Go to the first post and follow the instructions for getting everything downloaded.Can anyone explain how to run this.. I searched, but there is nothing here
Just tried running the cloud serpents profile and keep getting this error when trying to load the profile.
View attachment 73477
Keep the good work up Broadie.
'<', hexadecimal value 0x3C, is an invalid attribute character. Line 722, position 5.
I get this error when trying to load the profile. ?
I try to loads the Cloud serpent one
I?m using the druid flight form.The ruins quest, it looks like you have a pathing issue. Either you're on a flying mount above the limit, on a Mount that's too big to reach the intended object, or there are objects that can't be reached from the ground, and it's trying to reach them. I'll extend the range of the grab to 5 yards to see if that fixes it.
Also, no that quest is not intended to sit still. I'll look into it tonight. Check to make sure that you've installed a fresh copy of honorbuddy, not just cleared the cache. Sometimes this helps.
I assume you mean whitepetal lake? What quest? Did you clear cache/reinstall today?
EDIT: Read your log file, your bot is throwing exceptions at the start of every profile. I recommend a fresh install (delete the folder, minus that which doesnt come with the bot, and reinstall, don't just install over it) I have reason to believe that should fix it.
You mean HB or only the profile for new installation?
Why bot dont pick up quest "The Eternal Vigil" (1st phase in The Golden Lotus)?
Go to the first post and follow the instructions for getting everything downloaded.
Copy the folder called Plugins to your HB directory. It will merge with the existing one, you'll probably have to approve that.
Copy the folder called Quest Behaviors to your HB directory. It will merge with the existing one, you'll probably have to approve that.
Run HB.
Click Load Profile and navigate to wherever you saved the whole and complete Brodie package.
Load [Rep] Daily Grind [Brodie].xml
Go take a shower, eat some cookies, or whatever you do while your bot is doing stuff for you.
Changing current profile to The MoP Dailies Experience
[Singular] ... running the Combat Bot bot Solo in Shrine of Seven Stars
[Singular] Context changed, re-creating behaviors
[Singular] Casting Mark of the Wild on Myself
I followed these steps, used a brand new copy of HB and most updated profiles.
I loaded the profile, then press start and all it does is this.
My character just sits here afk
Just a heads up i am sure this has been mentioned but i didnt want to look through 50 pages of threads. When your profiles pick up a quest they want to turn it in right away without it being complete. not sure if its a bug or not just thought i would mention it. Other then that man keep up the great work i hate doing dailys.