uhh? How is it better? Have you used pirox?
I'm working on a fix to speed the harvesting up, and make it's more realistic in my BuddyHelper plugin.
For now it flies toward node, dismounts slighty above, pauses for .5-1 second, harvest, slight pause again, mount and away it goes.
Hi guys,
Just godda say I'm pretty glad that Pirox went down otherwise I wouldn't of moved to HB and found a superior product with honest staffers.
On a side note anyone else noticed Pirox has started locking keys, three out of five of the people I know who used it now cannot access it
as it states their key is locked. Haven't noticed this myself but did get a password reset form from my email account which I only use with
my wow account.
Wondering if Pirox now having settled with Blizzard is trying to profit again off of the community, wouldn't put it past him with the shady
goings on over there.
Again tho, thanks for creating a great product and a great community, wish I'd found it sooner !
Thank you.
If you are writing in C# for a plugin or something, it's called flightor.It is better. The built-in navigation system rocks. The only problem I find is no flying navigation system...
You still use Pirox even after he made the deal with Blizzard?
Why risk your accounts with his shady crap?
Correct.Hmm... woah wait a moment here, does this mean when I bought my 3 account sessions for the 59 euro (and something change) it wasn't just for a year? It is for ever or until wow or hbuddy shuts down?
i have 3 sesions. I want more 3. just get add more 3 sesions in same key or i get new key?
Not to be a total fangirl but now that Pirox is down and HB/GB2 seem to be the only logical bot(s) to turn to, I hope the majority of the profile developers move to here. Gem already has, which has me very excited to say the least, I hope that people who have spent a lot of time making elaborate multi-zone profiles such as Krateos (forgive me if I'm not supposed to use their names) migrate here. Both Pirox and HB have amazing developers and for them to join forces so to speak and work on a single bot will do nothing but good overall.
The custom classes alone make this a very worthwhile bot, CCs can do a lot more than setting up cast sequence macros and timers could, I watched my DK for a minute to see how the flight pattern was with hot spots and when it landed it aggroed a mob and used death and decay... I can't describe how shocked I was, even though it was something so simple as laying down a ground aoe, it was something I could never expect from a Pirox combat profile.
I never bot AFK unless it's simple gathering, which I've still been using Pirox for at night because I can't figure out why my bot isn't mailing to my banker when I use one of the new multi-zone profiles(I think I just had an epiphany so I'll see in a few minutes.) Anyway, I never bot AFK and I've been watching Kickazz's questing bot for the past couple days and it's just been amazing and eye opening.
For those coming from Pirox and still not convinced, I urge you to purchase the one day key and try it out for yourself, you won't regret it.
i have 3 sesions. I want more 3. just get add more 3 sesions in same key or i get new key?
Damn if man have 50 acc so for he need ~15diferent HBfolders?just buy a new key, have 2 HB folders and have 1 key in 1 folder and 1 in the other, that way it remembers then, its what i do.
Damn if man have 50 acc so for he need ~15diferent HBfolders?
Nope, there are addons and plugins for that, It would take a few hours to set up but once you finished it would be done in 1 click ^^