It is with gold inactivity on, I guess.
The bot is extremely slow at gathering caches, though. Even if most of the time it compeltes quests just fine, A LOT of the time it will fail to complete at least one quest, then leave the game, which means you won't get a cache for it.
I watched my bot do the quest for "The Cursed Bellows / Deathfire" right now, and it found the chest just fine, then cleansed it and even got double chest. This was the 5th bounty. Then it started spamming about how it was stuck (even though it was in an open area and all it had to do was town portal back to tyrael), and after a while gold inactivity kicked in any it tried to leave the game with 5/5 completed bounties! At that point I took over and handed in the bounty personally, before it could close the game...
So it is afkable in the sense that it will kill mobs and do bounties and such, but the chances that it'll encounter an error somewhere along the way from bounty 1 to bounty 5 is very high, so the rate at which it actually gathers caches is very slow. Maybe 1-2 an hour at best.
Incidentally, this is the error it gave me just now:
Act 1 Bounties
Loaded profile The Cursed Bellows / Deathfire
[Trinity] TrinityTownPortal started - clearing area, waitTime=2500, startHealth=330960
[Trinity] Town Portal timer finished
Using Waypoint. Number:17
Closing quest reward dialog
[Trinity] Clicking UI element Bounty Reward Dialog (905592832)
[Trinity] Active bounty returned null, Assuming done.
[Trinity] Bounty is done. Tag Finished.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #1 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #2 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #3 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #4 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #5 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #6 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #7 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #8 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #9 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #10 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #1 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #2 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #3 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #4 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #5 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #6 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #7 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #8 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #9 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #10 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="58983"
[Trinity] Gold inactivity after 123s. Sending abort.
[Trinity] Gold Inactivity timer tripped - Anti-stuck measures exiting current game.
Loaded profile The Cursed Bellows / Deathfire
[Trinity] New Game - resetting everything