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[Profiles] Adventure Mode Bounties - Community Edition

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completed diablo no problem revision 109 db .384 and trinity .20. I guess ill post another one of these since it seems to be a good start to fixing a problem with a db profile


Step1: DELETE your db folder and all of its contents
Step2: Download DB from http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonbuddy-forum/151424-beta-demonbuddy-beta-builds.html extract wherever but DO NOT launch
Step3: Download EZUPDATER from http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonbuddy-forum/plugins/trinity/152028-ezupdater-plugin-updater.html extract to your plugins folder
Step4: Navigate to Plugins\Ezupdater inside that folder copy SharpSvn.dll and paste to the main directory for db
Step5: Launch DB and go to your plugins tab and activate trinity, questtools, then ezupdater at this point it should update your trinity automatically when it tells you to restart do so
Step6: You will have to setup trinity settings again as well as bot settings but at this point the profile should work

My trinity settings
-trigger range for elite combat set to 60
-trigger range for trash combat set to 35
-minimum trash mob pack size 1
-trash pack cluster radius 20
-ignore trash below health% .150
-extended and force kill summoners unchecked
-treasure goblins prioritize
-loot delay set to 500

Note:these settings are just what i use they are in no way the best. Set your trinity settings how you would like
Last edited:
Neither of which particularly sound like a problem with my profiles, and more sound like pathing problems with DB =P Unless you are leaving out some information or didn't notice.

Also, I have now gone through two full sets of bounties with no problem. Please force an update with EZUpdater for Trinity/My Profiles. I will be uploading rev110 (I think it is) which just changes the order of the attributes of the TrinityExploreDungeon quests. Should have no effect on performance.

I think I had the same problem:
Act 4 Bounties
Loaded profile Kill Diablo
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #1 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="129305"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1510.14ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #2 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="129305"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1515.05ms.
Did a fresh install of beta DB and trinity, everything works just fine now. Great work.
I think I had the same problem:
Act 4 Bounties
Loaded profile Kill Diablo
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #1 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="129305"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1510.14ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #2 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="129305"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1515.05ms.

Then give me more info! There is NO useful information in that log other than you are using the "Kill Diablo" profile. All that tells me is that with your current setup (which could be outdated), one of the many possibilities of maps/character combinations may have a pathing problem that may or may not be a profile problem.
Hello again mate!

Everything working fine for the last 4-5 days :)
A random error I encountered was just random, I just had to restart my Of, sometimes strange things just happen :)
I was more than happy for donating towards that great profile and will do again towards A1 bounties :)

Once again thank you!
Sychotix is kind of a big deal. <3
Was getting low on keys from all the rift testing, ran this for about 2 hours with no issues at all. Nice work on updating everything to the new format so quickly bud. :)
@cossie_topaloglou, Yup =) Thanks again for that donation. I should put some good work into Act 1 tomorrow since I won't have to mess around with Act 4 as much. A guy sent me a PM earlier today saying he would send me some profiles for Act 1, but I havn't gotten any yet. Hopefully he sends them before I wake up and start working on them so we don't duplicate profiles.

@NoWayLol, I try ;)

@WaitWhat, same answer as to cossie. Thankfully, Act 4 was short enough for people to make profiles quickly, and for it to be easy to manage. Act 1 is kind-of a beast on its own. There are 11 profiles total in Act 4's folder, which is all of them. There are 72 profiles in Act 1, and we aren't done yet.
Yes. People are experiencing problems with Act 4 at the moment other than possibly a pathing issue on Izual, please either ensure you are 100% updated on the SVN with the newest DB Beta, or do a fresh install to ensure that this is true. Act 4 SHOULD be mostly stable excluding Izual pathing.
@cossie_topaloglou, Yup =) Thanks again for that donation. I should put some good work into Act 1 tomorrow since I won't have to mess around with Act 4 as much. A guy sent me a PM earlier today saying he would send me some profiles for Act 1, but I havn't gotten any yet. Hopefully he sends them before I wake up and start working on them so we don't duplicate profiles.

