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Important - You cant bot RIGHT NOW (Banchance is 50-75%)

  • Thread starter Thread starter aliveftw
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I dunno how old this post is.. but it is 100% fail.

A) You do not know that it is 50%-100% ban chance.
B) Botting smart is ALL you can do. Any time you use a third party program you run the risk of getting banned.

The problem is that some people run GB2 and regular HB 24/7 on the same damn profile. Does that seem legit if a GM actually looked into it? Of course it doesn't. It screams "Gold farmer".

The other day I was flying around Outland. I came to a point where I was in Netherstorm and noticed hundreds of skeletons over by Tempest Keep. Sure enough there were tons of bots, both alliance and horde flying in and out, in and out. Obviously people saw this and were killing them. And the same bots just kept coming back. No sort of security.. no alerts. Nothing. The profile they were using just kept on going, regardless if it was failing. THAT is not smart botting. Hell I don't even bot today without using the LogMeOut plugin and setting variables, that will boot me out if something bad happens.

So yeah.. sorry to break it to you, but 99% of bans that happen today are from people being reported. I've been through "Ban Waves" back in the days of Glider. Trust me, if there was a ban wave you would know it. HB wouldn't even load because tripwire would have went off, and the forums would probably break (much like they do on a patch day when people are looking for a new HB release).

So yeah.. people are going to get banned. Go look through the ban section and you will see, most people were doing something dumb, like flooding the AH, or grind botting 24/7. These things are not human. No normal person will play WOW for 10s of hours a day, and constantly be selling stuff. The second they suspect you of doing something, all they gotta do is look at records. How many of x have you killed? How many actual quests have you done. How much money do you have. How much money have you traded, or mailed away, or put into a very inactive guild bank. Do I know this as fact? No.. but its what I would do if I were looking for someone botting.

So please don't say you know for a fact its 50-100% ban chance, because you DON'T know.. and all your going to do is scare those who are inexperienced with botting.
I dunno how old this post is.. but it is 100% fail.

A) You do not know that it is 50%-100% ban chance.
B) Botting smart is ALL you can do. Any time you use a third party program you run the risk of getting banned.

The problem is that some people run GB2 and regular HB 24/7 on the same damn profile. Does that seem legit if a GM actually looked into it? Of course it doesn't. It screams "Gold farmer".

The other day I was flying around Outland. I came to a point where I was in Netherstorm and noticed hundreds of skeletons over by Tempest Keep. Sure enough there were tons of bots, both alliance and horde flying in and out, in and out. Obviously people saw this and were killing them. And the same bots just kept coming back. No sort of security.. no alerts. Nothing. The profile they were using just kept on going, regardless if it was failing. THAT is not smart botting. Hell I don't even bot today without using the LogMeOut plugin and setting variables, that will boot me out if something bad happens.

So yeah.. sorry to break it to you, but 99% of bans that happen today are from people being reported. I've been through "Ban Waves" back in the days of Glider. Trust me, if there was a ban wave you would know it. HB wouldn't even load because tripwire would have went off, and the forums would probably break (much like they do on a patch day when people are looking for a new HB release).

So yeah.. people are going to get banned. Go look through the ban section and you will see, most people were doing something dumb, like flooding the AH, or grind botting 24/7. These things are not human. No normal person will play WOW for 10s of hours a day, and constantly be selling stuff. The second they suspect you of doing something, all they gotta do is look at records. How many of x have you killed? How many actual quests have you done. How much money do you have. How much money have you traded, or mailed away, or put into a very inactive guild bank. Do I know this as fact? No.. but its what I would do if I were looking for someone botting.

So please don't say you know for a fact its 50-100% ban chance, because you DON'T know.. and all your going to do is scare those who are inexperienced with botting.

