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PiroxBots is Closing, All Aboard thebuddyforum

Topic guiz. Stay on it.

*smacks the panda*

Back to work bear boy!
This happens like every other day.

But I'm at work... So I can't get back to it...

And I'm done.

A warm, furry welcome to all Pirox users.
One off-topic question: who cleans up after the panda?

I really want to hear from the guys who come from pirox, how is your botting going, are you having trouble with somthing, and features you miss?

I can say, the navigation on this bot is good (still not perfect) but far better than Pirox, its been a hell to convert from one bot to another and i finally think i got it up and running greatly agian.
HB has been fun to play around with, and the plugins are great and a good way to add functions that i missed from pirox.
Personally it's been like a 8:2 easy to hard transition ratio.

Pirox takes a bit of time to set up a proper combat profile, and if you're using it to grind a toon from 10-85 using PvP you either have to initially make the profile suit your current level and abilities and then constantly edit it as you level and abilities become available, or just go with what you'll be using at 85 and leave yourself gimped until then. Whereas HBs default CCs will automatically detect your spellbook and your spec then create it's own combat routine, I find that so much easier and a lot less bot like than wasting globals because the abilities you have set on timers weren't in your spellbook yet. Also HB seems to auto detect what toon you're using and brings up your previous setting from that specific toon, whereas with Pirox you need to load profiles by hand, which I would sometimes forget to click load after picking my toons name from my drop down list and when I'd click run it would completely overwrite my settings, so HB pretty much saves me from myself in that right.

I found all the plugins and different aspects of the bot to be a little intimidating at first, I also wasn't familiar with the prefixes people would put at the beginning of their profiles, for some reason [PB] kept making me think I had to load it into the Party Bot part of HB instead of ProfessionBuddy. Once things start to click and you have what you need to get started it's practically effortless. For the most part this bot as a pretty low learning curve and even first time botters shouldn't take more than an hour or two to get at least a basic grasp on how to work it, especially when the mods/developers put together entire packs with everything you would need, free of charge. I also had some problems but they were my own fault because I didn't bother to read certain things, like Allrounder, I downloaded the plugin using the authors SVN but when I tried to run it I would get an error, I couldn't for the life of me get it to work until I actually read what the Bug Submitter was telling me the error was, now it runs like a dream.

I've played WoW for going on 5 years now, botted for going on 4, I went from Glider, to a couple underdeveloped bots that were mostly for just gathering, to Pirox, and now I am here. So far HB has been the one that I have been the happiest with, although I loved Glider, if they were still around and I had to choose between the two I would most likely choose HB. I've used Pirox for almost 2 years now and I would never go back to it full time, even though Pirox has a huge base with a lot of people who submit profiles for pretty much everything and anything you could think of, with more that were coming out every day. I believe HB will be able to do everything that Pirox could do and more, given the proper time and the right people working with it.

Certain parts still confuse me, I'm interested in creating my own ProfessionBuddy profile to prospect ore, buy JC settings, make rings/necklaces/carnelian spikes, and then DE them but it'll take some practice I guess.
The monkey eats his doo doo.

@the dude above you :p

Have a search around for seVen's profiles.

Actually look for just PB profiles.
A lot you can learn.
I haven't bothered to learn them because I only log in to test new code + get info for said code.
Yeah I've looked at a lot of the PB profiles and it looks like hieroglyphs to me, the only way I can truly learn is to jump in and mess with things and see how they work for myself.
I may use Allrounder (how many times can I mention one plugin in a single thread...) or Inregos DMC profile as a base and develop my own, we'll see.

Off-Topic: /slap for calling me a dude again
Yeah I've looked at a lot of the PB profiles and it looks like hieroglyphs to me, the only way I can truly learn is to jump in and mess with things and see how they work for myself.
I may use Allrounder (how many times can I mention one plugin in a single thread...) or Inregos DMC profile as a base and develop my own, we'll see.

Off-Topic: /slap for calling me a dude again

Good luck homie.
Good to have another male PB dev around. Hehe
I'll stop now Ms. Jackel.

No but seriously.
You'll catch on to PB profiles quickly.
I have looked at his routine codes a few times. Has helped me figure a couple things out.
Like that I need to rewrite my mailing & selling methods.
Yeah I've looked at a lot of the PB profiles and it looks like hieroglyphs to me, the only way I can truly learn is to jump in and mess with things and see how they work for myself.
I may use Allrounder (how many times can I mention one plugin in a single thread...) or Inregos DMC profile as a base and develop my own, we'll see.

