Level 55 orc on quest Call of the Warmatron: Report to Okrilla at Dreamaul Hold in Blasted Lands.
Using Kick's 1-90 profile: Horde 1-58
Ended up out in the South Seas under Land's End Beach in Un "Goro dead from fatigue.
I resurrected, restarted and the bot proceeded to fly around to many places returning to the Beach and walking back out in to the water.
Thread here: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/support-issues/94604-pathing-problem.html
Fixed after manually traveling to Dreadmaul Hold
Using Kick's 1-90 profile: Horde 1-58
Ended up out in the South Seas under Land's End Beach in Un "Goro dead from fatigue.
I resurrected, restarted and the bot proceeded to fly around to many places returning to the Beach and walking back out in to the water.
Thread here: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/support-issues/94604-pathing-problem.html
Fixed after manually traveling to Dreadmaul Hold
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