You are clueless rofl. People getting banned without any interaction with other players and botting for 8hours a day which is probably even less than average wow player`s playtime. And also monitoring with no stucks.
I just botted for 48 hours straight and no ban. Pure grind bot too with some bgbuddy. In 3 weeks time, I got 3 chars to 90 all pretty much from grinding with a little exp from questing profiles.. You guys don't know a thing about how Blizzard works, or how their ban system works; and neither do I but it's not smart to say that it's HB's fault and that you should stop botting now, because 5 people got banned....

And for the people saying I lost more than hb will be worth etc... and for the retards saying they won't refer anyone..... No one cares.. It's like going to a craft store, trying to use a coupon and getting mad that they won't let you use the coupon, so you tell the cashier you're never coming back.... No one gives a fuck lol..

^^ a million times
I'm far from clueless, as I've been doing this for a very long time. And guess what.. I've only been banned twice. Both times when Glider got caught.

Interactions with other players has NOTHING to do with it. I don't hang with other people. I pretty much run the game 100% solo. Botting for 1 hour a day or 8 hours a day doesn't matter. It matters what you DO during that time. And my guess is that people are farming mats. Hence why GB2 has such a high ban rate. Who the hell is going to herb or mine or fish for 8 hours a day straight? Hell I get bored with it within 10 minutes.

You want the FACTS about banning? Here they are. NO ONE KNOWS HOW OR WHY THEY HAPPEN. Not me, not you, not the OP.. no one, except Blizzard staff.

Let me ask.. how many people do you think are botting right now? Out of Blizzards (let's say) 10 million subscribers. 10%? That's still a million people botting. I'd say its more like 5%. That's still a lot of people. If it was SO risky, you would be seeing a lot more people talking about it.

Yeah.. people are going to get banned. If Blizzard didn't care, than HB wouldn't be in a lawsuit right now. Glider would have never gotten shut down.

I'm not going to argue this topic because there is no point. No one knows for sure how risky it is. Of course those who got banned are going to come in here and start yelling "OMG!! HB sucks!! I got banned and I knowwwww it wasn't something 'I' did wrong!!".

I take exception with the OPs post because it claims FACT where there is none. Some people don't realize how difficult it is to program a custom class, much less the entire bot. God I remember the days of Glider when you had to set your spell keys a certain way and do all sorts of shit just to get it to work. Now with HB you barely have to do a damn thing. And yet people still want to bitch and complain. That's like buying a new car, and crashing it because you suck at driving... then going back to the dealership and bitching like its their fault.
My honest opinion on this:

If botters would stop to report botters, this sh*t wont happen so often.

Im sure half of the reports you get are from that little 24/7 l33T B0Tt0R that wants to improve his GB2 efficiency or got mad at you while Questing, whatever, he's the one that comes here to cry about how shitty this bot is in the first place.

Botters are identified fastest by other botters observing their bots... Some of them may just be the wrong kind of person.
My honest opinion on this:

If botters would stop to report botters, this sh*t wont happen so often.

Im sure half of the reports you get are from that little 24/7 l33T B0Tt0R that wants to improve his GB2 efficiency or got mad at you while Questing, whatever, he's the one that comes here to cry about how shitty this bot is in the first place.

Botters are identified fastest by other botters observing their bots... Some of them may just be the wrong kind of person.

It used to be like that few months ago/few week ago, when we were actually getting teleported to make sure we are bots, which obviously came from other players reports. But now what i see is , its just some sort of detection with no need of having player reports. Now they just ban us based on some statistics with no real evidence probably.
Perma banned on second day of using honorbuddy ever. 6 hours levelling profiles both times. had account for 7 years. Wow.
I dunno how old this post is.. but it is 100% fail.

A) You do not know that it is 50%-100% ban chance.
B) Botting smart is ALL you can do. Any time you use a third party program you run the risk of getting banned.

The problem is that some people run GB2 and regular HB 24/7 on the same damn profile. Does that seem legit if a GM actually looked into it? Of course it doesn't. It screams "Gold farmer".

