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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hello, I am writing this behalf of my littlebrother, who doesnt speak English yet.

Hes currently levelling a druid, using your profile(kicks) and FPSWARE AIO class specific profile.
He is now level 15, but experienced 3 times, that the bot didnt take the quest from the NPC.

He manually had to click it, in order for it to continue. Logs do not show any error.
Is this a common problem? I am asking because he said that he saw another guy at the same level, standing infront of the npc (not going afk, but standing still) - and that would make sense if it was another botter.

He has fully updated honorbuddy etc.

Please help. :)

EDIT: I JUST READ THIS. Sorry for not finding it before I posted.

"Hi, Backforn,

This is a known problem with the Honorbuddy .520 drop. More info, here. From Hawker's response, obviously HBdev knows of the problem, and is working on it.

You can pick up the quests manually and continue, but you will run into the problem with any Giver that offers more than one quest. Or, you can wait for a new Honorbuddy drop.

The issue is not profile-related, and there's nothing Kick can do about it.

chinajade "
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Hello, I am running your Kick profile and I havent had any issues until now. I am level 89 and 86% in, it automatically switched to Dread Wastes questing but it keeps saying that I need to be level 90. I click continue profile and the message comes up again. I used your profiles from 1 - 89 and they are great. Any solutions?
Maybe I am doing alot wrong here but this profile set up does not seem to be user friendly... to much copy and paste going on.
Is there any way you could possably break it down on the downloads and lable it better so we us (SLOW PEOPLE) know exactly what needs to go where, because from your explaination...its kinda all over the place and im very confussed.
Stuck in Twilight Highlands

Hey, first of all, thanks to all the devs for their hard work to improve HB everyday.

Here is a spot I found a character being stuck, Twilight Highlands, Eastern Kingdoms, in the first Dragonmaw town starting up twilight highlands quest.

<Hotspot X="-4099.275" Y="-6398.779" Z="38.63683" />

Here's a screenshot:


Thanks again.
Hello, I am running your Kick profile and I havent had any issues until now. I am level 89 and 86% in, it automatically switched to Dread Wastes questing but it keeps saying that I need to be level 90. I click continue profile and the message comes up again. I used your profiles from 1 - 89 and they are great. Any solutions?

Hi, Scrynn,

Several people have reported coming up short on experience at the end of Townlong Steppes. All of my toons (so far >10) have dinged to 90 when they entered the Townlong Steppes, and I've no explanation for the experience discrepancy.

Kick's Dread Wastes profile requires the ability to fly. You do not get this ability until you get 90. I've asked Kick to add a grind area at the end of Townlong Steppes, in case others aren't 90 when they get to the end of it. However, as of today (Kick's SVN changeset 1919), the grind area has yet to be added.

So sadly, you're going to have to figure out a way to make up the level difference. The two options I can think of are to try Cava's questing profiles, or do some grinding with Botanist's Pangaea.

cheers & sorry for the bad news,
Hello, I am writing this behalf of my littlebrother, who doesnt speak English yet.

Hes currently levelling a druid, using your profile(kicks) and FPSWARE AIO class specific profile.
He is now level 15, but experienced 3 times, that the bot didnt take the quest from the NPC.

He manually had to click it, in order for it to continue. Logs do not show any error.
Is this a common problem? I am asking because he said that he saw another guy at the same level, standing infront of the npc (not going afk, but standing still) - and that would make sense if it was another botter.

He has fully updated honorbuddy etc.\

Hi, Tebrev,

I trust you've upgraded to Honorbuddy .521, and as a consequence no longer have a problem questing?

Maybe I am doing alot wrong here but this profile set up does not seem to be user friendly... to much copy and paste going on.
Is there any way you could possably break it down on the downloads and lable it better so we us (SLOW PEOPLE) know exactly what needs to go where, because from your explaination...its kinda all over the place and im very confussed.

Download all files as they are to one folder...the easiest way would be to follow the quite simple instructions of installing SVN, and using that. See Post 1.

If you download it manually, then put all the files as they appear on the site to one folder. Move the plugins to the HB/Plugins folder, move the Quest Behaviors to the HB/Quest Behaviors folder.

Run the profile.
Maybe I am doing alot wrong here but this profile set up does not seem to be user friendly... to much copy and paste going on.
Is there any way you could possably break it down on the downloads and lable it better so we us (SLOW PEOPLE) know exactly what needs to go where, because from your explaination...its kinda all over the place and im very confussed.

Brodie man i love ya, but no.
Once again, from what I am looking at from downloading your SVN there are 5 folders and 10 xml files which i would asume those are what you load when choosing which rep you wanna work on.

