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Pure SWTor

What the right way to add oil slick to the BH routine?

Spell.CastonGround("Oil Slick"), not working
Does it just never cast it? If so, try changing these lines in the Composite HandleAOE to this and report back:

return new Decorator(ret => ShouldAOE(1, Distance.MeleeAoE),

Spell.CastOnGround("Oil Slick", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance > Distance.MeleeAoE),
Good deal, you can change the count in the ShouldAOE(1, Distance.MeleeAoE) from 1 to a higher number if you find that it's casting too frequently. Default is 3 I believe, but I use a value of 2 for my Vanguard's Pulse Cannon ability.
Regarding Pure.

Hey Ama, and all. :)

Ive tried multiple times, over the past few weeks to install this Routine. I cant get it to work. Ive tried searching through this topic multiple times, with no solution.
It comes up with a Compiler Error, every time. Ive got Net. Framework 4.5. Ive tried naming the folders Pure, PureSWTor, Unpure. I tried searching through the files in the folder, ive tried everything i can possibly think of.
Im lost, and would like some help. At this point, im nearing the "IMA RIP MY HAIR OUT!".

So, heres a log from the most recent try. Any help would be greatly and incredibly helpful. Ill throw you Air-cookies.


View attachment PureSWTor Log.txt
I actually get Compiler Errors every single time I initially start BW. I asked Ama about it awhile ago, and he made it sound like he's aware of it, but a fix wasn't easy.

Good news is there's an easy workaround. First, anticipate that EVERY SINGLE TIME you start BW, you'll get a compiler error from Pure.

What I do:
1. Start BW while in game and loaded into the area I want to run.
2. BW spits out a shit-ton of errors.
3. Close BW.
4. Go the CompiledAssemblies folder in BW, delete everything.
5. Re-start BW.
6. At this point, you shouldn't have any compiler errors, and should be able to select Pure from the drop-down menu. If not, keep trying to clear out your CompliedAssemblies while restarting BW. They can be persistent bastards!

If this doesn't fix your issue, please post back here. Unfortunately, what I've given you exhausts the extent of my coding knowledge (I just write routines from Ama's framework), but hopefully someone smarter than I can help.
I actually get Compiler Errors every single time I initially start BW. I asked Ama about it awhile ago, and he made it sound like he's aware of it, but a fix wasn't easy.

Good news is there's an easy workaround. First, anticipate that EVERY SINGLE TIME you start BW, you'll get a compiler error from Pure.

What I do:
1. Start BW while in game and loaded into the area I want to run.
2. BW spits out a shit-ton of errors.
3. Close BW.
4. Go the CompiledAssemblies folder in BW, delete everything.
5. Re-start BW.
6. At this point, you shouldn't have any compiler errors, and should be able to select Pure from the drop-down menu. If not, keep trying to clear out your CompliedAssemblies while restarting BW. They can be persistent bastards!

If this doesn't fix your issue, please post back here. Unfortunately, what I've given you exhausts the extent of my coding knowledge (I just write routines from Ama's framework), but hopefully someone smarter than I can help.

Just to be sure, I need to have the file in the base routines folder correct? Like this: Buddywing/Routines/PureSwtor
I have it linked to the svn and it's updated. Also in the Buddywing/Routines/ folder is DefaultCombat, I leave that there as well, correct?
Hi jackshptp,

There is presently an issue with starting BW affecting all users. You will probably have to wait until this issue is resolved before attempting to solve your compiler error issue. There is no ETA as of yet, but please check the other forum thread on the topic for updates.

Just to be sure, I need to have the file in the base routines folder correct? Like this: Buddywing/Routines/PureSwtor
I have it linked to the svn and it's updated. Also in the Buddywing/Routines/ folder is DefaultCombat, I leave that there as well, correct?

Yes to both questions. I would change the DefaultCombat to Walter's routine though.
One more question(hopefully), I saw the GUI folder but I can't find anything other than earlier posts in this thread about it. I think it said to press F8 for GUI, F9 to pause rotation. I tried both both and neither of them seemed to work, whether I pressed them with BW in the foreground or SWTOR in the foreground. Is it still possible to use the GUI?
One more question(hopefully), I saw the GUI folder but I can't find anything other than earlier posts in this thread about it. I think it said to press F8 for GUI, F9 to pause rotation. I tried both both and neither of them seemed to work, whether I pressed them with BW in the foreground or SWTOR in the foreground. Is it still possible to use the GUI?

Those both worked for me last time I tried them. Make sure SWTOR is your active window and Pure is loaded and try again.
Big thanks to Alltrueist, aquintus and everyone who has worked on this Routine! Also, thanks for the community support!

I have been away a little bit with Army training last month and then school started back. I also have been into weightlifting for about a month and love it. I haven't really logged on to swtor for about a month lol.

That being said, I will be providing support for Pure between 12:30pm - 3:00pm EST every Wednesday!
If you have any requests, please submit them in a clear and concise form and not in a wall of text (b/c I wont read it). I will also be on skype at that time, so just PM me your skype name and Ill add you.

Thanks again to everyone for the great support!
That's great news, Pure is awesome!

Is frame locking possible or is that to big of a project?
That's great news, Pure is awesome!

Is frame locking possible or is that to big of a project?

The raid bot plugin can wrap a framelock around the routine. doesnt set fps though
Hey Ama, I just decided to return to SWTOR and I decided to give BW a go. From everything I read, your CR is Lazyraider/Tyrael style, which is what I am looking for! I only have 4 questions that I did not see addressed ( or I might have skipped them ).

1. What kind of healing logic does your CR use? For example; keep target above 90%, yourself 65% and raid group 50%? When does it decide to use its big/medium/small heals and CDs?

2. I read that there are alot of issues with the nav server. Since movement is manual, will this affect me when navserver is down? I assume so, but I am not that familiar with the bot yet.

3. Could you make a list or reference on your first post about which specs work as intended, which are coded but not fully tested and which are not implemented yet? This would be very useful!

4. Is it useable in Warzones? I have read that the bot is semi useless inside them. On open world pvp it should be fine though, right?

Thank you so much for your time and efforts, you and guys like alltrueist, aquintus and waltz in keeping the SWTOR community alive!
hello, I have been working on the Gunslinger Saboteur routine for the past 3 hours.

It seems to be stuck in a loop when trying to cast Scrambling Field. I have double checked the spelling three times, and then removed it from the routine all together to verify this was the problem.

 private Composite HandleCoolDowns
                return new PrioritySelector(
                    Spell.Buff("Crouch", ret => !Me.IsInCover()),
					Spell.Buff("Scrambling Field", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 70),                    
                    Spell.Buff("Defense Screen", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 50),
                    Spell.Buff("Dodge", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 30),
                    Spell.Buff("Cool Head", ret => Me.EnergyPercent <= 50),
                    Spell.Buff("Smuggler's Luck"),
                    Spell.Buff("Illegal Mods")

This is the code originally, and this is what it is using without having a problem.

private Composite HandleCoolDowns
                return new PrioritySelector(
                    Spell.Buff("Crouch", ret => !Me.IsInCover()),
					Spell.Buff("Defense Screen", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 50),
                    Spell.Buff("Dodge", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 30),
                    Spell.Buff("Cool Head", ret => Me.EnergyPercent <= 50),
                    Spell.Buff("Smuggler's Luck"),
                    Spell.Buff("Illegal Mods")

I also rewrote most of the Saboteur combat script so it actually functions correctly and in the proper order. Wondering if I could submit it for an update.