rotation should be created ( for any healer actually). The difference between good and bad healers are the dispells. I have seen many bad healers let Watchmen Sentinel ramp up to their fullest and good healers dispelling their DoTs to the point of making them cry ( not the smash monkey tree, but if left undispelled can still do great damage). So, the Spell.Dispell should be higher for pvp reasons imo.
Quick question, is it possible to call a mount from Unpure?

No, but that's not a Pure/UnPure issue, it's a BW issue. When 2.0 hit, Bioware changed mounts from spells to items, so now BW has difficulty using them. Aevitas was working on it, as far as I know.
No, but that's not a Pure/UnPure issue, it's a BW issue. When 2.0 hit, Bioware changed mounts from spells to items, so now BW has difficulty using them. Aevitas was working on it, as far as I know.
yeah, read about it. So its an issue that still needs resolving?

Btw is it possible to Not attack pvp enabled people? In CZ-198 youve got shared areas, and sometimes the bot would attack pvp enabled other faction...
Hello i have problem witch installation PureSWTOR

Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.1033.425
Logging in ...
Login Success!
User is a Warrior
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael Borkowski \ Desktop \ Buddy \ Routines \ DefaultCombat \ DefaultCombat \ Rest.cs ( 13,17 ) : error CS0234 : The type or namespace ' Core ' does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( if not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael Borkowski \ Desktop \ Buddy \ Routines \ DefaultCombat \ DefaultCombat \ Rest.cs ( 16,17 ) : error CS0234 : The type or namespace " Managers " does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( if not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael Borkowski \ Desktop \ Buddy \ Routines \ DefaultCombat \ DefaultCombat \ Scavenge.cs ( 14,17 ) : error CS0234 : The type or namespace ' Core ' does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( if not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace ' Core ' does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace " Managers " does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace ' Core ' does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace " Managers " does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace ' Core ' does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace " Managers " does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace ' Core ' does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace " Managers " does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace ' Core ' does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace " Managers " does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace ' Core ' does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace " Managers " does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael Borkowski \ Desktop \ Buddy \ Routines \ DefaultCombat \ DefaultCombat \ Routines \ Basic \ RotationBase.cs ( 5,17 ) : error CS0234 : The type or namespace " Managers " does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Unhandled exception during init : System.InvalidOperationException : No routines were loaded . Please ensure code there is a routine for your class before starting the bot.
***in Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.SetCurrentCombatRoutine ( )
***in Buddywing.MainWindow.DoInitialization ( )
Buddy Wing : The Old Robot is ready !
Current bot set to Grind Bot
Loaded profile [ R] Makeba 51-55 Grind
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael Borkowski \ Desktop \ Buddy \ Routines \ DefaultCombat \ DefaultCombat \ Rest.cs ( 13,17 ) : error CS0234 : The type or namespace ' Core ' does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( if not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael Borkowski \ Desktop \ Buddy \ Routines \ DefaultCombat \ DefaultCombat \ Rest.cs ( 16,17 ) : error CS0234 : The type or namespace " Managers " does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( if not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael Borkowski \ Desktop \ Buddy \ Routines \ DefaultCombat \ DefaultCombat \ Scavenge.cs ( 14,17 ) : error CS0234 : The type or namespace ' Core ' does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( if not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace ' Core ' does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace " Managers " does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace ' Core ' does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace " Managers " does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace ' Core ' does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace " Managers " does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace ' Core ' does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace " Managers " does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace ' Core ' does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace " Managers " does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace ' Core ' does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael : Error CS0234 : The type or namespace " Managers " does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .
Compiler Error: c : \ Users \ Michael Borkowski \ Desktop \ Buddy \ Routines \ DefaultCombat \ DefaultCombat \ Routines \ Basic \ RotationBase.cs ( 5,17 ) : error CS0234 : The type or namespace " Managers " does not exist in the namespace " PureSWTor " ( or not missing an assembly reference ? ) .

What I have yet to install?

Or even better. How to install because you do not know at this xD?
Looks like an issue with your compiled assemblies. Delete everything from that folder and restart BW. As a tip: I have to clear out my Compiled Assemblies every single time I run BW, so you might have to get in the habit of doing that.
Maybe its just something I'm doing and not realizing (yet) but pure seems to work like 50% of the time for me, even on clean installs. I always clear out my compile folder yadda yadda, but still sometimes it will heal ooc sometimes it wont, unless I have everything toggled on which sucks because I'm not ever going to use any of the profiles, because lets face it they all kinda suck with what the bot can do currently. Anyways same issue with the targeting toggle, sometimes it works just fine, targets the weakest in combat then it stops working and just starts randomly targeting everything ooc.

tl;dr shit breaks how do I make it work right for playing by hand lazy status
I just want it to heal ooc, fight shit when I initiate it and target in combat
I'm looking for ret =>, The condition is only use "spell 2" only when "spell 1" is on cool down, is it possible?

I have tried !Spell.Usable / !Spell.IsUsable and few others along those lines but none are recognised.

Any ideas?
Maybe its just something I'm doing and not realizing (yet) but pure seems to work like 50% of the time for me, even on clean installs. I always clear out my compile folder yadda yadda, but still sometimes it will heal ooc sometimes it wont, unless I have everything toggled on which sucks because I'm not ever going to use any of the profiles, because lets face it they all kinda suck with what the bot can do currently. Anyways same issue with the targeting toggle, sometimes it works just fine, targets the weakest in combat then it stops working and just starts randomly targeting everything ooc.

tl;dr shit breaks how do I make it work right for playing by hand lazy status
I just want it to heal ooc, fight shit when I initiate it and target in combat

I'm not even sure what problems you're facing, your post is vague and confusing. Which routine are you using? Which class/AC? How many points in your talent trees? What happens when you start a fight? What do you expect to happen (or what should happen)? If there's a problem with the rotation being sub-optimal, we can fix it; if there's a problem with BW, there's not much we can do.
I'm looking for ret =>, The condition is only use "spell 2" only when "spell 1" is on cool down, is it possible?

I have tried !Spell.Usable / !Spell.IsUsable and few others along those lines but none are recognised.

Any ideas?

What are you trying to get to work? There might be a way to do this or there might be a way to work around it, but it'd help to know exactly which ability you're trying to manipulate.