The other day I was flying around Outland. I came to a point where I was in Netherstorm and noticed hundreds of skeletons over by Tempest Keep. Sure enough there were tons of bots, both alliance and horde flying in and out, in and out. Obviously people saw this and were killing them. And the same bots just kept coming back. No sort of security.. no alerts. Nothing. The profile they were using just kept on going, regardless if it was failing. THAT is not smart botting. Hell I don't even bot today without using the LogMeOut plugin and setting variables, that will boot me out if something bad happens.

So yeah.. sorry to break it to you, but 99% of bans that happen today are from people being reported. I've been through "Ban Waves" back in the days of Glider. Trust me, if there was a ban wave you would know it. HB wouldn't even load because tripwire would have went off, and the forums would probably break (much like they do on a patch day when people are looking for a new HB release).

So yeah.. people are going to get banned. Go look through the ban section and you will see, most people were doing something dumb, like flooding the AH, or grind botting 24/7. These things are not human. No normal person will play WOW for 10s of hours a day, and constantly be selling stuff. The second they suspect you of doing something, all they gotta do is look at records. How many of x have you killed? How many actual quests have you done. How much money do you have. How much money have you traded, or mailed away, or put into a very inactive guild bank. Do I know this as fact? No.. but its what I would do if I were looking for someone botting.

So please don't say you know for a fact its 50-100% ban chance, because you DON'T know.. and all your going to do is scare those who are inexperienced with botting.

So you are telling the people to still run HB on their computers? Thats your advice? Really? Your a fucking ignorant asshole then. I bet your not even botting yourself right now.

I scare those who are inexperienced??
I and all who agree with my post PROTECT those who are inexperienced and clueless from getting all their Accounts banned for noone telling us what is going on!

And what you mean you dont know how old this post is? There is a date isnt there?

The chance to get banned is 50-75%. Go ahead bot 1 account for a week lets say 8/7 with GB2.
Youve been around since 2010 and yet your telling such bullshit.

How many accounts do you have that you can advice people to bot smarter and that its their fault?

Explain us how you bot and how many bots you have running! If you dont then shut the fuck up and get off of this thread cause in my oppinion your just one of those trolls that have NO IDEA.

Why do we get reported and you dont?!

Im expecting your answers Mr. Botsmart.

Show the community you know what you are talking about, HOW TO FUCKING BOT SMART?!
I don't know what happening, but i'm agree with the fact that there is some problems with HB...
I leveled 4 toons to lvl90, without any problems, mix between question bot + grind bot. Then, i started a private profile of ProfessionBuddy that level my toon full afk from 1 to 600 of herbalism using Gatherbuddy on 2 of my 4 toons. After like 3 hours i got DC and an email from Blizzard that force me to change password. Password changed, after like 1 hour BOTH accounts get BANNED in the EXACT SAME TIME.

Atleast, both bans was of 72h.
Just now i started again with one of my 2 accounts left for see what happen. If they ban me again, for me HB is dead.
And with the last account i will try others bots. I don't like this "no-comment attitude" from devs.

EDIT: forgot to say that all my Accounts are fresh legit accounts, no SoR or something
My GB2 account just got banned. I had 2 90's in the account - 1 with mining and herbing and the other with skinning. I ran GB2 for 5 hours a day on one toon and skinning for 2 hours a day on the other toon. Both the toons had full epics 490 ilvl plus and I was doing world bosses and LFRs on them. I was cross realm botting on a dead server with absolutely no one on the server during non peak hours. I have to say I suspect GB2 has a much higher chance of getting banned now compared to a month or so earlier. Exercise caution my friends and try to avoid using GB2 for long hours for the next few days at least.
yeah... i agree with Aliveftw when he says: "
We the Honorbuddy Community want to hear a: "Don`t bot right now from HB, Blizzard is banning almost all bots right now, we are working on a solution for our community."
(If there even is gonna be a solution, which i hope)

