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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Thanks guys, updated my HB to 4910, it's now up and running =)

... and it stopped again xD

[21:09:17:515] Picking up Conscript of the Horde : 840
[21:09:17:515] Goal: Picking up Conscript of the Horde
[21:09:17:515] Stop called!
[21:09:17:844] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[21:09:17:885] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
[21:09:17:887] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()

I use a dropbox with my gf. what you guys put on there?
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This bot worked perfectly until 2 hours ago. I play a level 32 paladin, and when i start the bot now in STV I get this message:
Could not find quest with ID 191! (Or could I: False)
Could not create a performable quest objective for objective with ID 736!
Could not create current in quest bot!

The only thing i changed in the profile was <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > to "False"
When it's set to "True", the bot works, but starts running back to redridge and doing quests which isnt very helpful :p
Log attached: View attachment 23401


i need your full log for assistance, don't edit it
Thanks guys, updated my HB to 4910, it's now up and running =)

... and it stopped again xD

[21:09:17:515] Picking up Conscript of the Horde : 840
[21:09:17:515] Goal: Picking up Conscript of the Horde
[21:09:17:515] Stop called!
[21:09:17:844] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[21:09:17:885] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
[21:09:17:887] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()

I use a dropbox with my gf. what you guys put on there?

Well, that's the end of the profile mate. Stay tuned for the next release beyond level 12 :). What we basically put there is everything involving the project. The testers post bug reports there and we house our plugin, CBs and profiles there. Always up-to date.

If you wish you can add my 60-69 profile.

Thanks for your generosity mate :).
Dont think i edited it, but if that one aint right, explain to me what kinda log you want :p

[23:20:03:613] Using wow with process id: 9468
[23:20:03:613] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
[23:20:03:613] Honorbuddy executable: C:\Users\Espen\Downloads\HonorBuddy\Honorbuddy.exe
[23:20:03:624] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Espen\Downloads\Honorbuddy\Mesh

^^ that's the top of it - i need to see the full unedited log

also, can you please go here and link your shop account to your forum account:
WOW Bot for PVP Leveling Gathering - Gatherbuddy & Honorbuddy Forums
The entire log shows up on my screen, but i'll just write it down here :p

i know what it says and it is edited. please do as i ask

produce an unedited log - and link your shop account to your forum account
I can not get this loaded for the life of me I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. I load honorbuddy and choose gatherbuddy2. I load a gb2 profile 1-50 mining for horde on kalimdor. I open up the professionbuddy window and choose mining-herb 1-300 flying gb2. It just sits there and doesn't do anything even after I hit run. I see Activity: PB: Moving to <-8433.48, 688.922, 96.31891> but it doesn't do a single thing just sits there. Any help is greatly appreciated. Also - Do I have to train first or is it supposed to do it for me.
Try these profiles.http://www.thebuddyforum.com/attach...ssion-leveling-plugin-plus-more-profiles.zip‎
OMG thanks ive been looking for a plugin like this for sooo long lol...ive been using this thing that forces a shutdown o my computer cause Im too lazy to wake up in the middle of the night to log out..Thanks
Excuse me if I may be rude, but I must admit I HATE ProfessionBuddy!

Believe me, I'm not that kind of guy who just makes a statement without no arguments, so here they come.

1. It is not simple at all. First you have to start up HB as usual and load a random profile and then launch PB and load a file into PB which replaced the file you loaded into HB before, makes sense? No.

2. *This may not be highvoltz or the plugin's fault, but I'm gonna bring it up anyway*
It doesn't do what it is supposed to. I've been running the "[mining-herb](1-525)flying-GB2(v2)" profile as Horde.

First of all, it doesn't train for me, it doesn't sell anything. Whenever it's supposed to these actions it just flies to "2059.807, -4765.928, 27.56209" and flies around there.
So just because of that I've been babysitting the bot all time...

But what just made freak out is that it says "1-525", aight?
Well, more likely "1-300 then go uldum and find nothing"
Yepp, as soon I was maxed (300) in my professions it brought me to Uldum and just flew around. I thought it would bring me to Outlands and do the job for me? :/
that's kinda good to hear. so if we just say mix it up with some bg bot , rest a day or two, then start again, everything should be a-ok?
Yeah Kick, I don't think you are right about the bug I mentioned. It does it on multiple PC's. Have you seen this happen where it goes back and tries to do already done quests?
Excuse me if I may be rude, but I must admit I HATE ProfessionBuddy!

Believe me, I'm not that kind of guy who just makes a statement without no arguments, so here they come.

1. It is not simple at all. First you have to start up HB as usual and load a random profile and then launch PB and load a file into PB which replaced the file you loaded into HB before, makes sense? No.

2. *This may not be highvoltz or the plugin's fault, but I'm gonna bring it up anyway*
It doesn't do what it is supposed to. I've been running the "[mining-herb](1-525)flying-GB2(v2)" profile as Horde.

