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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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That's mostly a pathing issue. Not much I can do other than blackspot some of the trees. Eventually it SHOULD unstick...but thats more HB than my profile.

Yeah, come to think of it i've never come back after an extended period of time to find it stuck on that quest. It might have eventually fixed itself after a few minutes or something.
"Blooming Blossoms" again on R300 build, it appeared to get stuck again, but only after getting in combat with a mob. Another thing that I assume is honorbuddy rather than your profile is that when it gets in combat from something hitting the character, it will actively target other mobs in combat around you rather than the one that specifically attacked you, even things without tap. I assume this is to prevent infinite combat problems, but after it killed 3 mobs it went back to the spot with the blossom and stood there. Here is the log. I would have left it longer, but some alliance dude decided he wanted to attack me, so i stopped the bot and killed him.

you can see it spamming [03:56:13.293 D] Goal: Interacting with
[03:56:13.429 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[03:56:13.669 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
for a little bit before the combat hits from the pvp.

[03:54:08.132 D] Interact Done:1833914900 [03:54:09.220 D] [LuaEvents] Getting - Pastebin.com
if you need the full log i have it, but it's quite lengthy.
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"Blooming Blossoms" again on R300 build, it appeared to get stuck again, but only after getting in combat with a mob. Another thing that I assume is honorbuddy rather than your profile is that when it gets in combat from something hitting the character, it will actively target other mobs in combat around you rather than the one that specifically attacked you, even things without tap. I assume this is to prevent infinite combat problems, but after it killed 3 mobs it went back to the spot with the blossom and stood there. Here is the log. I would have left it longer, but some alliance dude decided he wanted to attack me, so i stopped the bot and killed him.

you can see it spamming [03:56:13.293 D] Goal: Interacting with
[03:56:13.429 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[03:56:13.669 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
for a little bit before the combat hits from the pvp.

[03:54:08.132 D] Interact Done:1833914900 [03:54:09.220 D] [LuaEvents] Getting - Pastebin.com
if you need the full log i have it, but it's quite lengthy.

Half of it was I used an InteractWith in almost all of my Collection quests. Bad form. I'm slowly converting things to CollectThings as I go, its a bit cleaner, I can set areas in hotspots, and not just depend on a 10000 yd radius call. That may fix this up a little...but I'll need to test it further. I'll make the change to this tomorrow.
Trial At The Temple of the White Tiger - August Celestials dailies. When loaded from the end of the Golden Lotus dailies it will fly to the area, but never land and continues flying back and forth. Forcing him to land doesn't change anything and he flys back into the air and continues looping between 2 coordinates it looks. log below. on R304

[04:36:11.818 D] Activity: Loading profile 'E:\Bots\Dailies\[Rep] August Celesti - Pastebin.com

Tested this quest line once I manually accepted the quests.
"Contending with Bullies" worked fine.
"Round 1: The Streetfighter" worked fine
"Round 2: Kang Bramblestaff" it didn't do it and decided to load to go to the end of the profile and load shadowpan dailies.

[04:45:55.046 D] [ForcedDismount-v249(debug) @line 699]: Dismounting [04:45:55. - Pastebin.com

deleted cache and started bot again. This time it went to do the quest
I deleted cache quite a few times today, so I don't know why it helped this time.

You already had these tested on the front page, but might as well.
"Round 2: Kang Bramblestaff" worked fine
"Round 3: Master Boom Boom" worked fine
"Round 4: Master Windfur" worked fine
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Trial At The Temple of the White Tiger - August Celestials dailies. When loaded from the end of the Golden Lotus dailies it will fly to the area, but never land and continues flying back and forth. Forcing him to land doesn't change anything and he flys back into the air and continues looping between 2 coordinates it looks. log below. on R304

[04:36:11.818 D] Activity: Loading profile 'E:\Bots\Dailies\[Rep] August Celesti - Pastebin.com

Tested this quest line once I manually accepted the quests.
"Contending with Bullies" worked fine.
"Round 1: The Streetfighter" worked fine
"Round 2: Kang Bramblestaff" it didn't do it and decided to load to go to the end of the profile and load shadowpan dailies.

[04:45:55.046 D] [ForcedDismount-v249(debug) @line 699]: Dismounting [04:45:55. - Pastebin.com

deleted cache and started bot again. This time it went to do the quest
I deleted cache quite a few times today, so I don't know why it helped this time.

"Round 2: Kang Bramblestaff" worked fine
"Round 3: Master Boom Boom" worked fine

Fixed White Tiger, sorry. I don't know why but the Alliance and Horde flyto points for this area keep reverting to....god knows where. thats the 3rd time I've edited it, and each time it was way off.

Yeah I've noticed that if I delete the cache and not reinstall per day, have to delete the cache every new area I enter. Sometimes (like today for the farming daily) I had to reinstall, there was no other workaround.

