1) No more use of the word bashing. I never want to see it again in my life
2) Teveel just let it go, please.
3) Now I explain a little more:
All of the plugins on the forum, minus a select few, have been provided by Third-Party developers. In this way they can't entirely support Adding them into Honorbuddy fully. This would mean that the 'Real buddy devs' would have to update/maintain them. They just don't have the time for it.
Pirox had a straight forward loading setup.
You would have actually had the plugins 'built-into' those profiles you loaded.
The ability to AH, switch toons, etc.
You just didn't see the plugins as an extra step because it was contained in that one file.
Admit it, when you had to change a setting in the file, you had to right-click and edit it correct?
Well most plugins would allow for this sort of thing (editing their settings files), but having plugins as separated C# files allows for a User Interface to make it easier to view/understand what you are changing, and what you can change it to.
Also, Multi-Threading is the shit.
@ Zameek - Please stop talking. Arelog is nice and all, but Pirox had their own relogger too. It was provided by the Pirox dev team, and I do believe worked better than our Arelog does.
Not saying Arelog sucks, but it just doesn't seem to do what I think it should. Crashes make it fail, if you don't uncheck 'remember username' it fails, etc...
The issue with meshes isn't actually an issue with the mesh. It's the issue of Honorbuddy not taking into account the HitBox size/shape of your character while navigating. So it cuts corners too close, or tries to go under something it can't. I'd say about 95% of the time it unstucks itself from this, but it sucks that it happens in the first place.
Think of it like throwing a golfball through a hole, then without taking into account the size of the object to throw, it tries to put a baseball through it. It just doesn't work the first time, until HB sees that it is stuck, and proceeds to move the ball until it finds a hole it can fit through.
As far as constant updates, TheBuddyTeam is working on 3 or more bots at the moment. Pirox only had the one bot, for WoW. This will obviously cause many delays in updating/bug fixing.
I'm providing information.
I'm not fighting with you.
I did not once say that either of the bots was/is superior.
And with that out of the way,
A Warm, Furry Welcome to all prior Pirox Users.
Anyone who just joined, or has basic questions about HB/Sessions/Etc please read the following blog by Kickazz006:
* http://www.thebuddyforum.com/blogs/kickazz006/961-useful-blog-new-users.html *
haha agreed. Yeah That is very true I understand. Makes sense from that point of view. And thats what I mean. I like having all my plug ins , in one program so It doesnt look so messy. But maybe I can get used to it. you raise a good point, in a non aggressive/emotional way and I thank you for that. I like you. your a nice person. Your actually trying to help me see your side of the spectrum without getting all arrogant or defensive, and thats what I need to help me see certain things.
I use botting for afk gathering mainly. I just want to make sure I am spending my money for what I want. for the longest time when I used pirox gathering bot I would always see someone using gatherbuddy and I would always 100% beat them to the node. Land perfectly on it. And gather it before they even hit the ground after a dismount. The delay in dismounting seems to be so great compared to the benefit it gives the bot for not getting stuck. I really dislike it. I just expected the gatherbuddy to not have that delay ugh

I also used auto ah botting profiles, and relogging so that I could leave my bots on and not babysit them at all. Can I get plug ins for that? do they work well? / not buggy?
I just feel as if pirox had more options and functions for customizing what you wanted built into the program. Which was nice. You learn what each function does and check off what you want. With HB it seems that you have to have a third party support program to customize what you want which means learning new things everytime you want to customize something? I could be wrong. but that is just how I feel.
thanks for explaining these things to me though. And I know your not fighting with me. your tone is a lot more enjoyable to learn from. Thank you.
and I understand they work on more than one bot which is cool. I just feel like they have a few functions that need to be changed on gatherbuddy to be the best? I dont know. :S