because, REAL friends, and me, got banned... EVEN MONITORING 100% the HB work,
I NEVER LET HB ALONE, EVEN THE MOST SAFE BOT IM USING LIKE, bgbuddy, professionbuddy etc. coz i work on PC 15 hours per day. and i have two monitors,at same pc, so i can watch HB everytime... and got banned. my account: i was using 4 hours per day farming raw mats, then SHUFFLING it, not selling raw mats to AH. i was doing it since LK, and playing at same account NORMAL, doing dailys, quests, bgs, arena, RAID, no problem, but 1 week ago, when i started HB gb2, less then 5 min i got dc, then BANNED permanently. idk what is happening. but it means BLIZZARD CAN DETECT HB. i hope the devs, are working on it. friends with 7 years of wow account. used bots all the 7 years, knowing how to bot safe, and monitoring, got they accounts banned, its not a only 5 ppl got banned, something WRONG is happening, i think BLIZZARD FOUND A WAY TO DETECT HB. can the devs test it? im not using bot anyway till its safe again, sorry for my english,
inst my native language. thanks.
Well, I don't have any real authority here, but I've been botting for around 5-7 hours a day, 3-4 hours when the server gets really crowded: (Keep reading and I'll show you some of my botting methods that's been keeping me clean for a while)

EX:Raid resets, and such, I turn down my hours and watch my bot constantly (Watching tv shows and alt + tab every now and then). I have 4 accounts, none of which have been banned on a high population server.

I gather a ton of resources and materials, and stuff em into 3 different toons, and post auctions that are competing against eachother:

EX: 1c doesn't really make a huge difference --> 100g a stack vs 99g 99s 99c on the AH)

Undercut your own materials make it seem like they're different accounts competing for one another's buyouts. Cause seriously it's obvious someone is using a 3rd party program when I see 20 stacks of Ghost Iron Bars from a single character.

Also, give it a rest some days, farm the stuff yourselves, and get comfortable with your guild, my guild mates know I bot and they totally support me (especially since I toss them a few materials every now and then), so what they do is that when I'm AFK and when someone says something to me in Guild chat my mates who know what I'm doing would do something like this: (Names are fake)

Jimtheorc: Hey (Me) how's it going?
Guildmate: Oh yo don't bother (Me) he's having a rough time right now, so just leave him be.
Jimtheorc: Oh, okay.

Usually they will believe him, and when I get back to observing my Bot, I'll reply as such:

Me: Sorry man, just not in the mood to talk right now, just wanna get a few stacks of (certainmaterial) and go to bed.

And that seals the deal. (Try creating a new excuse each time)

And if you dont know how to make friends, then you're gonna have a hard time when nobody is supporting you, when the WHOLE GUILD supports you, then enjoy your lucrative WoW experience.

My tips on BG bot: Don't use it, literally avoid it. The pathing is becoming obvious and I have people whisper : "You f***ing botter" each time, so i stopped immediately. (Stopped botting for a week) If you ARE going to use BG bot, use it with extreme caution and roll a healing character, usually they do the trick, but still BG is really risky and I would still avoid using it.

Tips on GB2: Bot 1-2 hours, log out for a bit (work out, or just life) (Use your better judgement, and what time of day the server is) then relog. Rinse repeat ( No bans or reports so far )

Tips on Questing: Constant watch out, your character can get stuck and will circle around the questing area until it's done, but will continually just be swimming around it, cause the quest isnt getting done, so turn off the bot, finish the quest, then turn it back on. (EXAMPLE: Mudmug's muddy water gathering quest, (Quest details: Keep gathering mud from the river, but the mud will leak, and could lead the bot to wasting a TON of time on this one quest, so do it yourself. Profile: Kick's)) ( No bans or reports so far )

Well that's all the one's I've been using so far, I haven't touched dungeon or raiding, but I heard as long as you're a healer or a dps, then there's very little issues (From raiding at least, dungeons I wouldnt personally go in)


Botting smart???

Pick a server that is of opposite time difference from where you are, and medium population (High pop if you're feeling ballsy, but not recommended, so far the population im on is high, but I've received no bans so far.)

Reason why I say medium population is cause when the server starts to die, it leads to having like, less than 200 people online. Then on peak time bot off.


