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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Level 55 orc on quest Call of the Warmatron: Report to Okrilla at Dreamaul Hold in Blasted Lands.

Using Kick's 1-90 profile: Horde 1-58

Ended up out in the South Seas under Land's End Beach in Un "Goro dead from fatigue.

I resurrected, restarted and the bot proceeded to fly around to many places returning to the Beach and walking back out in to the water.

Thread here: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/support-issues/94604-pathing-problem.html

Fixed after manually traveling to Dreadmaul Hold
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View attachment 4164 2012-12-11 01.24.txtView attachment 8672 2012-12-11 00.12.txt
Hey there Kick - First off amazing profiles! But I have some problems, this is why I post here. I think the problem should fall under the "post in this thread"-category.

I have used your pack for a char from 1-90 and now I am using it on my lock, which started at 85. My lock was not in a guild with 10 % bonus exp if that makes any difference, and the only other difference is, that while leveling my lock I downloaded a ton of addons. I have them disabled now as I am botting, as I read somewhere it might interfere with the bot.

On my lock I started getting the message "you need to be in northern stranglethorn" and when it came to the valley of four winds profile, it has skipped around 25 % of the quests there - at least I think from the exp bar compared to my first char. It ran on to Zhu's Watch and loaded the next profile and told me I needed level 67 for that (needing around 20% of level 66 to be done at that time).

I leveled it by hand and by bgbuddy (no problems here) and then at level 67 I loaded up your profile again, but the bot just idles in Zhu's Watch. I have tried loading Vo4W-profile, but it just runs to Zhu's Watch, loads the next profile, and then idles.

I hope the wall of text was not too big and that the logs are properly attached and that it is not something I have messed up.
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Maybe someone here could help me. When I check the button to act like raid bot does(the no frills, just heals/dps's) the bot just stands there and does nothing. But if I leave that unchecked it will heal stuff but takes up more memory and my computer isn't the best. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong, or am I misunderstanding what that actual button does?
Maybe someone here could help me. When I check the button to act like raid bot does(the no frills, just heals/dps's) the bot just stands there and does nothing. But if I leave that unchecked it will heal stuff but takes up more memory and my computer isn't the best. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong, or am I misunderstanding what that actual button does?

That used to be the way to do it, but it just isn't working correctly now since it hasn't been updated in a long time. I can get it to work with no frills as long as I target a mob with right click, otherwise it just stands there. I'll have to try it the other way too.
Just quick question. Can you make it follow the tank even if its in combat?


yes you can, I tried it last night in all 5 lfr's and worked well. I was melee dps though and had follow tank at 5 yrds. Also don't use auto select tank, select which tank you want it to follow, or it will just run around.
Hi, OrcD3vil,

This is not a profile problem. You most likely swapped toons or did a quick log out/in to trigger the problem. To repair it, you might try clearing your caches.

If that doesn't help, you'll need to post your complaint and log in the Support forum.



I'll post a log next time but it maybe a problem with the bot but what you are saying didn't happen unfortunately. I started the warlock at lvl 25 and did not logout/switch toons and the toon is now 37 or so. I had to stop it, close out HB and load HB again for it to move past the "Taxi" problem which fixed it. This happens when it quests in one area goes back to town to turn in quests and instantly says "Oh hey there is a Flight Master lets update the nodes" and just hangs. Sometimes stopping the bot turning in the couple quests and picking up a couple fixes it and sometimes I just have to close out HB altogether. One thing that I notice is Kick's profile's follow Zygor Guides pretty close with a few missing of quests compared to Zygor's addon Guides. Like I said next time I'll post logs and it can be the bot but I've never noticed this problem while running Cava's quests or anything. Like I said in my others posts love Kick's profiles me and my wife use them but minor problems that just bug and I know some are HB.
Want to say something positive, few weeks ago it was basically impossible for me to quest in MoP zones with HB, I got more stuck than not stuck. Now I tried it again and it worked so smooth, from 85 to 90 I got probably stuck like 5 times while before it was 5x per 5 minutes lol. Good job.
New update to HB, now includes new quest behaviors which conflicts with the ones you provide from svn. (It didn't in the previous release.)
Still correct to use yours ?
Its for:

Edit. Actually a few things changed in 519 build of HB.
Lots of default addons, old version of singular etc.
Questhelper itemforaura plugin, any good for the dailies ?
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hello, im leveling my monk using this profiles and i got stuck on deepholm (lvl 82) where the bot tries to pickup a quest from Maruut Stonebinder when he has none to give. I've tried restarting HB with no effect.