First of all, it doesn't train for me, it doesn't sell anything. Whenever it's supposed to these actions it just flies to "2059.807, -4765.928, 27.56209" and flies around there.
So just because of that I've been babysitting the bot all time...

But what just made freak out is that it says "1-525", aight?
Well, more likely "1-300 then go uldum and find nothing"
Yepp, as soon I was maxed (300) in my professions it brought me to Uldum and just flew around. I thought it would bring me to Outlands and do the job for me? :/

1) GB2 will not run if there are no profiles loaded or an empty profile is loaded,if you try to you'll get this exception 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' with HB stopping before Profbuddy has a chance to run. Makes sense? I have a plan to get around this by preloading a random GB2 profile that the current profbuddy profile uses
Edit nm, this will not work 100%. just load a random GB profile and be happy...

2) Since you have not attached a log file I can only guess that you're trying to use the profiles that come with the HB Test version and if you are then download and use the profiles that I attached to the first post of this thread. Just a few days ago I used the 1-525 profile to level mining to max while 100% unattended so it's working.Please attach a log next time or don't bother posting at all.
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2nd character seeing this next issue.
[Into the Flames] it doesn't go up to the fire and click the item in the bag to burn the body. Just runs around and kills mobs back and forth up and down the hill. I can't upload a log though, just wondering if you've seen problems with it ever.

I think it might have to do with there being so many mobs spawning and so quickly. Like it kills all the mobs, then goes and loots, and by the time it's done there are more mobs that it fights. Then it resets after and never finishes the burning of the body on the fire.
2nd character seeing this next issue.
[Into the Flames] it doesn't go up to the fire and click the item in the bag to burn the body. Just runs around and kills mobs back and forth up and down the hill. I can't upload a log though, just wondering if you've seen problems with it ever.

I think it might have to do with there being so many mobs spawning and so quickly. Like it kills all the mobs, then goes and loots, and by the time it's done there are more mobs that it fights. Then it resets after and never finishes the burning of the body on the fire.

			<If Condition="((HasQuest(27482)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(27482)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="1" />
				<RunTo X="3457.617" Y="-5000.021" Z="200.1844" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000"/>
				<UseItem QuestId="27482" ItemId="61316" X="3457.617" Y="-5000.021" Z="200.1844" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="15000"/>

Maybe you got agro from something - a lot of times when hb gets agro it runs around in circles until out of agro (if it can't find a target). As far as the quest - it's a pretty straight forward quest - go there, wait for agro, useitem, wait 15 seconds and then move on
			<If Condition="((HasQuest(27482)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(27482)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="1" />
				<RunTo X="3457.617" Y="-5000.021" Z="200.1844" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000"/>
				<UseItem QuestId="27482" ItemId="61316" X="3457.617" Y="-5000.021" Z="200.1844" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="15000"/>

Maybe you got agro from something - a lot of times when hb gets agro it runs around in circles until out of agro (if it can't find a target). As far as the quest - it's a pretty straight forward quest - go there, wait for agro, useitem, wait 15 seconds and then move on

Hmm, well something is regularly going wrong with it on several of my characters.
Having "Might As Well Wipe Out of the Scourge" and "I'm Stuck in this Damned Cage... But Not For Long!", it goes to the entrance of the objective, uses flymount, goes inside(and you get dismounted), and then it goes to the entrance and repeat it.

What details? It just loops between mounting, going inside the building(which makes him getting dismounted), then going outside, mounting again, repeat.

The bot says "flying to objective"

Another thing i've noticed, and I don't know if its the profile or the bot itself, is that on quests that you need to pickup items from the ground, if there are mobs in a 20 yards radius, it goes to kill them instead of picking the items, and since the mobs are clustered, everytime it kills 1 mob theres another in that radius, so it keeps killing, not looting the mobs neither the items.
During "Prisioners of Wyrmskull" bot stops and log says:
[InteractWith(error)]: Attribute 'MobId' is required, but was not provided.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 4624]: Attribute 'MobId1' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 4624]: Attribute 'MobId10' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 4624]: Attribute 'MobId2' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 4624]: Attribute 'MobId3' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 4624]: Attribute 'MobId4' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 4624]: Attribute 'MobId5' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 4624]: Attribute 'MobId6' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 4624]: Attribute 'MobId7' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 4624]: Attribute 'MobId8' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 4624]: Attribute 'MobId9' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(error) @line 4624]: Stopping Honorbuddy.  Please repair the profile!
Using 4620

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Stupid draeneis get stuck in everything, they're not recommended!! He did get to level 60 fairly quick tho :P 1 day 18 hours /played, baws profile! Close to zero problems with the profile itself (as in I didn't manually do anything really) did die a ton of times to some high level mobs patroling now and then (sleeping elites in redridge and some level 65 guards in blasted lands) but it all worked out well on it's own. All in all, I love you. Oh and please stay alliance forever<3
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