Choose odd places to start botting, places where other people wouldn't bot. It could slow you down, but you will be safer.


Don't BG bot, period.


Sell gold if you NEED to, small amounts. Make a character, give the x amount of gold to that character sell it, delete it, I would not choose this method as an actual means of living in real life, and by NEED to, I mean like refreshing your subscription or buying a new account


Don't 24/7. Too much of a risk, probably the biggest reason why people are getting banned. They go on forum cry and cry about why the bot is too... botty, and try to find a way to keep botting 24/7 without getting banned. You WILL eventually get banned if you 24/7. I know a lot of botters out there that bot 24/7 but never say so in forum, and cry why they got banned. (This is just assumption from reading countless posts).


Last comment: Try to set up a different internet connection for your main account. It's the LAST resort, but it's the safest idea I could ever think of. No bans so far. So it must be working XD.

Happy botting everyone, good luck, and have fun.
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Well, I don't have any real authority here, but I've been botting for around 5-7 hours a day, 3-4 hours when the server gets really crowded: (Keep reading and I'll show you some of my botting methods that's been keeping me clean for a while)

EX:Raid resets, and such, I turn down my hours and watch my bot constantly (Watching tv shows and alt + tab every now and then). I have 4 accounts, none of which have been banned on a high population server.

I gather a ton of resources and materials, and stuff em into 3 different toons, and post auctions that are competing against eachother:

EX: 1c doesn't really make a huge difference --> 100g a stack vs 99g 99s 99c on the AH)

Undercut your own materials make it seem like they're different accounts competing for one another's buyouts. Cause seriously it's obvious someone is using a 3rd party program when I see 20 stacks of Ghost Iron Bars from a single character.

Also, give it a rest some days, farm the stuff yourselves, and get comfortable with your guild, my guild mates know I bot and they totally support me (especially since I toss them a few materials every now and then), so what they do is that when I'm AFK and when someone says something to me in Guild chat my mates who know what I'm doing would do something like this: (Names are fake)

Jimtheorc: Hey (Me) how's it going?
Guildmate: Oh yo don't bother (Me) he's having a rough time right now, so just leave him be.
Jimtheorc: Oh, okay.

Usually they will believe him, and when I get back to observing my Bot, I'll reply as such:

Me: Sorry man, just not in the mood to talk right now, just wanna get a few stacks of (certainmaterial) and go to bed.

And that seals the deal. (Try creating a new excuse each time)

And if you dont know how to make friends, then you're gonna have a hard time when nobody is supporting you, when the WHOLE GUILD supports you, then enjoy your lucrative WoW experience.

My tips on BG bot: Don't use it, literally avoid it. The pathing is becoming obvious and I have people whisper : "You f***ing botter" each time, so i stopped immediately. (Stopped botting for a week) If you ARE going to use BG bot, use it with extreme caution and roll a healing character, usually they do the trick, but still BG is really risky and I would still avoid using it.

Tips on GB2: Bot 1-2 hours, log out for a bit (work out, or just life) (Use your better judgement, and what time of day the server is) then relog. Rinse repeat ( No bans or reports so far )

Tips on Questing: Constant watch out, your character can get stuck and will circle around the questing area until it's done, but will continually just be swimming around it, cause the quest isnt getting done, so turn off the bot, finish the quest, then turn it back on. (EXAMPLE: Mudmug's muddy water gathering quest, (Quest details: Keep gathering mud from the river, but the mud will leak, and could lead the bot to wasting a TON of time on this one quest, so do it yourself. Profile: Kick's)) ( No bans or reports so far )

Well that's all the one's I've been using so far, I haven't touched dungeon or raiding, but I heard as long as you're a healer or a dps, then there's very little issues (From raiding at least, dungeons I wouldnt personally go in)


Botting smart???

Pick a server that is of opposite time difference from where you are, and medium population (High pop if you're feeling ballsy, but not recommended, so far the population im on is high, but I've received no bans so far.)

