I literally haven't updated anything since you first posted this, Act 4 is still currently perfect, 0 issues. Farmed 17 caches overnight was stoked.
Thanks so much for this. I also just sent you $20 to go towards your efforts on A1 and this amazing profile.
Hope you have an amazing day!![]()
Lol, act 4 bounty,
Garden 1st Tier
Bounty was to clean cursed shrine, and it went straight to Library of Hope to kill the boss lol
Thank you very much for the donation! =)
And I'm working as fast as my character can clear the bounties =P I'm honestly not sure why some people are experiencing it not completing all bounties, and I wish they would give more information than "It says these bounties aren't supported"
i also had the hell rift not supported issue i just deleted my db folder reinstalled db .384 and before i launched it i installed ezupdater. Once launched it auto updated the trinity to .20 then i restarted setup my settings again like ive done 100 times and i havn't had the problem since
Note:mine is also not having an issue with the cache
Synchotix, any fix to the issue mentioned 4-5 pages back on the bot getting stuck and just bumping into a wall in the silver spire/kill diablo quests?
Stuck @ Kill Diablo, the rest is relieved.
@Sychotix - this
And is there an optimal trinity setup for the profile as it is? Thanks in advance!
Nope. Set it up however you want and whatever works best for you. Also, stuck at diablo doesn't tell me what the bot was doing at the time. Where was it sitting? Did it engage Diablo? What phase was it? Etc.
Both the quests I got stuck at, it was just banging into a wall and repeating that action. He was still looking for the entrance. Before izual, he was just banging a wall before finding the great span, and for diablo, he was searching for the crystal arch, but all he did was bang a wall.
Neither of which particularly sound like a problem with my profiles, and more sound like pathing problems with DB =P Unless you are leaving out some information or didn't notice.
Also, I have now gone through two full sets of bounties with no problem. Please force an update with EZUpdater for Trinity/My Profiles. I will be uploading rev110 (I think it is) which just changes the order of the attributes of the TrinityExploreDungeon quests. Should have no effect on performance.