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[Profiles] Adventure Mode Bounties - Community Edition

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A1 round 3 (with 115)

- Fecklar's Ghost: Good. Did Eternal War event (which wasn't the bounty) at the same time, not sure if this is intended but I don't mind, free XP.
- Khazra Den: Perfect
- Logrut the Warrior: Ok (probably helps the named mob is literally right next to the waypoint). The bot found the Gharbad event, went to both totem spots and attacked, but had not started the quest, then left and finished getting the 150 needed kills.
- Queen Araneae: Perfect
- Matriarch's Bones: Perfect
The bot keep having problems doing the last objective in "The precious ores" "Help Tashun the Miner find ores"/"Speak with Tashun"
Bot doesn't speak to him after doing everything else. Not sure if anyone else have been having issues with this.
The bot keep having problems doing the last objective in "The precious ores" "Help Tashun the Miner find ores"/"Speak with Tashun"
Bot doesn't speak to him after doing everything else. Not sure if anyone else have been having issues with this.

That is one of those that I have not encountered in a while =P The profiles still are not 100% working, thus why Act 1 is not quite AFKable yet. It will still leave the game if you have the gold inactivity timer on however, which would allow you to continue getting Act 1 caches.
That is one of those that I have not encountered in a while =P The profiles still are not 100% working, thus why Act 1 is not quite AFKable yet. It will still leave the game if you have the gold inactivity timer on however, which would allow you to continue getting Act 1 caches.

Yeah I know, thought I'd report anything I can observe however so that you know what to look for to improve the Act 1 profile :)
Just got the ring with good rolls on my alt while testing the Act 1 profiles! =) Hope you guys get lucky as well.
what is wrong ? my bot just completed all bounties but instead of returning to the town and talk to tyreal for reward - cache.. he just running around like a idiot
what is wrong ? my bot just completed all bounties but instead of returning to the town and talk to tyreal for reward - cache.. he just running around like a idiot

having the same issue. My guy isn't returning to town to turn in the cache, it is just running around farming the rest of the map.

EDIT: Happening in A4. Trinity .21, newest db beta.
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Just got the ring with good rolls on my alt while testing the Act 1 profiles! =) Hope you guys get lucky as well.

No worries, take as long as you need for Act 1 if it will be as good as Act 4. I went back to using Trinity .19 and now bot doesn't explore map after completing dungeon.

I would say Act 4 is 100% AFKable, just need to clear stash from time to time and open caches, at least with Trinity .19, I've run Act 4 for 48 hours straight with Trinity .19 just opening caches in mid day, before I go to sleep and after I wake up. Just need to fix the explore map bug and it will be golden, can run it for weeks IMO. And at rare times when it's stuck Gold inactivity of 5 minutes comes very handy.
having the same issue. My guy isn't returning to town to turn in the cache, it is just running around farming the rest of the map.

EDIT: Happening in A4. Trinity .21, newest db beta.

yeah same here, a4, trinity .21, db beta
No worries, take as long as you need for Act 1 if it will be as good as Act 4. I went back to using Trinity .19 and now bot doesn't explore map after completing dungeon.

I would say Act 4 is 100% AFKable, just need to clear stash from time to time and open caches, at least with Trinity .19, I've run Act 4 for 48 hours straight with Trinity .19 just opening caches in mid day, before I go to sleep and after I wake up. Just need to fix the explore map bug and it will be golden, can run it for weeks IMO. And at rare times when it's stuck Gold inactivity of 5 minutes comes very handy.

How did you downgrade trinity? I tried replacing it in the plugin folder with .19 and DB is still registering it as .21
By the way, how come the "known issue" section is never updated? We need to browse every page to look for possible similar issues... it'd save your effort too
By the way, how come the "known issue" section is never updated? We need to browse every page to look for possible similar issues... it'd save your effort too

Because instead of trying to update the first post, I'm fixing the bugs in the profiles and giving you guys pretty constant support lol
Because instead of trying to update the first post, I'm fixing the bugs in the profiles and giving you guys pretty constant support lol
Been lurking in this thread all day. I think you're doing great, Sychotix. Almost thought you were being payed by DB themselves for a bit, actually.
When i Run act 4, iv noticed that my bot cant tell that it finished a bounty anymore and just clears each and every map?
Ahh, you are right. I forgot that I switched to using waypoints in Act 4 =P Been working with Act 1 all day which uses TP's still.

It makes sense to use tp in A1 with all the DungeonExplore going on in Static worlds. Until they have movetos or ignore properties to stop them wandering into other zones. I asked you to not work on it too, now merge is going to be a bitch.
Because instead of trying to update the first post, I'm fixing the bugs in the profiles and giving you guys pretty constant support lol
You don't get my point. you'll save YOUR time by updating known issue section. No need to answer same question again and again and again(because over time most people will look at the main thread before asking existing problems). Not every user read all 250+pages like me. So that you have more time to fix bugs or whatever that pleases you.
That said, it's your post, do whatever you want.
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You don't get my point. you'll save YOUR time by updating known issue section. No need to answer same question again and again and again(because over time most people will look at the main thread before asking existing problems). Not every user read all 250+pages like me. So that you have more time to fix bugs or whatever that pleases you.
That said, it's your post, do whatever you want.

I hope I am not going too far in seconding this. You are doing god's work. May as well save yourself some time and help us out at the same time, Sychotix. Also, personally, I look at the known issues list and revision notes to collect my own data/observations and try to help solve the problem(s).

I have noticed you providing basically constant support which is awesome. Thank you for your fantastic work! If you decide not to update the first post then I'll get over it :D
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