[11:27:19 AM:670] Logging in...
[11:27:21 AM:165] Buddy Sessions: 1/1
Shared Sessions: 0/0
[11:27:23 AM:189] Attached to WoW with ID 6224
[11:27:23 AM:266] Honorbuddy v2.0.0.4910 started!
[11:27:23 AM:267] Using WoW with process ID 6224
[11:27:23 AM:267] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
[11:27:23 AM:267] Executable Path: C:\Users\7\Desktop\wowbot\Honorbuddy.exe
[11:27:23 AM:271] Character is a level 80 Gnome Rogue
[11:27:23 AM:272] Current zone is Mount Hyjal
[11:27:23 AM:282] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
[11:27:23 AM:483] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:----------------------------------------------------------------------
[11:27:23 AM:483] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:Currently supported tanking dungeons :
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:(This list will update itself automatically)
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 15 - 21) Deadmines
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 15 - 21) Ragefire Chasm
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 16 - 26) Shadowfang Keep
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 20 - 30) The Stockade
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 26 - 36) Scarlet Monastery - Graveyard
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 29 - 39) Scarlet Monastery - Library
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 32 - 42) Scarlet Monastery - Armory
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 35 - 45) Scarlet Monastery - Cathedral
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 38 - 48) Scholomance
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 42 - 52) Stratholme - Main Gate
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 46 - 56) Stratholme - Service Entrance
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 57 - 67) Hellfire Ramparts
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 59 - 68) The Blood Furnace
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 62 - 71) Mana Tombs
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]: (Level 65 - 73) Sethekk Halls
[11:27:23 AM:484] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:----------------------------------------------------------------------
[11:27:23 AM:615] New bot added!: Instancebuddy
[11:27:23 AM:634] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
[11:27:23 AM:635] New bot added!: Grind Bot
[11:27:23 AM:635] New bot added!: Questing
[11:27:23 AM:637] New bot added!: PvP
[11:27:23 AM:637] New bot added!: BG Bot [Beta]
[11:27:23 AM:639] New bot added!: Mixed Mode
[11:27:23 AM:640] New bot added!: PartyBot
[11:27:23 AM:934] New bot added!: Combat/Heal Bot [1.0.0]
[11:27:23 AM:951] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\7\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes
[11:27:23 AM:951] KillBetweenHotspots: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] AdvancedSettingsMode: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] LogoutForInactivity: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10
[11:27:23 AM:951] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
[11:27:23 AM:951] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
[11:27:23 AM:951] FoodAmount: 0
[11:27:23 AM:951] DrinkAmount: 0
[11:27:23 AM:951] FormLocationX: 237
[11:27:23 AM:951] FormLocationY: 325
[11:27:23 AM:951] FormWidth: 396
[11:27:23 AM:951] FormHeight: 302
[11:27:23 AM:951] SelectedBotIndex: 4
[11:27:23 AM:951] UseFlightPaths: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] FindMountAutomatically: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] UseRandomMount: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] FoodName: 33449
[11:27:23 AM:951] DrinkName: Automatically detected, press to change
[11:27:23 AM:951] MountName: 17453
[11:27:23 AM:951] LootMobs: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] SkinMobs: False
[11:27:23 AM:951] NinjaSkin: False
[11:27:23 AM:951] LootChests: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] HarvestMinerals: False
[11:27:23 AM:951] HarvestHerbs: False
[11:27:23 AM:951] UseMount: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] PullDistance: 30
[11:27:23 AM:951] LootRadius: 45
[11:27:23 AM:951] FindVendorsAutomatically: False
[11:27:23 AM:951] TrainNewSkills: False
[11:27:23 AM:951] LearnFlightPaths: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\7\Desktop\test.xml
[11:27:23 AM:951] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\7\Desktop\test.xml
[11:27:23 AM:951] MountDistance: 75
[11:27:23 AM:951] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
[11:27:23 AM:951] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
[11:27:23 AM:951] FoodAmount: 0
[11:27:23 AM:951] DrinkAmount: 0
[11:27:23 AM:951] FormLocationX: 237
[11:27:23 AM:951] FormLocationY: 325
[11:27:23 AM:951] SelectedBotIndex: 4
[11:27:23 AM:951] UseFlightPaths: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] FindMountAutomatically: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] UseRandomMount: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] FoodName: 33449
[11:27:23 AM:951] DrinkName: Automatically detected, press to change
[11:27:23 AM:951] MountName: 17453
[11:27:23 AM:951] LootMobs: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] SkinMobs: False
[11:27:23 AM:951] NinjaSkin: False
[11:27:23 AM:951] LootChests: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] HarvestMinerals: False
[11:27:23 AM:951] HarvestHerbs: False
[11:27:23 AM:951] UseMount: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] PullDistance: 30
[11:27:23 AM:951] LootRadius: 45
[11:27:23 AM:951] FindVendorsAutomatically: False
[11:27:23 AM:951] TrainNewSkills: False
[11:27:23 AM:951] LearnFlightPaths: True
[11:27:23 AM:951] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\7\Desktop\test.xml
[11:27:23 AM:951] MountDistance: 75
[11:27:23 AM:951] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
[11:27:24 AM:128] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
[11:27:24 AM:129] Activity: Initializing.
