To be honest it sounds like Pitmouse can't be satisfied with HB and so should continue to use Pirox... oh wait you can't after next month.
<pets panda>
panda likes it, too
<scratches behind fuzzy ears>
yeah, that's right... this panda is only friendly to awesome people like Kick! =)
Hmm, Im kind of dissapointed in the way the process is for setting up everything for this bot. Like it looks nice. Prob functions great. but everything has a plugin... wth. And I need to buy a different key for every three sessions I want to use. Thats kind of BS to me tbh. Might be the only reason I wont wanna buy this bot. Like what if my three accounts get banned I was going to use one key for. and the other three live. That one key is completely a waste of money. Im not really impressed with this whole idea concept of having to buy multiple keys. And the whole plug in set up is tedious if your new. Pirox had one flat program. I think that was much easier.
No Wai! Meh too!Now I'm off to watch some panda porn.
i'm every eager to see it, since the bg bot right now is completely useless compared to pirox.Wait until Apoc finishes BG Bot 2 then we'll see what is pvp king![]()
pretty much this! the main reason i decided to use pirox over hb, besides the licence model is the fact, that i can run pirox profiles for a week without even look at the bots. i have yet to find a profile for hb that i can afk for a week without worrying. as it is righ now, i have to babysit hb. every few hours there would be some kind of issue. hb crashing, bot gets stuck due to bad meshes, bot just stands still and just need a restart. everyday i come home just to find hb not working due to some issue, tho settings are all correct.I say hb wins in functionality, but pirox never let me down botting wise.
i'm every eager to see it, since the bg bot right now is completely useless compared to pirox.
pretty much this! the main reason i decided to use pirox over hb, besides the licence model is the fact, that i can run pirox profiles for a week without even look at the bots. i have yet to find a profile for hb that i can afk for a week without worrying. as it is righ now, i have to babysit hb. every few hours there would be some kind of issue. hb crashing, bot gets stuck due to bad meshes, bot just stands still and just need a restart. everyday i come home just to find hb not working due to some issue, tho settings are all correct.
don't get me wrong. hb at it's core is superior to pirox. no spells setups due to injection, combat is superior due to injection, plugins are very powefull, navigation base on mashes is a good idea. BUT and this is a big BUT: it doesn't work fluid enough. a bot i have to babysit every hour is kinda useless. is closing down, no notice until the last minute and we can't post as PiroX made the thread read-only... have no idea what he has offered blizzard but hopefully it wasn't customer details.
Not much thought for the people who were running business there (and there were quite a few), imagine PiroX with his money in his hand running away from his customers because that's how it feels.
EDIT1: We've found out that PiroX did not give away details of customers, and was bound legally from speaking about it... although to be fair It would have been a hard choice to stand down and lose his own business, I hope that if Honorbuddy succeeds in it's legal battle we will see the return of both Aiobot and Piroxbots as they reside in the same country and are bound by the same laws (Judges usually look at other court cases which are similar especially on technical cases, and usually act in the same way)... as they stopped because they were legally prohibited from selling their software, hopefully this case will overturn blizzard legal hold on other automation software.
You can customize all key bindings and action bars.
Honorbuddy doesn't use that macro bullshit.
As far as gathering, I didn't use pirox so I can't tell you any differences.
The "Learn a new plugin" is completely wrong.
HB has what we call BotBases.
These are the General thing your toon will do, and work perfectly fine on their own after you adjust their settings (no more than 20 for a single base).
Plugins are "supplemental" for the bot.
HB works just fine without them, but plugins can add small functionality, to massive functionality, or to provide a fix to a bug until the BuddyDevs can fix it in the next release.
Literally anything.
The best example is Professionbuddy, which until about 4 days ago was a plugin with the largest Logic Building code I have seen in a long time.
It could cover literally any part of Hbs coding abilities, and made it much easier for users to make complex profiles. (thanks Highvoltz)
So HB may not run for 2 weeks straight, but it can do so much more.
I'm not necessarily arguing, just some facts.
Well Honorbuddy was created for just what the name implies. Pvp and honor gathering.Nah its cool man, I like the way you are explaining things to me. It's quite helpful actually. I guess I am just frustrated I have to pay so much to be able to bot again. I dont mind paying for one key. but now I have to buy 2 to keep my botting business going?... :S okay then. as for the gathering I dont know why its not more advanced? Gathering is the main function a bot should include. its the main reason people want to buy a bot...
Damn too late.... monkey you fail...You can also make a thread in payment forum to get the sessions merged into 1 key.