Off-Topic: /slap for calling me a dude again

dude, like wtf man

lawl bad Panda.

This is definitely a wide ranged bot imo, and the capacity to broaden that range even further is just astonishing.

Sitting in #honorbuddy channel on Quakenet, sounds like Raphus and Nesox are making serious progress with IB2 which would open up a whole new way to level your toons through automation; sure, Pirox had great instance profiles, some better than others and certain addons to queue for random dungeons, but once again those cast sequence macro combat profiles can only work so well. Pair something like InstanceBuddy2 with a custom class combat/healer routine and jesus, it just blurs the line between bots and actually players even further.

- edit: lawl you guys are killin me, call me what you want, you can call me Brochacho if you truly wished, JUST LET ME PET TEH PANDA D: -
One off-topic question: who cleans up after the panda?

I really want to hear from the guys who come from pirox, how is your botting going, are you having trouble with somthing, and features you miss?

I can say, the navigation on this bot is good (still not perfect) but far better than Pirox, its been a hell to convert from one bot to another and i finally think i got it up and running greatly agian.
HB has been fun to play around with, and the plugins are great and a good way to add functions that i missed from pirox.

I am quite concerned about the mechanics of the gathering tbh. How well does this bot acutally gather compared to pirox? Like I have used pirox and seen lots of people using gatherbuddy and my pirox bot would land quicker than gatherbuddies and loot faster. while the gatherbuddies bot character is still sitting there doing nothing. Does the gatherbuddy actually get a lot of Objects/hour ? Thats the only thing I am concerned about. Since I mostly came here for the bot/gathering aspect.
I am quite concerned about the mechanics of the gathering tbh. How well does this bot acutally gather compared to pirox? Like I have used pirox and seen lots of people using gatherbuddy and my pirox bot would land quicker than gatherbuddies and loot faster. while the gatherbuddies bot character is still sitting there doing nothing. Does the gatherbuddy actually get a lot of Objects/hour ? Thats the only thing I am concerned about. Since I mostly came here for the bot/gathering aspect.
I'm working on a fix to speed the harvesting up, and make it's more realistic in my BuddyHelper plugin.

For now it flies toward node, dismounts slighty above, pauses for .5-1 second, harvest, slight pause again, mount and away it goes.
Last edited:
Druid harvest helper was pretty cool but I've not tested it lately to see if it still works, it used to over ride the combat side and just herb and fly away before being beat to death.
I am quite concerned about the mechanics of the gathering tbh. How well does this bot acutally gather compared to pirox? Like I have used pirox and seen lots of people using gatherbuddy and my pirox bot would land quicker than gatherbuddies and loot faster. while the gatherbuddies bot character is still sitting there doing nothing. Does the gatherbuddy actually get a lot of Objects/hour ? Thats the only thing I am concerned about. Since I mostly came here for the bot/gathering aspect.

Gathering works better than Pirox that's for sure. I still have alot to learn. Farming profiles, vendor paths and mailboxes are so easy to do. No recording vendor paths and inserting GoToVendor functions and making sure the wp distance was set high enough anymore. :D
Hi guys,
Just godda say I'm pretty glad that Pirox went down otherwise I wouldn't of moved to HB and found a superior product with honest staffers.

On a side note anyone else noticed Pirox has started locking keys, three out of five of the people I know who used it now cannot access it
as it states their key is locked. Haven't noticed this myself but did get a password reset form from my email account which I only use with
my wow account.

Wondering if Pirox now having settled with Blizzard is trying to profit again off of the community, wouldn't put it past him with the shady
goings on over there.

Again tho, thanks for creating a great product and a great community, wish I'd found it sooner !

Thank you.

I'm working on a fix to speed the harvesting up, and make it's more realistic in my BuddyHelper plugin.

For now it flies toward node, dismounts slighty above, pauses for .5-1 second, harvest, slight pause again, mount and away it goes.

Alright awesome man. Sounds good. Why wasn't gathering mechanics for buddy more advanced in the past? I'm surprised it hasn't been improved in the amount of time its been out already? Or am I just trippin is it suppose to be like this?
Gathering works better than Pirox that's for sure. I still have alot to learn. Farming profiles, vendor paths and mailboxes are so easy to do. No recording vendor paths and inserting GoToVendor functions and making sure the wp distance was set high enough anymore. :D

uhh? How is it better? Have you used pirox?