Can this CC be used to heal and if so how does it work....Do i just right click on person to be healed on UI and bot does it for me ? would love to test out healing on this bot if it does
You put:
You've got an extra ) in there after "Interrogation Probe"
Spell.Cast("Interrogation Probe", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Interrogation Probe (Tech)")),
I don't have SWTOR or visual studio installed on my laptop and my PC is broken right now, so I can't double-check, but that should work. If it doesn't, then make sure the name of the debuff is correct.
Thank you very much, that did the trick. I feel so embarrassed now, should have caught that. The funny thing is now Corrosive Grenade is doing the same thing now so, I'm gunna recycle the code with the other DoTs(should fix them too). Thanks again for looking over my rustyness
EDIT : It doesn't spam anymore but when i recycle the code for the Corrosive Grenade with in game is Poisoned (Tech), the other DoT does not active due to (I'm sure) to the Corrosive Dart sharing the (same?) Poisoned (Tech) debuff. Is there something i missed or have to add too much code to fix?
Same-name debuffs are a huge issue with the SWTOR code. There's no way to do it, but Ama put a work-around in the code with Spell.DoT search this thread for our discussion on how it works, he walked me through it pretty nicely.
The good news is I ordered the parts for my new PC, so in a few weeks I will be able to check code for you![]()
Unhandled exception during init: System.Exception: This version of Buddy Wing does not support this build of SWTOR! [Current: 982114, Supported: 981514]
at Buddy.Swtor.BuddyTor.Initialize(Process proc)
at Buddywing.MainWindow.DoInitialization()
When i press F8 i get an empty config box there is no text all in it..i have re-installed pure 3 times and still the same help please
also i cant find the built in profile in pure..i'm having to use kicks combat profile could that be the reason i see no text in config panel ?
nothing works as usual i just have a blank config box
yes i ma using the combat routine inside of pure and still a blank box..its frustrating as i cant adjust settings also bot stops working on certain mobs when doing dailiesAre you using the Combat Bot.xml inside the pure routine?
Isn't working. Causes BW to crash.
Hey all,
So I finally built my new machine, and I've got SWTOR and BW and Visual Studio re-downloaded and working. I've been away for 2 months+ now and it looks like Joe came back and got his routine updated, and Walter is about to release his updated routine any week now.
From what I can tell, it looks like Ama is no longer with us, and it doesn't look like Aquintus is updating either.
I'd like to keep Pure going because I feel like it fits a great niche (lightweight, low-memory-usage, end-game, at-the-keyboard routine), but there's no way I have enough 1. coding knowledge and 2. class/spec experience to do it alone.
What I'd like is if people could let me know which routines aren't working well or at all anymore. When you do so, please let me know what needs to change. I only have 4 main classes and a few mid-level alts to test with, and I never remember ability names among the specs.
So, please let me know what profiles need updating, and what, specifically, you need them to do. Thanks!
think the dps sage routine still tries to prioritize heal