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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Quest: The Dreghood Elders (The Dreghood Elders - Quest - World of Warcraft)

Zone: Hellfire Peninsula

Class: Druid Singular Feral

Plugins: AutoEquip2, QuestHelper ItemForAura, AntiDrown, Refreshment Detection, Drink Potions

Using your [Native-Fly][A - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick] Profile (I've also used the non-native flying one and the same issues arises)

Talks to Aylaan the Waterwaker repeatedly, even after quest status update. Never moves to Akoru the Firecaller. I stopped the bot, spoke to Akoru, and restarted. Bot continued as normal. Like I said, this is the second toon it's happened on. This is on a fresh install of HB today, as well as the previous time. Log attached.

There was another botter encountering the exact same issue as I was at the exact same time. The NPC does a /say announcement every time you choose to set him free. Kept repeating the same message for both of us.

View attachment 5048 2012-12-13 10.45.txt
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Quest: The Dreghood Elders (The Dreghood Elders - Quest - World of Warcraft)

Zone: Hellfire Peninsula

Class: Druid Singular Feral

Plugins: AutoEquip2, QuestHelper ItemForAura, AntiDrown, Refreshment Detection, Drink Potions

Using your [Native-Fly][A - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick] Profile (I've also used the non-native flying one and the same issues arises)

Talks to Aylaan the Waterwaker repeatedly, even after quest status update. Never moves to Akoru the Firecaller. I stopped the bot, spoke to Akoru, and restarted. Bot continued as normal. Like I said, this is the second toon it's happened on. This is on a fresh install of HB today, as well as the previous time. Log attached.

View attachment 73361
I fixed this a few days ago. You should update from the svn regularly
View attachment 1012 2012-12-13 15.43.txt
Golden lotus got stuck on "Runes in the Ruins" after 3 successful gathers :(

Also, for Laosy Scouting it just sits on your flying mount over the ruins and doesnt do anything unless he spawns nearby. Not sure if this is intended, but its makes the quest really slow.
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Run into a problem, just standing still in Halfhill 'waiting for something to spawn'

[Profile Message]: Compiling Valley of the Four Winds Quests[Profile Message]: Compiling Pools of Purity Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Silken Field Quests

Waiting for object to spawn

How do i get around this?

EDIT: I think it's because the FP in halfhill has now been moved to near the inn, rather than where it was. Just an update that could be added to make the profile smoother. Other than that no problems so far from 85, and currently 45% into 86.
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Run into a problem, just standing still in Halfhill 'waiting for something to spawn'

[Profile Message]: Compiling Valley of the Four Winds Quests[Profile Message]: Compiling Pools of Purity Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Silken Field Quests

Waiting for object to spawn

How do i get around this?

Nobody knows. Upload a Log and its possible to take a look whats wrong.

Did you Update the Profile on Kickz SVN? He did a lot of changes lately.
I have issues at the lake. Not working for me today. She flies around, the in the water, out of the water etc. She does nothing else. View attachment 73378

I assume you mean whitepetal lake? What quest? Did you clear cache/reinstall today?

EDIT: Read your log file, your bot is throwing exceptions at the start of every profile. I recommend a fresh install (delete the folder, minus that which doesnt come with the bot, and reinstall, don't just install over it) I have reason to believe that should fix it.
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View attachment 73363
Golden lotus got stuck on "Runes in the Ruins" after 3 successful gathers :(

Also, for Laosy Scouting it just sits on your flying mount over the ruins and doesnt do anything unless he spawns nearby. Not sure if this is intended, but its makes the quest really slow.

The ruins quest, it looks like you have a pathing issue. Either you're on a flying mount above the limit, on a Mount that's too big to reach the intended object, or there are objects that can't be reached from the ground, and it's trying to reach them. I'll extend the range of the grab to 5 yards to see if that fixes it.

Also, no that quest is not intended to sit still. I'll look into it tonight. Check to make sure that you've installed a fresh copy of honorbuddy, not just cleared the cache. Sometimes this helps.
I keep having an issue after hitting 80. The profile will go to Mount Hyjal and try to pick up the quest The Battle Is Won, The War Goes On. I'm not sure why he keeps trying to get that quest, but that's toward the end of all in the quest in Hyjal. I have him at the starting area in Hyjal, and he doesn't want to do anything. Am I doing something wrong? So far I haven't had any problems with this profile pack, but it's happened almost every time I've hit 80. Thanks for your time.
I keep having an issue after hitting 80. The profile will go to Mount Hyjal and try to pick up the quest The Battle Is Won, The War Goes On. I'm not sure why he keeps trying to get that quest, but that's toward the end of all in the quest in Hyjal. I have him at the starting area in Hyjal, and he doesn't want to do anything. Am I doing something wrong? So far I haven't had any problems with this profile pack, but it's happened almost every time I've hit 80. Thanks for your time.

If you didnt Quest in Hyjal. Delete the Cache Folder of HB and go into the Capital City (OG/SW) and start the Hyjal Questprofile there.
Tillers worked great thanks. Any idea on when the cloud serpent dailies might be ready or is there anything we can help to make it happen quicker?
Worked flawless after i deleted the qb Folder and used the Files from the hb Download.( just did 4x klaxxi and some gl dailys today ) i TRY to test them on the Weekend and Post my results, what Info do you need, just the questnames and the hb Version?
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Tillers worked great thanks. Any idea on when the cloud serpent dailies might be ready or is there anything we can help to make it happen quicker?

Mostly bug fixes are filling my time. Cloud serpent is very close, just need a solid 2 hours to finish it.
Worked flawless after i deleted the qb Folder and user the Files from the hb Download.( just did 4x klaxxi and some gl dailys today ) i TRY to test them on the Weekend and Post my results, what Info do you need, just the questnames and the hb Version?

I assume everyone has the latest version. Quest names and detailed issues if you can.
[14:27:51.761 N] Current zone is Deepholm
[14:27:51.794 D] LastUsedPath: K:\___games\1-90 Questing Profile Pack\kicks-scripts\Kick's Profiles\1-90 Questing Profile Pack\Cata\[Fly][N - Quest] Uldum 83-85 [Kick].xml

try ... i dunno ... maybe being in uldum if you're going to load the uldum profile??

I tried, but same results occurs . Uploading log : View attachment 16364 2012-12-14 01.02.txt. Is there any cache I can clear to solve this ? I had a few chars who leveled ok with this profile (awesome profile by the way).
I tried, but same results occurs . Uploading log : View attachment 73413. Is there any cache I can clear to solve this ? I had a few chars who leveled ok with this profile (awesome profile by the way).

there's a cache folder in hb
log out of wow
kill bot
delete hb / cache
restart wow and log in, log into bot and try again
Gift for hoahan, pathed around looking for the grouper but couldn't find it. i gave it 10 mins then loaded Klaxxi.

There was a bug in the code, that set the Pull Distance to 1. I fixed that. I want to assume that was the only reason it didn't "find" it, but if anyone has an issue with this, let me know, I'll convert from Objective to CollectThings.
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