OK, SO the 5 folders Anti Drown, Golden lotus scripts, lorewalkers, pandaria dailies - megser, and quest behaviors.

I can assume that the Quest behaviors folder can be placed in the HB qb folder...what about the other four?
Its not as imple install man.. NO offence. I am a very educated man, but I do not have a computer sciences degree, and please assume that people who BOUGHT this program dont either, other wise I am pretty sure we would have wrote our own program to do this
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And I am truly not trying to sound like a dick. Because I give you 100% props for all the hard work you have installed into this profile.. Just asking you to maybe break it down so we can all get full enjoyment out of this.
And one last question, you said on step five

"5) Run HB and enjoy! (Make sure your HB install is brand new today, and that you recopy the Plugins and Quest Behaviors each time!)"

Your saying that every time i run this profile, i have to do a fresh install of HB and recopy the plugins and qb's??
And one last question, you said on step five

"5) Run HB and enjoy! (Make sure your HB install is brand new today, and that you recopy the Plugins and Quest Behaviors each time!)"

Your saying that every time i run this profile, i have to do a fresh install of HB and recopy the plugins and qb's??

Yeah...unfortunately the issue with the cache not clearing causes a lot of issues with the bot. I, presonally, recommend deleting the folder and reinstalling everyday before doing dailies. What I do is open HB, select all, unselect Plugins and Quest Behaviors, and delete all. Then reinstall. Or, make a separate install folder specifically for the dailies.

Going back to the folders:
Anti Drown -- Goes in Plugins
Megser's -- Goes in Plugins
Lorewalkers -- Another Profile to use, it does the Lorewalkers achievements if you haven't done them yet. See my sig for the Lorewalkers page for more info.
Golden Lotus Scripts -- Leave this here. Don't move this or the Golden Lotus profile in the main folder. If the two are separated, they won't work, period.

If you run Daily Grind.xml, it will run thru all the profiles from start to finish. If you run an individual profile, it will basically skip the ones before it, and start from that point in the grind. The order is listed on post 1.
The Anglers - Jagged Abalone - Gets stuck on corners depending on where it was navigating from. Not sure what you can do about that other than blacklist the ones that sometimes cause issues. It's generally the ones on these
it gets stuck on a corner and never tries to correct its path. Rather, it just keeps walking into the corner of it infinitely.
The Anglers - Jagged Abalone - Gets stuck on corners depending on where it was navigating from. Not sure what you can do about that other than blacklist the ones that sometimes cause issues. It's generally the ones on these
View attachment 73440
it gets stuck on a corner and never tries to correct its path. Rather, it just keeps walking into the corner of it infinitely.

I've tried to blacklist that one too...unfortunately it ignores the BL. Underwater Nav is straightline, no rules. There is no pathing correction, no stopping, no turning....unless I tell it to. Its messy. I'll try and find a better start point on that. Best I can do.
Newly added!

Order of the Cloud Serpent Pre-Req Check!
All dailies for Cloud Serpent except A Tangled Web are done. However, pickup/turnin is implemented, so if it accidently finishes on its own, it will still turn in.

A few bug fixes.

Coming soon: Golden Lotus Pre-Reqs!
[Singular] Your Level 88 Night Elf Shadow Priest Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot Solo in Krasarangwildnis
[Singular] Context changed, re-creating behaviors
[Singular] Casting Fear Ward on Myself
[Profile Message]: Compiling Kun-Lai Summit Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Binan Village Quests
[Profile Message]: Going to get FP and then pickup quest from Len the Whisperer

The bot does it the whole time. Already had this issues with my warrior.
The Bot runs without mounting through half pandaria

What can i do?
These profiles are amazing, makes my wow life alot easier, I am truly greatful. Atm I'm leveling my boomkin druid wich is at level 87, questing in Krasarang Wilds. For some reason she's not going into moonking form, why is that? I don't think it's your profiles but I've looked through all my settings and cannot find anything that would fix the problem. Any idea? Would be very very much appreciated as this is a dps and armor loss and it does not look good if you're attacking mobs in normal form. :/
Newly added!

Order of the Cloud Serpent Pre-Req Check!
All dailies for Cloud Serpent except A Tangled Web are done. However, pickup/turnin is implemented, so if it accidently finishes on its own, it will still turn in.

A few bug fixes.

Coming soon: Golden Lotus Pre-Reqs!

Just tried running the cloud serpents profile and keep getting this error when trying to load the profile.
Keep the good work up Broadie.
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