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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Maybe I'm the only one but it seems like this profile is busted beyond belief. Before I went to bed last night I started this profile at 70 in borean tundra and got stuck or confused the quest objectives. The first quest of crushing the spider eggs kept trying to kill the eggs even after 10 then i can't remember the other quests but about 5 more were broken. I woke up to it just jumping by the ships that you have to catch on fire because it only was targeting 3 of them out of the 4. Someone please explain to me why this questing profile has a 5 star rating?

True, I've had my fair share of problems using this profile, however, 71-77 worked flawlessly, just had problems with the 70-71, and 77-80, which it did nothing but grinded.
yeh that fixed did work thankyou , will it be the same for the other profiles for level 80-85 questing ?

thanks for your help :D

yeah they all have the same code - but it works for all of my characters. i don't know exactly what !CanFly() checks for - i've asked a dev to give me the rundown when they get back
Quest learning to communicate.
It Kills scalder and i think the macro to target scalder and use the conch shell thingy might be broken. It kills him and then says cant find target, blacklists 15mins and so on.

I had to click the conch shell thingy and then it automatically detected and moved on.
Quest learning to communicate.
It Kills scalder and i think the macro to target scalder and use the conch shell thingy might be broken. It kills him and then says cant find target, blacklists 15mins and so on.

I had to click the conch shell thingy and then it automatically detected and moved on.

it's one of those gay water quests ... i've tried various solutions and they all kind of suck :\ i'd like hb to not blacklist that target, but there's no behavior to 'force no blacklist #'

Getting this on ur 58-70 Ally:

[UserSettings-v147(error)]: BEHAVIOR MAINTENANCE PROBLEM: <snipped>
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Has an issue with the fuselight, ho! quest from epl/wpl.. (not sure) its the quest that gets you to badlands...im not sure it was going to get on the rocket as it had the wait timer ticking down b4 it jumped on so i clicked the rocket and once it got there it seems to want to run back to where the rocket was after the timer...this is rather bad as it tries to run through twilight highlands.... it needs to be forced to take the path from loch modan to badlands...

edit: also it seems that fuse light quest bit where you use the teleport may need a bit more coding as if you use the teleport then ggo into a pvp round then come it tries to use the teleport again thats why it tries to go back up the hill by going through twilight highlands. i handed in the quest manually and then it was off happy again.
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Thanks for the profile but it does not work for my goblin mage, it stopped after the... 2nd quest only ! :(

[07:21:17:304] Picking up Taking Care of Business : 14138
[07:21:17:305] Goal: Picking up Taking Care of Business
[07:21:17:308] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[07:21:17:537] interact: 0x3F74D1E4
[07:21:17:553] interact done: 0x3F74D1E4
[07:21:19:699] [EquipMe-v2] event(ITEM_PUSH) - 0,Interface\Icons\inv_misc_gift_01
[07:21:20:503] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[07:21:20:503] Cleared POI
[07:21:20:686] Goal: Turning in Taking Care of Business
[07:21:20:694] Changed POI to: Type: QuestTurnIn
[07:21:20:892] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
[07:21:20:900] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[07:21:20:900] Loading LostIsles_29_47
[07:21:28:878] interact: 0x3F70676C
[07:21:28:894] interact done: 0x3F70676C
[07:21:32:886] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed #2
[07:21:32:886] Cleared POI
[07:21:33:31] Picking up Trouble in the Mines : 14075
[07:21:33:31] Goal: Picking up Trouble in the Mines
[07:21:33:31] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[07:21:33:248] interact: 0x3F70676C
[07:21:33:265] interact done: 0x3F70676C
[07:21:36:684] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[07:21:36:684] Cleared POI
[07:21:36:868] Picking up Good Help is Hard to Find : 14069
[07:21:36:868] Goal: Picking up Good Help is Hard to Find
[07:21:36:868] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[07:21:37:85] interact: 0x3F70676C
[07:21:37:101] interact done: 0x3F70676C
[07:21:40:503] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[07:21:40:503] Cleared POI
[07:21:40:657] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(14069) && !IsQuestCompleted(14069)' @ line 71
[07:21:41:8] Compiling quest behavior from 'D:\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
[07:21:41:215] Could not compile quest behavior from 'D:\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
[07:21:41:216] Line 139: 'Styx.Bot.Quest_Behaviors.InteractWith.SubversionId'*: aucune m?thode appropri?e n'a ?t? trouv?e pour la substitution
[07:21:41:216] Line 140: 'Styx.Bot.Quest_Behaviors.InteractWith.SubversionRevision'*: aucune m?thode appropri?e n'a ?t? trouv?e pour la substitution
[07:21:41:218] Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
[07:21:41:218] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[07:21:41:218] Stop called!
[07:21:41:246] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[07:21:41:246] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
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Thanks for the profile but it does not work for my goblin mage, it stopped after the... 2nd quest only ! :(