Hi, Ninglin,

There is no way to help you with problems like this unless you attach your log.

hey, i've only come across one problem with the profile and that is that the profile for dreadwastes is set to level 90 only so i can't use it to go from 89 - 90 like the name on that profile suggests is there anything i can do to enable it to let the bot level me in dreadwastes as at 89 - 90 that is where i'll get the most experience

Hi, Shinato90,

Anytime you ask for help, you should attach the log that demonstrates your problem.

But, I'll hazard a guess...
[Fly][N - Quest] 90 Dread Wastes [Kick].xml

Kick has clearly marked the profile (through its name) as requiring level 90. Through its name, it also indicates it is a 'flying' profile, which also requires level 90.

I leveled 10+ toons with this profile set, and each one was 90 by the time they entered Townlong Steppes. Although, others have reported coming up short on experience when it was time to enter the Dread Wastes. I've no explanation as to why there is such a large experience difference. In a previous post, I've asked Kick to add a grind area at the end of Townlong Steppes to guarantee level 90.

In the meantime, you're only recourse is to try another profile pack, like Cava's (questing), or Botanist's Pangaea (grinding).

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View attachment 72873View attachment 72874
Hey there Kick - First off amazing profiles! But I have some problems, this is why I post here. I think the problem should fall under the "post in this thread"-category.

I have used your pack for a char from 1-90 and now I am using it on my lock, which started at 85. My lock was not in a guild with 10 % bonus exp if that makes any difference, and the only other difference is, that while leveling my lock I downloaded a ton of addons. I have them disabled now as I am botting, as I read somewhere it might interfere with the bot.

On my lock I started getting the message "you need to be in northern stranglethorn" and when it came to the valley of four winds profile, it has skipped around 25 % of the quests there - at least I think from the exp bar compared to my first char. It ran on to Zhu's Watch and loaded the next profile and told me I needed level 67 for that (needing around 20% of level 66 to be done at that time).

I leveled it by hand and by bgbuddy (no problems here) and then at level 67 I loaded up your profile again, but the bot just idles in Zhu's Watch. I have tried loading Vo4W-profile, but it just runs to Zhu's Watch, loads the next profile, and then idles.

I hope the wall of text was not too big and that the logs are properly attached and that it is not something I have messed up.

Hi, Legion, and thanks for the logs!

I believe this is the ItemForAura plugin causing your problems. On one of the quests in Northern Stranglethorn, they give you an item that is placed in your bag (the name escapes me, sorry). When right-clicked, this item will spawn a little NPC that follows you around and gives you some kind of zone-specific buff (aura).

If this is the case, dig through you're Warlock's bags, find the item, and simply delete it. If you ever want to run the Northern Stranglethorne Vale quests again, the profile should arrange for you to acquire another copy of this item.

New update to HB, now includes new quest behaviors which conflicts with the ones you provide from svn. (It didn't in the previous release.)
Still correct to use yours ?
Its for:

Edit. Actually a few things changed in 519 build of HB.
Lots of default addons, old version of singular etc.
Questhelper itemforaura plugin, any good for the dailies ?

I'll have to look into the plugins. Don't think they'll hurt/help or anything. The QBs I'll look at this afternoon, see if its the same one or someone's new one.
Klaxxi daily "Sampling the Empire's Finest" north feeder have pathing issues, fly's exactly over it "up and down" in an endless loop.
Might need to update/add the entry var id ?
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Hi, Aqh, and thanks for the log!

Honorbuddy .518 is having some problems with 'interacting' type interactions. Best suggestion I have for you is try clearing your caches, and see if that will get you further down the road.

There is nothing wrong with the profile--it is issuing the correct directives to Honorbuddy.


Thanks for the rapid response!

Do you know if it's also an issue on the latest .520 release?

I just updated :p
Selling bug - Stonetalon Mountains

Hi there been running you profile on my priest from 83-85 and my hunter 1-26 atm.

I dont know if this is a bug or a bot problem, but my toon tries to sell to the vendor at The Fold in Stoletan Mountains.

Hotspot X="1542.592" Y="-492.6077" Z="55.88937"

I've posted the last part of the log where it went wrong.

Hope this i helpfull


  • Log.txt
    22.7 KB · Views: 27
  • Stolethan Mountains - The Fold.webp
    Stolethan Mountains - The Fold.webp
    226.5 KB · Views: 29
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