Reason why I say medium population is cause when the server starts to die, it leads to having like, less than 200 people online. Then on peak time bot off.


Choose odd places to start botting, places where other people wouldn't bot. It could slow you down, but you will be safer.


Don't BG bot, period.


Sell gold if you NEED to, small amounts. Make a character, give the x amount of gold to that character sell it, delete it, I would not choose this method as an actual means of living in real life, and by NEED to, I mean like refreshing your subscription or buying a new account


Don't 24/7. Too much of a risk, probably the biggest reason why people are getting banned. They go on forum cry and cry about why the bot is too... botty, and try to find a way to keep botting 24/7 without getting banned. You WILL eventually get banned if you 24/7. I know a lot of botters out there that bot 24/7 but never say so in forum, and cry why they got banned. (This is just assumption from reading countless posts).


Last comment: Try to set up a different internet connection for your main account. It's the LAST resort, but it's the safest idea I could ever think of. No bans so far. So it must be working XD.

Happy botting everyone, good luck, and have fun.

First of all thanks for the hints.
This MIGHTwork for some people. But thats not the idea of HB, the idea of HB is BOTTING without doing anything. (Who knows maybe you`ll be banned within the next 7 days aswell...)
I have 2 questions to you: Do you feel safe how your botting? Or are you scared of beeing banned everytime you login at the moment?

"I have 4 accounts, none of which have been banned on a high population server." <--- You are an excuse right now, there is people who bot for 2h and get a ban... Just read the forums.

Now the biggest problem with your guide is: Alot of people including me have 20 accounts+. How should i monitor 5 different servers? With 3 different toons for AH on every server and 5 different guilds monitoring all the chat? And with autologoff every 2h? etc etc etc

The biggest risk for us all is that: You cannot tell us your "strategy" is 100% safe. Not even 50% safe due to the bans for all the people who just login and get banned after some hours...

So another big problem is: I dont want to risk ~50? (1 Acc) just to see if this works for me. And if it really works for a week... and then i start all my bots again and suddenly i get 25/25 ban i burned ~ ? 1250

So until HB`s risk is not reduced to the 5% that it was before i cant start my bots.

Honorbuddy Mod`s and the Owner should give us a statement for the current situation.
Everyone is pissed already so tell us the truth, or if you dont know what is going on then PLEASE at least advice the people to stop botting for x days/weeks.

Or if you dont know how long this is gonna last: Then admit it, but dont let more people run into bans.

By not acting you are burning OUR money. The money of the HB community.
Is that how you treat your customers?
The customers who invested ?25 - ? 500 into this bot?
Your letting us all run into fire?
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So you are telling the people to still run HB on their computers? Thats your advice? Really? Your a fucking ignorant asshole then. I bet your not even botting yourself right now.

I scare those who are inexperienced??
I and all who agree with my post PROTECT those who are inexperienced and clueless from getting all their Accounts banned for noone telling us what is going on!

And what you mean you dont know how old this post is? There is a date isnt there?

The chance to get banned is 50-75%. Go ahead bot 1 account for a week lets say 8/7 with GB2.
Youve been around since 2010 and yet your telling such bullshit.

How many accounts do you have that you can advice people to bot smarter and that its their fault?

Explain us how you bot and how many bots you have running! If you dont then shut the fuck up and get off of this thread cause in my oppinion your just one of those trolls that have NO IDEA.

Why do we get reported and you dont?!

Im expecting your answers Mr. Botsmart.

Show the community you know what you are talking about, HOW TO FUCKING BOT SMART?!
It doesn't seem to matter anymore whether you bot 1-2 hours a day or 24/7, gb2 at least, you just somehow get banned in no time, so all these advice is pretty much useless now.
Don't worry, I am not going to flame you, but I am going to disagree with part of your comments. You insinuate that it does not depend on "HOW YOU BOT." But, I think it does. I am still botting, and botted several times today.

