[12:22:35.144 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 14.7248, FPS: 78, Latency: 42, Map: Troll Raid, loc: <-139.4402, 6984.865, 7.672458>)!
[12:22:35.144 D] Nearest game object, distance 2.47 yards
<!--Demon Ward in Azsuna zone and on Troll Raid map-->
<GameObject model="#1363056">
<Matrix M11="-0.287142515" M12="0.9578878" M13="0" M14="0" M21="-0.9578878" M22="-0.287142515" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="1" M34="0" M41="-137.583328" M42="6983.28" M43="8.01451" M44="1" />
[12:22:35.145 V] Trying strafe forward left for 408 ms
[12:22:35.470 N] [LogMeOut!]: Stuck detected at <X=-136.3602; Y=6985.961; Z=8.065478>. Number of consecutive stuck : 1/10
[12:22:35.598 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward, StrafeLeft
[12:22:37.375 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 14.75901, FPS: 84, Latency: 42, Map: Troll Raid, loc: <-138.034, 6985.917, 7.844448>)!
[12:22:37.376 D] Nearest game object, distance 2.68 yards
<!--Demon Ward in Azsuna zone and on Troll Raid map-->
<GameObject model="#1363056">
<Matrix M11="-0.287142515" M12="0.9578878" M13="0" M14="0" M21="-0.9578878" M22="-0.287142515" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="1" M34="0" M41="-137.583328" M42="6983.28" M43="8.01451" M44="1" />