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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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[N - Quest] 89-90 Townlong Steppes [Kick] I Get this error wich doesn't make sense because the profile wans't soppose to quest in dread wastes "You must be level 90 to run this profile!

Yes, I know the min level is 89" [Profile Message]: Compiling Dread Wastes Quests

Hi, T0RS,

Here's what's happening... Kick's profiles automatically chain from zone profile to zone profile, until you've completed the MoP profile package.

You're loading one of the 'lower' MoP zones--let's say your loading Townlong Steppes. Honorbuddy evaluates that profile, and determines you've already done the quests in Townlong. So, the Townlong Steppes profile chains into the Dread Wastes profile. When it does this, it discovers you're not yet 90, and gives you the "You must be level 90 to run this profile!" error message.

You're going to have to look elsewhere to acquire 90. Do it manually, or give Botanist's profile pack (grinding), or Cava's profile pack (questing) a look. Once you hit 90, you can pick up Kick's profiles again if you want to finish Dread Wastes.

Once again, here is another user that needs a grinding area at the end of Townlong Steppes to guarantee 90 before entering Dread Wastes.

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Uploading this Info for a friend.

Level 75 Monk - Horde
Bot Stops moving, and then honorbuddy automatically Magically auto clicks stop.
and then clicks the info tab in the HB window.

it says in white text
exp/hour ect
Character is suppose to throw an item object at Cogs.


Priority change
Finally free
war chief's shadow
a curious plan

My Guess is that the bot is suppose to throw something, or burn something.
Please take a look into it when you get a chance.

View attachment 73537

Hi, Conetopia, and thanks for the log!

The log is filled with these:
[17:05:25.276 D] Could not create user mesh directory! Path cannot be the empty string or all whitespace.

Your friend is going to have to specify a valid mesh directory for proper operation.
Honorbuddy -> Settings & Tools -> specify a valid path for "Mesh Folder Path" text box​

The path he has chosen has some special characters in it, that are unacceptable to the .NET framework used by Honorbuddy.

If that doesn't get him going, lets see a fresh log, please.

Run into a problem, just standing still in Halfhill 'waiting for something to spawn'

[Profile Message]: Compiling Valley of the Four Winds Quests[Profile Message]: Compiling Pools of Purity Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Silken Field Quests

Waiting for object to spawn

How do i get around this?

EDIT: I think it's because the FP in halfhill has now been moved to near the inn, rather than where it was. Just an update that could be added to make the profile smoother. Other than that no problems so far from 85, and currently 45% into 86.

Hi, Monstaslaya,

Kick's profile changeset 1919 contains the fix for this problem--you just need to update via Subversion. In the future, please attach your log when asking for help.

I keep having an issue after hitting 80. The profile will go to Mount Hyjal and try to pick up the quest The Battle Is Won, The War Goes On. I'm not sure why he keeps trying to get that quest, but that's toward the end of all in the quest in Hyjal. I have him at the starting area in Hyjal, and he doesn't want to do anything. Am I doing something wrong? So far I haven't had any problems with this profile pack, but it's happened almost every time I've hit 80. Thanks for your time.

Hi, Zer0v3locity,

We need you to attach your log that demonstrates the problem for us to help you.


I'm having a problem with loading the Cloud serpent dailys, here's my log.



Honorbuddy v2.5.6647.521 started.
Logging in...
Attached to WoW with ID 5224
New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
New bot added!: BGBuddy
New bot added!: DungeonBuddy
New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
New bot added!: Grind Bot
New bot added!: Questing
New bot added!: Mixed Mode
New bot added!: PartyBot
New bot added!: Combat Bot
New bot added!: Raid Bot
Honorbuddy v2.5.6647.521 started!
Character is a level 90 Orc Warrior
Current zone is Valley of the Four Winds
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
[Singular] Starting Singular v3.0.0.1425
[Singular] Installation: integrity verified for
[Singular] Determining talent spec.
[Singular] TalentManager - looks like a WarriorFury
[Singular] Current spec is Warrior Fury
[Singular] Building method list
[Singular] Initialization complete!
Initialization complete.
Starting the bot!
'<', hexadecimal value 0x3C, is an invalid attribute character. Line 722, position 5.
Bot Stopped! Reason: '<', hexadecimal value 0x3C, is an invalid attribute character. Line 722, position 5.

Sorry, couldnt find an updated log.


Go to the first post and follow the instructions for getting everything downloaded.
Copy the folder called Plugins to your HB directory. It will merge with the existing one, you'll probably have to approve that.
Copy the folder called Quest Behaviors to your HB directory. It will merge with the existing one, you'll probably have to approve that.
Run HB.
Click Load Profile and navigate to wherever you saved the whole and complete Brodie package.
Load [Rep] Daily Grind [Brodie].xml

Go take a shower, eat some cookies, or whatever you do while your bot is doing stuff for you.

I forgot a step. Go into your Plugins button and enable the Pandaria Dailies plugin. No cookies for me.
Level 34 mage (Alliance) having trouble with the 1-60 leveli9ng profile in WPL 34-37.

Just rides in its mount back and fourth and then runs into the horde courtyard and get attacked by level ?? guards
Cloud Serpent Dailies - Move to Type:QuestPickup. Runs to Elder Anli, and opens up dialogue endlessly. Never actually picks up "Slitherscale Suppression". Even after picking up the quest manually it still resists and infinitely opens dialogue. Accepting all the quests manually and starting the bot has no effect as well. Did a full reinstall of HB. same outcome.

Edit: Very strange, but it worked fine on my other character..? I don't understand these problems sometimes.
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View attachment 73542Hey kick, been using your profiles for a while now and have leveled a few characters already. but recently i have been having a terrible time getting your profiles to quest. i had to hand level most of it just cause i didnt know why it would keep skipping sections of the game and try to grab quests that are not there . at the moment i have not been able to use the 80-82 hyal profile becasue he just runs to where cenarius is at the portal and just keeps only trying to grab one quest. so i completed the story line until he pops out of the portal and ran it again and it still tries to grab a different quest than what is available. **the battle is won but the war continues** i think is the name. here is a fresh log of the problem.

Hi, Kurupted,

It looks like you might have some cache issues.

  • Shut down Honorbuddy and WoW
  • Delete the WoW/Cache, WoW/Data/Cache, and Honorbuddy/Cache directories
  • Relaunch

Post a fresh log, if that doesn't get you fixed up, please.

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In the golden lotus fraction, the High chance of rain quest, for some reason it doesn't interact with the lightning pole, is this a bug or did i something wrong?
Im a little new to hb (bought my key yesterday), so where should i extract the zip file?

Hi, Viniciusmpv, and welcome aboard,

You can unzip the profile pack into the directory of your choice. I put mine in C:/Games/HonorbuddyProfiles-KicksAGoofball. <Chinajade's taunt skill increases by 1.>

Then, you just use the "Load Profile" button on Honorbuddy and navigate to the profile you want to run, then hit "Start" on Honorbuddy, and your off-and-away.

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Level 34 mage (Alliance) having trouble with the 1-60 leveli9ng profile in WPL 34-37.

Just rides in its mount back and fourth and then runs into the horde courtyard and get attacked by level ?? guards

Hi, Verbi,

We're going to need to see your log to figure out what Honorbuddy is trying to do, and what's going wrong for you.

Tiller's Dailies "You Have to Burn the Ropes" - Sits still at "Waiting for object to spawn" "Goal:Interacting with" Manually burning the 6 ropes then starting the bot fixes this and it continues along its way.
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