Some people swear by cache deletion, but I have had no luck with it.
"A Gift for Gina" - Tiller Dailies - goes to 1 of 3 spots for finding a Goldenfire Orchid. It doesn't always spawn an Orchid on the first hotspot. I assume there's a maximum number of them spawned and if they're all on the other hotspots it's a no go.
Got a "Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 45043 in database." error when running deepholm profile. any fix?
Why does this stacks on the flight master so often?
So many times i check the bot and i see it having the flight path map open and just sits there for hours.
How can it be fixed?


if you delete the cache the bot starts moving again but this is not really a solution since it does this thing so often.
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The profile has worked perfectly for me previously, but ever since the recent updates my characters do not automatically switch to the next area once I ding. The log says it is checking if it is necessary to switch profiles, but my character will stay in the same zone, if I simply press stop, than start again he will run to the correct area, but not automatically. Using 1-58 Alliance questing via the SVN.
"A Gift for Gina" - Tiller Dailies - goes to 1 of 3 spots for finding a Goldenfire Orchid. It doesn't always spawn an Orchid on the first hotspot. I assume there's a maximum number of them spawned and if they're all on the other hotspots it's a no go.

Added other 2 hotspots. Will now touchdown, check, then fly to next.
Nice work guys, but i just dont get it to move with tank, it spamms LazyRaider] move to tank @ 19.9 yds
[LazyRaider] move to tank @ 19.9 yds

25yards etc

But the bot doesnt move.. i have also tried with fresh install on both bot and honorbuddy. Please help someone :)
The Sky Race cheating wont work anymore. While flying on regular mount i did not get any progress on the quest when i passed checkpoints. I don't know if this was already known issue but i wanted to point out.
*Edit: Have just updated your profile.

Just started it flyed to the Tillers and grapping all the quest it walks to "my farm" and starts doing this for like 30 min now.:

[Profile Message]: Beginning Tillers Quests.[Profile Message]: Starting The Seed Daily.
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 628]: Loading profile '[Rep] Farm Dailies [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to Farming Daily 1.0
[Profile Message]: Compiling Farming Quests...
[Profile Message]: Starting Farming Daily, moving to My Farm.
[Profile Message]: Beginning Farming Quests.
[Profile Message]: Checking for harvestable plants.
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 731]: Loading profile '[Rep] Tillers Dailies [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to Tillers v0.9
[Profile Message]: Compiling Tiller Quests...
[Profile Message]: Beginning Tillers Quests.
[Profile Message]: Starting The Seed Daily.
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 628]: Loading profile '[Rep] Farm Dailies [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to Farming Daily 1.0
[Profile Message]: Compiling Farming Quests...
[Profile Message]: Starting Farming Daily, moving to My Farm.

PROBLEM SOVLED - i had installed a fresh HB before updating the profile, but i had to delete and reinstall it again dont know why.!
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Gift for hoahan, pathed around looking for the grouper but couldn't find it. i gave it 10 mins then loaded Klaxxi.
Anyway to make the bot use flying mount ? Im in townlong now. Im level 90 and have flying. The bot wont fly have native flying checked but it only wants to use ground mount.
The Sky Race cheating wont work anymore. While flying on regular mount i did not get any progress on the quest when i passed checkpoints. I don't know if this was already known issue but i wanted to point out.

No, I didn't know. That sucks, free first place rocked. Oh we'll ill set it to wait for the starting bell.
Why does this stacks on the flight master so often?
So many times i check the bot and i see it having the flight path map open and just sits there for hours.
How can it be fixed?


if you delete the cache the bot starts moving again but this is not really a solution since it does this thing so often.
Anyway to make the bot use flying mount ? Im in townlong now. Im level 90 and have flying. The bot wont fly have native flying checked but it only wants to use ground mount.

not profile issues.

kav - read the first 3 posts before posting
virtual - mop are ground profiles, if native flying isn't working - idk what to tell u
The profile has worked perfectly for me previously, but ever since the recent updates my characters do not automatically switch to the next area once I ding. The log says it is checking if it is necessary to switch profiles, but my character will stay in the same zone, if I simply press stop, than start again he will run to the correct area, but not automatically. Using 1-58 Alliance questing via the SVN.
read the first 3 posts before posting
I am unable to move over with one of my characters. He completed a part of Deepholm but since I stopped it a while ago , he cannot start either the Uldum or the Deepholm profile. The log :View attachment 73350

[14:27:51.761 N] Current zone is Deepholm
[14:27:51.794 D] LastUsedPath: K:\___games\1-90 Questing Profile Pack\kicks-scripts\Kick's Profiles\1-90 Questing Profile Pack\Cata\[Fly][N - Quest] Uldum 83-85 [Kick].xml

try ... i dunno ... maybe being in uldum if you're going to load the uldum profile??
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