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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Having "Might As Well Wipe Out of the Scourge" and "I'm Stuck in this Damned Cage... But Not For Long!", it goes to the entrance of the objective, uses flymount, goes inside(and you get dismounted), and then it goes to the entrance and repeat it.

if you can get me a better flyto that's farther away from the entrance, that would be great
Having a huge problem with this profile. Every time I restart it, it flies to Shattrath to try and train. Then back to Whatever place. Seems like a pretty big waste of time. Is there a way to prevent this ?
if you can get me a better flyto that's farther away from the entrance, that would be great

I don't know to which quest it was flying to, it just said flying to objective, 1 of the quests is inside, and the other is at the top of the building outside
did that quest yesterday and it fought the dragon till it went to sleep and took an egg, fought the dragon, took an egg and kept going till it was done, only problem was combat bug when it was done ;)
Maybe I'm the only one but it seems like this profile is busted beyond belief. Before I went to bed last night I started this profile at 70 in borean tundra and got stuck or confused the quest objectives. The first quest of crushing the spider eggs kept trying to kill the eggs even after 10 then i can't remember the other quests but about 5 more were broken. I woke up to it just jumping by the ships that you have to catch on fire because it only was targeting 3 of them out of the 4. Someone please explain to me why this questing profile has a 5 star rating?
There is a problem with a quest being handed in immediately after collecting one sample:

<PickUp QuestName="Protecting Our Own" QuestId="10488" GiverName="Gor'drek" GiverId="21117" />
<If Condition="HasQuest(10488)">
<CustomBehavior File="UseItemOn" QuestId="10488" ItemId="30175" NpcId="20748" WaitTime="0" Range="5" X="2092.474" Y="6085.685" Z="146.4345" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Protecting Our Own" QuestId="10488" TurnInName="Gor'drek" TurnInId="21117" />

I tried with adding CollectCount="5" in the CustomBehavior tag. But that didn't help. Can someone a little more proficient in the coding style here help me out with what it should say?

Just came up with an idea. Would this work?

<PickUp QuestName="Protecting Our Own" QuestId="10488" GiverName="Gor'drek" GiverId="21117" />
<If Condition="HasQuest(10488)">
<Objective QuestName="Protecting Our Own" QuestId="10488" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="30175" CollectCount="5" />
<CustomBehavior File="UseItemOn" QuestId="10488" ItemId="30175" NpcId="20748" WaitTime="0" Range="5" X="2092.474" Y="6085.685" Z="146.4345" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Protecting Our Own" QuestId="10488" TurnInName="Gor'drek" TurnInId="21117" />
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In all honestly I must be a complete idiot. I have yet to get a single "Kick" profile to work as it should. With this one I get to the twisted Vale on my own, and start the bot, at level 68 and he just heads off to grizzy.
Having issue with questing profile

I am trying to use the questing profile and It keeps giving me this error. I did complete a few quest before starting this profile. Thank you.

View attachment 23427
I am trying to use the questing profile and It keeps giving me this error. I did complete a few quest before starting this profile. Thank you.

View attachment 23427

delete your hb (keep settings folder and any plugins / cc's that aren't hb shipped)
redownload hb
reinstall hb fresh
put your settings and other stuff back in

press load profile and press start
In all honestly I must be a complete idiot. I have yet to get a single "Kick" profile to work as it should. With this one I get to the twisted Vale on my own, and start the bot, at level 68 and he just heads off to grizzy.

attach a log for assistance

Grinding Area:
68-73 Howling Fjorde (Halgrind) --> 73-76 S Grizzly Hills (Voldrune) --> W/SW Storm Peaks (K3 Gnolls)

^^ are you in halgrind when you start it?
New Update:
Added Goblin 1-12
Added Troll 1-12
Added Northern Barrens 12-20+

Next up will be Ashenvale, Northern Stranglethorn.
Stuck in Winterspring

I'm lvl 51 Warrior, and it's stuck at winterspring just grinding. Doesn't say till a certain lvl, just Grinding..

Is it supposed to do so? or is it a bug that i can do something about?
I did that and it started working but once It asked me to do the totem quest and turn it in, It started riding to the quest The Earth Claims All. I have a lifetime membership so I know flying is active and I have Swift Purple Gryphon set as my mount. If flew for the first set of quest then just stopped.
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