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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hey kick is there a way to only do specific zones on a level 90?
I Have 5 or 6 zones in kalimdor that need the quests done for Loremaster Achievement.

Is there a way i can edit out other zones and save the file so it focuses on a specific zone at a time ?

[N - Quest] 89-90 Townlong Steppes [Kick] I Get this error wich doesn't make sense because the profile wans't soppose to quest in dread wastes "You must be level 90 to run this profile!

Yes, I know the min level is 89" [Profile Message]: Compiling Dread Wastes Quests
I was able to get the profiles working, but is there a way to stop the profile then resume it?
During the Quest Pomfruit Pickup, in the Mistfall Village Phase of the golden lotus dailys. the profile for some reason wont go to another spot for the fruit it is just sitting in one spot and waiting. It says Goal Move to pick up fruit but there is no fruit. The first log is way to big to upload so here is the last bit of it. If you need more let me know.

EDIT: It worked fine when i started the quest in the Village, but if it was out doing the other quests first is when this problem happened.


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Horde - Classic
Panda Shaman
HB .512

Quest: Blood Theroy

Toon runs around and kills the "Thunder Lizards Dino things", if there is no one around my, and other toons, hold the last dead mob in target and trys to use the item for the quest. stucking to the next one in the grindzone, if there is one my toon kills the mob again and do the same thing again, looking around if there is a target if not hold the dead one in target and stuck around.
on one picture you see there is another one with the same problem. and a lot more chars getting stuck there a lot!

edit: ok it looks like the toon kills first the Mob and after he is dead try to use the item "Bottle of leeches". But the right way for this Quest is, First use the Bottle of Leeches on a Rejuvenated Thunder Lizard, kill him and hope he drops a worm like item the toon has to pick up.
possible thats why the toon gets stuck there when he always try to use the item when the mob is dead.


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Uploading this Info for a friend.

Level 75 Monk - Horde
Bot Stops moving, and then honorbuddy automatically Magically auto clicks stop.
and then clicks the info tab in the HB window.

it says in white text
exp/hour ect
Character is suppose to throw an item object at Cogs.


Priority change
Finally free
war chief's shadow
a curious plan

My Guess is that the bot is suppose to throw something, or burn something.
Please take a look into it when you get a chance.

View attachment 6044 2012-12-14 17.30.txt.zip
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During the Quest Pomfruit Pickup, in the Mistfall Village Phase of the golden lotus dailys. the profile for some reason wont go to another spot for the fruit it is just sitting in one spot and waiting. It says Goal Move to pick up fruit but there is no fruit. The first log is way to big to upload so here is the last bit of it. If you need more let me know.

EDIT: It worked fine when i started the quest in the Village, but if it was out doing the other quests first is when this problem happened.

Of what I see in the log you sent, the issue was bot side. Either the QB, the bot, or both were causing thrown exceptions. A stop/start was probably enough to clear it, I'd recommend reinstall of the bot if that persists. Pomfruit's normal behavior should be to fire the flare gun, then head off to the fruit. If its not doing either, that's a problem with the QB as my profile depends solely on it for action/reaction.
I was able to get the profiles working, but is there a way to stop the profile then resume it?

Because I don't use checkpoints in the individual profiles, or a generalized (IsQuestCompleted) check as that may throw a false positive, the only way to stop the bot and start up again halfway through would be to restart the bot on the specific profile you stopped on. It will still follow the same path.
Lazy Raider works pretty good with my heal specc but now i dont need any heal gear from lfr and i want to join as an damage dealer He follows the tank very good and sets the right target but he doesnt walk to his target he stays not close enough to him my settings in lfr:
Automatically Follow Tank: Yes
Auto Select Tank: Yes
Auto Target: Yes ...only if not valid enemy target: No
FPS 30
Disable Plugins: Yes
I have an Plugin for Accepting Rezz and for the ready check this isnt disable dont know if this option works :)
Frame Lock: Yes

