After finishing the route in WPL at level 39, my paladin went into grind mode automatically at Gahrron's Withering (might I suggest the bot grinds The Undercroft in EPL instead? level 40-41 mobs). After dinging 41 manually at the Undercroft, I turned the bot back on and it basically just sat there. Hearthed back to SW, reinstalled the profile. I had been using a different profile 1-10 so I imagine that it effected your route. The bot automatically took off on the newly reinstalled profile and finished grey quests in Westfall and Redridge Mountains. After these lines were finished, it flew back to SW, picked up the level 40 mount training and began to idle at the riding trainer. I had to turn the bot off and fly manually to EPL, then restart the bot before it would pick up quest Gidwin Goldbraid. It's running through EPL now, seems to be doing fine since I reinstalled the profile, barring a few hiccups of course.
This is such a great profile. Definitely will be buying you lunch after my next pay period.
I don't have any logs of this instance. I will watch for these events to reoccur when leveling my next toon.