Ya i tried running a4 yesterday and couldnt handle how slow it was, so I closed it. Especially the gardens of hope, just stands there.
Probably on Trinity .25. A4 works awesome.
Ya i tried running a4 yesterday and couldnt handle how slow it was, so I closed it. Especially the gardens of hope, just stands there.
Doesnt DB opt u to update your beta client every time you open it? if so then I had latest version at the time.Probably on Trinity .25. A4 works awesome.
Doesnt DB opt u to update your beta client every time you open it? if so then I had latest version at the time.
lol im so out of it, my trinity is version 1.8.4.Has nothing to do with Demonbuddy, Trinity is a plugin.
hey sychotix,
act 1 is pretty much mostly afkable now safe for a few glitches.. one of em is
Line 93:
There is a space missing causing it to fail loading.. should be..Code:<MoveToActor questId="1" timeout="5000"stepId="2" actorId="107076" />
Code:<MoveToActor questId="1" timeout="5000" stepId="2" actorId="107076" />
Another one is the issue with getting to the butcher because the explorer is trying to explore fields that are not reachable (do not exist). Simple solution for that is to reduce boxsize to 5 and increase the tolerance.. been playing around with it 5 and 0.25 seem to work pretty well. Though I have only tested this with female wizard no clue how other character models will behave since there seem to be differences depending on class and gender (which makes no sense but oh well ~_~)
to:Code:<TrinityExploreDungeon questId="312429" stepId="2" until="ObjectFound" actorId="158944" boxSize="10" boxTolerance="0.05" objectDistance="70">
Code:<TrinityExploreDungeon questId="312429" stepId="2" until="ObjectFound" actorId="158944" boxSize="5" boxTolerance="0.25" objectDistance="70">
Also since its in a pretty stable state now we should maybe change it to operate same way act4 does move on to the next bounty from last one instead of going town first..
<TrinityMobSettings TrashPackSize="10" TrashPackClusterRadius="20"/>
<TrinityMobSettings reset="true"/>
-Den of Fallen once entered level 1 it stopped and goes out to the exit again.
-Bounty: The cursed chamber of bone
Did not inspect the shrine to cleanse the chamber (instead just stopped somewhere nearby)
Bounty: The cursed chamber of bone (375198_cursed_chamber_of_bone)
Did not inspect the shrine to cleanse the chamber (instead just stopped somewhere nearby)
Loaded profile The Cursed Chamber of Bone (375198)
Using Waypoint. Number:2
[Trinity] Waiting for Event
This zip file can be unzipped to DB/Profiles/Bounties/Acts/A1. It should attempt to overwrite modified files.
[Profiles] Adventure Mode Bounties - Community Edition - Kyriakos A1 Resolutions - all credit goes to sychotix and other community devs - these fixes are personal fixes that I'm using to attempt to make this profile less 'hands on'.
v .6 - View attachment 126508
-- 344488 - Vendor Armorer - Resolves character hanging if exit (door) is below a balcony
-- 345488 - Clear Den of the Fallen - Resolves Den of the Fallen hanging
-- 347097 - Kill Digger O Dell - Resolves Digger O Dell Portal Hanging
-- 349020 - Matriarch's Bones - Resolved issue with hanging going in, as well as hanging during event
Other Reported Issues Under Investigation:
Code:Bounty: The cursed chamber of bone (375198_cursed_chamber_of_bone) Did not inspect the shrine to cleanse the chamber (instead just stopped somewhere nearby) Loaded profile The Cursed Chamber of Bone (375198) Using Waypoint. Number:2 [Trinity] Waiting for Event
Please continue to report (PM is fine) issues that aren't listed above for Act I. Hopefully the SVN maintainer will take these resolutions after testing.
Thanks kyriakos, will test it out and will let you know soon!thanks again for the hard work
Just found that TrinityMoveToSNO may work better in Matriarch for a different spot I hadn't run into testing before. Running some final testing/tweaking, will post a new version soon.