So you are telling the people to still run HB on their computers? Thats your advice? Really? Your a fucking ignorant asshole then. I bet your not even botting yourself right now.
I scare those who are inexperienced??
I and all who agree with my post PROTECT those who are inexperienced and clueless from getting all their Accounts banned for noone telling us what is going on!
And what you mean you dont know how old this post is? There is a date isnt there?
The chance to get banned is 50-75%. Go ahead bot 1 account for a week lets say 8/7 with GB2.
Youve been around since 2010 and yet your telling such bullshit.
How many accounts do you have that you can advice people to bot smarter and that its their fault?
Explain us how you bot and how many bots you have running! If you dont then shut the fuck up and get off of this thread cause in my oppinion your just one of those trolls that have NO IDEA.
Why do we get reported and you dont?!
Im expecting your answers Mr. Botsmart.
Show the community you know what you are talking about, HOW TO FUCKING BOT SMART?!
#1 watch the name calling. I'm not going to be dragged into a flame war with someone who is obviously a child.
#2 Yes.. I am botting. I've been botting for about 8-10 hours a day. No problems here.
#3 Keep claiming the chance is 50% to 75% as if you know this for fact. Please show us how you arrived at this number if you are so spot on.
#4 This is not my first account here. And as I've stated, prior to HB I used Glider, Pirox, WowBot and god knows how many others. You certainly do make assumptions don't you...
#5 I run ONE bot. I'm not gold farming. I am using it for personal reasons. Never sold gold once.
#6 I came on this thread to express MY opinion because people like YOU who run their mouths as if they KNOW things make me laugh.
Obviously you are a very hostile and angry little kid, so let me take a guess at why you made this post. Your pissy because you got banned. Obviously you are the central authority on botting, and you know MUCH more than anyone else here. Of course, because YOU were banned, there MUST be something wrong with HB. How dare the programmers not drop everything they are doing, and ignore the hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of other users who are using HB with minimal to no issues to address some phantom "detection" that you claim exists. Give me a break.
A word of advice? Don't post when your angry because you sound completely ignorant with all the cursing and personal attacks.
And another thing. I NEVER said botting is safe. I said using ANY third party program can get you banned. I'm sure there are tons of threads here with advice on how to better run your bots. It's not for me to educate you, because as I said.. I've not had any problems here. No bans, no GM whispers, nothing. Sorry you and others here have such bad luck... but that is hardly a reason to call for the "HB Developers to Respond" to your asinine claim. You do realize on top of them trying to fix bugs in this, keep up with the constant patching and dealing with EVERY SINGLE MINOR COMPLAINT that people post, they are also fighting a lawsuit right? But hey... lets stop the world because a few people feel botting is unsafe.