This is an amazing idea. I cant wait for it to get started. Is there an estimate on when you will have all races 1-60 completed? I keep checking daily to see if updates include tauren leveling. Wish to hit 60 on my tauren priest soon.
Ran into an error while questing in Dragonblight at Star's Rest dealing with the quest "The Liquid Fire of Elune". The bot would fly to the hotspot and then error out. Problem was solved by manually doing the quest. Log is attached.
I'm at lvl 60 and decided to purchase the flying mount since the bot didn't. I thought that it would since it purchased the horses. But now my bot won't fly even though I have the outland flying one selected. Any ideas how to fix it?
Edit: I have lifetime
What seems to be the problem? I can't start questing, bot keeps stopping.
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to [A] QO 68-80 [Kick]
[AutoEquip]: You have not selected a weapon style yet. Please open the configuration and check your settings.
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
It kept running back and forth at this place, most likely a Flightor bug
The bot always crashes in Duskwood:
<snippet deleted>
It kept running back and forth at this place, most likely a Flightor bug