[11:27:24 AM:130] Activity: Loading memory management & tables
[11:27:24 AM:145] Activity: Loading Spells
[11:27:24 AM:180] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager
[11:27:24 AM:195] Activity: Initializing Plugins
[11:27:24 AM:197]
[11:27:25 AM:415] [WeigtSet] Selected weight set: Rogue-Combat
[11:27:26 AM:341] Activity: Initializing Navigator
[11:27:26 AM:399] Activity: Initializing Blackspot Manager
[11:27:26 AM:404] Activity: Initializing Battlegrounds
[11:27:26 AM:418] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths
[11:27:26 AM:485] Activity: Initializing Routines
[11:27:26 AM:489] Building spell book
[11:27:26 AM:492] Spell book built
[11:27:26 AM:493] Compiling C:\Users\7\Desktop\wowbot\CustomClasses\ShamWOW
[11:27:26 AM:776] Activity: Loading Profile...
[11:27:27 AM:173] Compiling C:\Users\7\Desktop\wowbot\CustomClasses\Singular
[11:27:28 AM:111] Activity: Initialization complete
[11:27:28 AM:111] Initialization complete.
[11:27:28 AM:112] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[11:27:32 AM:463] Downloaded tilemap Kalimdor
[11:27:33 AM:164] Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True
[11:27:33 AM:391] Changing current profile to [N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]
[11:27:40 AM:411] Starting the bot!
[11:27:40 AM:521] Changing current profile to [N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]
[11:27:41 AM:030] Chose Singular $Revision: 254 $ as your combat class!
[11:27:41 AM:031] [Singular] Starting Singular v0.0.0.0
[11:27:41 AM:063] [Singular] Determining talent spec.
[11:27:41 AM:163] [Singular] Current spec is Combat Rogue
[11:27:41 AM:173] [Singular] Using CreateCombatRogueCombat for Combat Rogue - Combat (Priority: 0)
[11:27:41 AM:191] [Singular] Using CreateCombatRoguePull for Combat Rogue - Pull (Priority: 0)
[11:27:41 AM:194] [Singular] Using CreateRogueRest for Combat Rogue - Rest (Priority: 0)
[11:27:41 AM:199] [Singular] Using CreateRogueCombatBuffs for Combat Rogue - CombatBuffs (Priority: 0)
[11:27:41 AM:209] [Singular] Using CreateRoguePreCombatBuffs for Combat Rogue - PreCombatBuffs (Priority: 0)
[11:27:41 AM:270] [Singular] Behaviors created!
[11:27:41 AM:331] Cleared POI
[11:27:41 AM:332] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[11:27:41 AM:333] Cleared POI
[11:27:42 AM:322] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[11:27:42 AM:322] Loading Kalimdor_38_21
[11:27:42 AM:680] Compiling expression 'Me.IsHorde && !IsQuestCompleted(25316))' @ line 359
[11:27:42 AM:922] 2 errors encountered while compiling condition 'Me.IsHorde && !IsQuestCompleted(25316)'
[11:27:42 AM:923] Compiling expression '!CanFly()' @ line 364
[11:27:43 AM:219] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\7\Desktop\wowbot\Quest Behaviors\UserDialog.cs'
[11:27:43 AM:606] Goal: User Attention Required...
[11:27:43 AM:606] Activity: Waiting for user dialog to close
[11:27:44 AM:939] Activity: Honorbuddy stopped due to Profile Writer request
[11:27:44 AM:943] [UserDialog-v148(user response) @line 365]: Honorbuddy stopped due to Profile Writer request
[11:27:44 AM:943] Stop called!
[11:27:44 AM:974] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[11:27:45 AM:003] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
[11:27:45 AM:003] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()