I AGREE that it is more dangerous to bot right now than ever before. However, I do not think that has anything to do with the warden supposedly detecting the buddy program. I think it has more to do with triggers that have been placed in the regular buddy paths within the game. If you watch your bot, like I do, you have surely noticed a lot more pathing obstacles than there were this time last year. I do not believe the new branches on certain trees, or the new objects in the air that obstruct Kick's pathing in a few places are simply random. I would not be surprised if they triggered an automatic flag for a GM to check out your toon. I've seen such obstacles everywhere from starting zones to Pandaria. For example, Kick's pathing takes you under a stairway in the Night Elf starting zone, but the stairwell has been lowered so that toons get stuck going under it now. Kick's pathing takes you around a lamp post in another zone, but the space between the lamp post and the building gets blocked by certain holiday decorations. Kick's pathing outside Orgrimmar takes you between some pointed logs that have been recently moved to obstruct his pathing. I don't think any of these obstacles were randomly placed there by Blizzard. I believe they are putting obstacles in the path that will trigger a notice to a GM. The GM will show up later to watch you for a while. If you run over enough triggers or if you do something bottish when the GM comes to check you out, then you will probably have to answer for it.

Yes indeed.
The risk is indeed higher (obviously because otherwise there wouldnt be such an increase in bans), but indeed that has nothing to do with software detection, but indeed other ways of detecting ppl that bot in general. Of all the posts about this which I've read, you seem to be the only one saying something that makes sense and is very probable.

Besides, if you got the skills to build a memory pointer based bot, then yes, I'll take your word on this over anyone random at the forum.
So if they (the devs, not some mods) say the bot is not detected, then for me, the bot is not detected. This does not mean the ban chance is not higher!
People seem to confuse these completely different matters constantly.

On a side note:
The mods could've bothered explaining it like this rather then just saying "the bot is not detectable, its 100% safe" which in essence is true if you talk about software detection, but they should know this will confuse alot of members, like I just pointed out.
Honestly if Blizz can not detect the software, but are using tricks to flag you more agressively then the dev team can probably not do much about it. Or they might, but I'm not sure about that.
First of all thanks for the hints.
This MIGHTwork for some people. But thats not the idea of HB, the idea of HB is BOTTING without doing anything. (Who knows maybe you`ll be banned within the next 7 days aswell...)
I have 2 questions to you: Do you feel safe how your botting? Or are you scared of beeing banned everytime you login at the moment?

"I have 4 accounts, none of which have been banned on a high population server." <--- You are an excuse right now, there is people who bot for 2h and get a ban... Just read the forums.

Now the biggest problem with your guide is: Alot of people including me have 20 accounts+. How should i monitor 5 different servers? With 3 different toons for AH on every server and 5 different guilds monitoring all the chat? And with autologoff every 2h? etc etc etc

The biggest risk for us all is that: You cannot tell us your "strategy" is 100% safe. Not even 50% safe due to the bans for all the people who just login and get banned after some hours...

So another big problem is: I dont want to risk ~50? (1 Acc) just to see if this works for me. And if it really works for a week... and then i start all my bots again and suddenly i get 25/25 ban i burned ~ ? 1250

So until HB`s risk is not reduced to the 5% that it was before i cant start my bots.

Honorbuddy Mod`s and the Owner should give us a statement for the current situation.
Everyone is pissed already so tell us the truth, or if you dont know what is going on then PLEASE at least advice the people to stop botting for x days/weeks.

Or if you dont know how long this is gonna last: Then admit it, but dont let more people run into bans.

By not acting you are burning OUR money. The money of the HB community.
Is that how you treat your customers?
The customers who invested ?25 - ? 500 into this bot?
Your letting us all run into fire?

Everybody's pissed? I'm not...

There has been many posts about people saying, Devs should tell us to stop botting because its not safe or take HB down for a while, or w/e but really? If you make an account get banned, make another, get banned. Then why don't you take it upon yourself and just stop botting for a while?