[07:21:17:304] Picking up Taking Care of Business : 14138
[07:21:17:305] Goal: Picking up Taking Care of Business
[07:21:17:308] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[07:21:17:537] interact: 0x3F74D1E4
[07:21:17:553] interact done: 0x3F74D1E4
[07:21:19:699] [EquipMe-v2] event(ITEM_PUSH) - 0,Interface\Icons\inv_misc_gift_01
[07:21:20:503] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[07:21:20:503] Cleared POI
[07:21:20:686] Goal: Turning in Taking Care of Business
[07:21:20:694] Changed POI to: Type: QuestTurnIn
[07:21:20:892] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
[07:21:20:900] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[07:21:20:900] Loading LostIsles_29_47
[07:21:28:878] interact: 0x3F70676C
[07:21:28:894] interact done: 0x3F70676C
[07:21:32:886] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed #2
[07:21:32:886] Cleared POI
[07:21:33:31] Picking up Trouble in the Mines : 14075
[07:21:33:31] Goal: Picking up Trouble in the Mines
[07:21:33:31] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[07:21:33:248] interact: 0x3F70676C
[07:21:33:265] interact done: 0x3F70676C
[07:21:36:684] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[07:21:36:684] Cleared POI
[07:21:36:868] Picking up Good Help is Hard to Find : 14069
[07:21:36:868] Goal: Picking up Good Help is Hard to Find
[07:21:36:868] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[07:21:37:85] interact: 0x3F70676C
[07:21:37:101] interact done: 0x3F70676C
[07:21:40:503] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[07:21:40:503] Cleared POI
[07:21:40:657] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(14069) && !IsQuestCompleted(14069)' @ line 71
[07:21:41:8] Compiling quest behavior from 'D:\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
[07:21:41:215] Could not compile quest behavior from 'D:\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
[07:21:41:216] Line 139: 'Styx.Bot.Quest_Behaviors.InteractWith.SubversionId'*: aucune m?thode appropri?e n'a ?t? trouv?e pour la substitution
[07:21:41:216] Line 140: 'Styx.Bot.Quest_Behaviors.InteractWith.SubversionRevision'*: aucune m?thode appropri?e n'a ?t? trouv?e pour la substitution
[07:21:41:218] Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
[07:21:41:218] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[07:21:41:218] Stop called!
[07:21:41:246] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[07:21:41:246] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()

Please, read the tread mate. You are not using the supported version. I don't know which version of Honorbuddy you're using but if you want to keep using it use the InteractWith behavior that comes with your version of HB. There's nothing wrong with the profile.
Grind mode works, so does mixed mode now.

Spend 7 hours grinding today, at least i thought. It spend 6 hours talking to a flightmaster, learning a new fp.

Switching bot to Grind bot
Changing current profile to K3 Gnolls
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn

this happens every time when a new fp needs to be learned.

Food for blizzard to spot you, talking to same person 2 million times in 6 hours.

If they got some script running for that, your done for.

I've had this same problem.
Adapted the Goblin profile to some weird quests. Apparently WoW has 2 entries of one quest and decides to randomly just pick one of them. Fixed bugs in the Northern Barrens profile, but I can't upload them since I don't have the access to it.
I just like to say this is a great working bot. I'm new to the sit and this is the first things Ive used. The only problem with Ive had is on the quest They're Out There! It doesn't find the mobs and if it dies it does reuse the item idk if this is a big deal or not. It's the only thing Ive had to help it on so far.
I have problem with RAF, i launched 4 shammies (your CC) they are in group, i selected tank, they are following him all the time with no problemo, but when i start fight - they just stand there doin nothing. Some advise ? Thanx
Can not turn in quest The Refiner's Fire (ID: 12922) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: False)
Could not create current in quest bot!

The quest is acceptable via item, and the profile doesn't have a place to go grind for it, so it can pick it.

It's not completing Mending Fences either, it doesn't do its objective.

Mending Fences Objective is missing
Grind Area for item if !me.hasitem()
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Has an issue with the fuselight, ho! quest from epl/wpl.. (not sure) its the quest that gets you to badlands...im not sure it was going to get on the rocket as it had the wait timer ticking down b4 it jumped on so i clicked the rocket and once it got there it seems to want to run back to where the rocket was after the timer...this is rather bad as it tries to run through twilight highlands.... it needs to be forced to take the path from loch modan to badlands...

edit: also it seems that fuse light quest bit where you use the teleport may need a bit more coding as if you use the teleport then ggo into a pvp round then come it tries to use the teleport again thats why it tries to go back up the hill by going through twilight highlands. i handed in the quest manually and then it was off happy again.

Yea ive had alot of issues trying to code this, I will try and add some while in the zone and has the quest to interact with the mob; the portal thing is a bit more complicated but ill see what i can do. I have a heavy work schedule over the next few days so wont happen for a while.
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