I use TuahanMonk for my Windwalker

And does anyone know an plugin for automatically click on disenchant for the green lfr items :)

Edit: is there an option that the bot makes walking infight to his target for Zorlok as an example so that he follows the target from the left to the right plattform also if he is in healing specc
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View attachment 6604 2012-12-14 10.58.txtHey kick, been using your profiles for a while now and have leveled a few characters already. but recently i have been having a terrible time getting your profiles to quest. i had to hand level most of it just cause i didnt know why it would keep skipping sections of the game and try to grab quests that are not there . at the moment i have not been able to use the 80-82 hyal profile becasue he just runs to where cenarius is at the portal and just keeps only trying to grab one quest. so i completed the story line until he pops out of the portal and ran it again and it still tries to grab a different quest than what is available. **the battle is won but the war continues** i think is the name. here is a fresh log of the problem.
These profiles are amazing, makes my wow life alot easier, I am truly greatful. Atm I'm leveling my boomkin druid wich is at level 87, questing in Krasarang Wilds. For some reason she's not going into moonking form, why is that? I don't think it's your profiles but I've looked through all my settings and cannot find anything that would fix the problem. Any idea? Would be very very much appreciated as this is a dps and armor loss and it does not look good if you're attacking mobs in normal form. :/

Hi, Flowz,

Boomkin's not going into the proper form in combat is a problem with the CombatRoutine--not the profile. You'll need to post your log to the appropriate CombatRoutine thread, and attach a log. Without the log, you are unlikely to get help.

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im having a problem with these profiles.
when its trying to pick up 2 quests at one time from one person it doesnt select and quest and gets stuck
any help?

Hi, Newb420,

This is not a profile problem. The Honorbuddy .520 had this problem, and its been repaired in the .521 drop. Try the update, and if it doesn't work, post your complaint and log in the Support forum, and they'll have a look.

Ok, so I have used those profiles to level up my previous character from 45-90 - sure I met some wallbricks that I had to deal with but no big problem all in all.
However now I am leveling a new character(or am I? hehe), it's a monk(if that matters). However, it worked fine through westlands, parts of it atleast. But once I run your profiles now(or even other profiles) I end up with a problem I believe might be due to the new update of honorbuddy(?) since I did not bot previously on this update. The problem lays at quest-pickup, it goes to the correct location(most of the times) but once it is suppose to pick up the quest, bot just talk to NPC - close quest windows - talk to NPC - close quest window and it goes like that....forever....
I am not sure why, I hope you can help though.
Peace 'n' love.

Hi, Testocyp,

This is not a profile problem. The Honorbuddy .520 had this problem, and its been repaired in the .521 drop. Try the update, and if it doesn't work, post your complaint and log in the Support forum, and they'll have a look.

isssue with areas in outland that have spiral stair casses or sharp corners. bot cant move around them and sometimes will get stuck and just stand there wont register that its stuck

Hi, Jmas2k4,

This is not a profile problem. Please report your specific issue to the Navigation thread. They will need both screenshots, and locations, so they can see what is going awry.

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Hey kick is there a way to only do specific zones on a level 90?
I Have 5 or 6 zones in kalimdor that need the quests done for Loremaster Achievement.
Is there a way i can edit out other zones and save the file so it focuses on a specific zone at a time ?

Hi, Virtual,

Kick wrote the Classic profile set monolithicly rather than on a 'per zone' basis. It would be difficult to do the editing you request.

But, I ran Loremaster the way I think you're thinking (using profiles from various authors)...
You should be good just starting the profile at the beginning, and it will go zone-by-zone to do its job, skipping over quests you've already done. If you're trying to multiplex Kick's profile with another authors, it should work fine. When Kick's wants to change zones, just stop it, load the other authors' profiles, and run them, then restart Kick's when you're ready to move on. Kick's will pick up from where it left off.

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