Hello, I am writing this behalf of my littlebrother, who doesnt speak English yet.
Hes currently levelling a druid, using your profile(kicks) and FPSWARE AIO class specific profile.
He is now level 15, but experienced 3 times, that the bot didnt take the quest from the NPC.
He manually had to click it, in order for it to continue. Logs do not show any error.
Is this a common problem? I am asking because he said that he saw another guy at the same level, standing infront of the npc (not going afk, but standing still) - and that would make sense if it was another botter.
He has fully updated honorbuddy etc.
Please help.
EDIT: I JUST READ THIS. Sorry for not finding it before I posted.
"Hi, Backforn,
This is a known problem with the Honorbuddy .520 drop. More info, here. From Hawker's response, obviously HBdev knows of the problem, and is working on it.
You can pick up the quests manually and continue, but you will run into the problem with any Giver that offers more than one quest. Or, you can wait for a new Honorbuddy drop.
The issue is not profile-related, and there's nothing Kick can do about it.
chinajade "
Hes currently levelling a druid, using your profile(kicks) and FPSWARE AIO class specific profile.
He is now level 15, but experienced 3 times, that the bot didnt take the quest from the NPC.
He manually had to click it, in order for it to continue. Logs do not show any error.
Is this a common problem? I am asking because he said that he saw another guy at the same level, standing infront of the npc (not going afk, but standing still) - and that would make sense if it was another botter.
He has fully updated honorbuddy etc.
Please help.

EDIT: I JUST READ THIS. Sorry for not finding it before I posted.
"Hi, Backforn,
This is a known problem with the Honorbuddy .520 drop. More info, here. From Hawker's response, obviously HBdev knows of the problem, and is working on it.
You can pick up the quests manually and continue, but you will run into the problem with any Giver that offers more than one quest. Or, you can wait for a new Honorbuddy drop.
The issue is not profile-related, and there's nothing Kick can do about it.
chinajade "
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