@NoWayLol, I try ;)

@WaitWhat, same answer as to cossie. Thankfully, Act 4 was short enough for people to make profiles quickly, and for it to be easy to manage. Act 1 is kind-of a beast on its own. There are 11 profiles total in Act 4's folder, which is all of them. There are 72 profiles in Act 1, and we aren't done yet.

Hi sychotix,

Checking if we have all bounties complete
[Trinity] Bounties Complete count:5
Seems like we have 5 complete
Going back to town to turn it in.
[Trinity] TrinityTownPortal started - clearing area, waitTime=2500, startHealth=497126
[Trinity] Town Portal timer finished
Lets make sure we are actually in the right town
Attempting to interact with Tyrael
[Trinity] Clicking UI element Conversation Button (792047616)
[Trinity] Clicking UI element Conversation Button (792047616)
[Trinity] Clicking UI element Conversation Button (792047616)
[Trinity] Clicking UI element Conversation Button (792047616)
[Trinity] Clicking UI element Bounty Reward Dialog (731938816)
Should have interacted with him by now.
Leaving game, reason: No more bounties that we can do. Resetting game.
Last run acquired 228517 gold.
[Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
Waiting 14.9 seconds before next game...

The bot said that 5 bounties were completed, but when I checked the stash, no bounty bag in there, which means it does not receive the bounty bag. Have you ever encountered this?
sychotix can you pls post the changelogs new rev 110

I don't really keep a changelog. The big difference over the past couple of revs (there were some derp revs) was that I added an attribute to TrinityExploreDungeon so that it will not always clear the entire level, even after the bounty is completed.
Hi sychotix,

Checking if we have all bounties complete
[Trinity] Bounties Complete count:5
Seems like we have 5 complete
Going back to town to turn it in.
[Trinity] TrinityTownPortal started - clearing area, waitTime=2500, startHealth=497126
[Trinity] Town Portal timer finished
Lets make sure we are actually in the right town
Attempting to interact with Tyrael
[Trinity] Clicking UI element Conversation Button (792047616)
[Trinity] Clicking UI element Conversation Button (792047616)
[Trinity] Clicking UI element Conversation Button (792047616)
[Trinity] Clicking UI element Conversation Button (792047616)
[Trinity] Clicking UI element Bounty Reward Dialog (731938816)
Should have interacted with him by now.
Leaving game, reason: No more bounties that we can do. Resetting game.
Last run acquired 228517 gold.
[Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
Waiting 14.9 seconds before next game...

The bot said that 5 bounties were completed, but when I checked the stash, no bounty bag in there, which means it does not receive the bounty bag. Have you ever encountered this?

This is not true. With the new version of trinity, I believe it opens up the caches automatically.
Act1 suggestion.

Have the profile check if it can do all available bounties and if not reset game. Haven't tested act1 that much more then i know its very buggy so maybe that would help?
Act1 suggestion.

Have the profile check if it can do all available bounties and if not reset game. Haven't tested act1 that much more then i know its very buggy so maybe that would help?

At that point, it wouldn't even be worth running Act 1. Just run Act 4 and have a chance at Act 1 stuff as well.
Small problem by act 4 bounty, bot isnt stuck at all hes standing around like moron....

Loaded profile Silver Spire 1 Kill 100 and boss
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #1 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1507.03ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #2 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1506.30ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #3 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1506.34ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #4 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1505.61ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #5 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1506.28ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #6 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1505.29ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #7 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1507.02ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #8 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1506.25ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #9 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1505.46ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #10 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1505.61ms.
[Trinity] Unstucking measures failed. Now stopping Trinity unstucker for 12 minutes to inactivity timers to kick in or DB to auto-fix.
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1505.35ms.
Small problem by act 4 bounty, bot isnt stuck at all hes standing around like moron....

Loaded profile Silver Spire 1 Kill 100 and boss
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #1 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1507.03ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #2 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1506.30ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #3 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1506.34ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #4 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1505.61ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #5 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1506.28ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #6 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1505.29ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #7 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1507.02ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #8 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1506.25ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #9 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1505.46ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #10 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1505.61ms.
[Trinity] Unstucking measures failed. Now stopping Trinity unstucker for 12 minutes to inactivity timers to kick in or DB to auto-fix.
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1505.35ms.

Are you using the Steed Charge spell on a crusader? If so, remove it. This might cause problems.
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