And to the person in here who told someone to use GB2 for a week for 8 hours a day, Well most people have school, work or something else in there lives which stops them playing for 8 hours a day for 7 days straight, my guess is nearly everyone here has, else why would you be using a bot in the first place? And I know there is people who have made there own profiles, but if 100-1000s of people are using the same profile I'm sure its not hard for them to detect it, there has been way too many of these threads made recently, and maybe there's more people who use HB that haven't been banned than those who have, and its only the Devs who can answer that. Hence why they say its the same as ever, HB is the same profiles are not...
One thing i want to know is if people are getting banned with any other bot software aswell in the past weeks.
First of all thanks for the hints.
This MIGHTwork for some people. But thats not the idea of HB, the idea of HB is BOTTING without doing anything. (Who knows maybe you`ll be banned within the next 7 days aswell...)
I have 2 questions to you: Do you feel safe how your botting? Or are you scared of beeing banned everytime you login at the moment?

"I have 4 accounts, none of which have been banned on a high population server." <--- You are an excuse right now, there is people who bot for 2h and get a ban... Just read the forums.

Now the biggest problem with your guide is: Alot of people including me have 20 accounts+. How should i monitor 5 different servers? With 3 different toons for AH on every server and 5 different guilds monitoring all the chat? And with autologoff every 2h? etc etc etc

The biggest risk for us all is that: You cannot tell us your "strategy" is 100% safe. Not even 50% safe due to the bans for all the people who just login and get banned after some hours...

So another big problem is: I dont want to risk ~50? (1 Acc) just to see if this works for me. And if it really works for a week... and then i start all my bots again and suddenly i get 25/25 ban i burned ~ ? 1250

So until HB`s risk is not reduced to the 5% that it was before i cant start my bots.

Honorbuddy Mod`s and the Owner should give us a statement for the current situation.
Everyone is pissed already so tell us the truth, or if you dont know what is going on then PLEASE at least advice the people to stop botting for x days/weeks.

Or if you dont know how long this is gonna last: Then admit it, but dont let more people run into bans.

By not acting you are burning OUR money. The money of the HB community.
Is that how you treat your customers?
The customers who invested ?25 - ? 500 into this bot?
Your letting us all run into fire?

I understand what you mean when you're using 10+ bots, like to my concern if you're using that many bots I think the biggest risk JUST PERSONALLY this is not coming from any professional experience, but the biggest risk for you I would assume would be so many accounts running on ONE I.P. Also, if you've been caught before, I think Blizzard puts you on a blacklist or some kind of watch list, and of course people like Swifty and Athene are white listed most of the time because they promote playing the game a lot more than abusing 3rd party programs. (or just simply breaking ToS and the like)

And I'm really sorry people are getting banned from just two hours of usage, I think the people who have been banned for such a short time on HB is because they've been banned before and moved to Blizzard's I.P watch list, or blacklist. So they're not given much grace.

My strategy is not 100% safe, there are always risks when botting, please see "so far" yes I could be banned. Like I said from the beginning I have no real authority to authenticate anything in solid stone in my record of botting, I just offered my hours and my strategies to safer botting.

I'de honestly not consider botting on new servers, usually new players join in those servers and as most new players they stick highly to the rules and start reporting left and right. Next day the botter's are banned.

ALL I CAN SAY: Is sorry that people get banned, that's bad luck is all I can say. All the different ways of botting in HB GB DB they're all just different ways of disrupting the ToS. Personally, I don't really give a shit if people are getting banned for obvious reasons, and continually get banned for the same reasons, but for the people new to botting, take it slow and if you get banned, I'm sorry, but honestly it's all up to the Devs to be working on a 5% risk chance botting formula like before.

Also, never assume you're gonna get away with it, cause when you do get caught for something that's already a risk thinking it's full proof, that's fucking foolish.

When I do get caught eventually, I'm just start fresh bot free, and I have my guildies to help build me from the ground up since I've been supporting them so much (some of them or RLFs).

Always have a plan B, if you stick too much to Plan A, you're retarded, especially if you're like 20+ and you think you're always gonna get your way and plans will always work, get real.
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