I want to use "Burst Volley" only when "Speed Shot" is on cooldown otherwise it's a waste.
Tried that and didn't work, Sadly.
I think it's because Burst Volley is not on GCD and as thus, Why I was looking for a condition to cast if another spell is on CD.
is this CC the same as pure rotation on honour buddy....i've just re-installed SWtoR after a long time away and wanting to run something like my WoW bot. i'll only be trying BW on a 1 day pass and wanting to test some CC's before i activate my account again...gonna try it on FTP on a sorceror and powertech. a bit of prio information would be helpful thanx
my toons are level 50 now i'm getting compiler error for pure any ideas ?
I don't know if anyone else has experienced it, but when I run Pure Rotation (lazyraider style), it sometimes stops attacking. I have not enabled the plugins Autoequip and Open Lockboxes. Also, I do not think a log will help, because nothing is actually shown on it. It seems to stop on a normal step of the rotation. Any thoughts on this? F9 also does not appear to fix it.
hit F12 twice to disable to auto resis it possible to disable the ressing at grave yard thing....its annoying in FP's when i have to run whole place when i'm near end....when i die i dont the option to use a res bot thing.it auto resses at GY
hit F12 twice to disable to auto res
i'm using pure with Kicks combat profile...not sure if there's a stand alone profile i should be using.i'm probably using the whole thing wrong. would be awesome if i could get some help to get the best out of this.....Also whats the difference between pure rotation and unpure rotation option in routine drop list?
is there anyway to get Unpure to mount?
>> Casting << Laze Target
>> Casting << Target Acquired
>> Casting << Shatter Shot
>> Casting << Rifle Shot
>> Casting << Series of Shots
>> Casting << Explosive Probe
>> Casting << Corrosive Grenade
>> Casting << Interrogation Probe
>> Casting << Ambush
>> Casting << Interrogation Probe
>> Casting << Rifle Shot
>> Casting << Snipe
>> Casting << Interrogation Probe
>> Casting << Interrogation Probe
>> Casting << Interrogation Probe
>> Casting << Interrogation Probe
>> Casting << Rifle Shot
>> Casting << Rifle Shot
>> Casting << Interrogation Probe
>> Casting << Rifle Shot
>> Casting << Series of Shots
,ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Interrogation Probe (Tech)")),
Error :
Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite' because its is not a delegate type
For example : Spell.Cast("Interrogation Probe"),ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Interrogation Probe (Tech)")),