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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hi, Legion, and thanks for the logs!

I believe this is the ItemForAura plugin causing your problems. On one of the quests in Northern Stranglethorn, they give you an item that is placed in your bag (the name escapes me, sorry). When right-clicked, this item will spawn a little NPC that follows you around and gives you some kind of zone-specific buff (aura).

If this is the case, dig through you're Warlock's bags, find the item, and simply delete it. If you ever want to run the Northern Stranglethorne Vale quests again, the profile should arrange for you to acquire another copy of this item.


The problem is I have not been in STV since cata came out (apart from the zandalari opening event or what it was) and I have not got any quest items in my bags. I had the trinket quest thing from the arena-chest, but I deleted that, and the problem is rather the quests in mop not working anymore :(
Thanks for a fast reply though! :)
I have a mac.. Bought windows 7 just to run HB.. I download wow, download HB, svn, start wow, start hb.. Select Questingbot, open kick's profile. Press start, character buffs up.. And further no movement.

I hope this can be solved by simple setting?
PVP does work tought
Hello buddys!

Been having this issue for a long time now, in Nagrand lvl 66 Retri Pally!

Cant get to some mobs, so it just stays there and blacklist them 1 at a time for ages!!!
Log added!


(Btw i just retarded honorbudy, and strangest thing happend, it removed ALL the quests, even the completed ones and started all over again with Quest Pick Ups!!) :(

View attachment 856 2012-12-11 15.10.zip
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I have a mac.. Bought windows 7 just to run HB.. I download wow, download HB, svn, start wow, start hb.. Select Questingbot, open kick's profile. Press start, character buffs up.. And further no movement.

I hope this can be solved by simple setting?
PVP does work tought

What CR (Combat Routine) are u using? Some doesnt work with questing, u have to move them by hand!
Try the normal ones like singular or CLU, they have movement added!!

I have a mac.. Bought windows 7 just to run HB.. I download wow, download HB, svn, start wow, start hb.. Select Questingbot, open kick's profile. Press start, character buffs up.. And further no movement.

I hope this can be solved by simple setting?
PVP does work tought

Hi, Zoomiix3,

There's no way to analyze a problem like this without the log.

What CR (Combat Routine) are u using? Some doesnt work with questing, u have to move them by hand!
Try the normal ones like singular or CLU, they have movement added!!


Hi, Cortanz, and thanks for the log!

Indeed, I'm going to say its the CombatRoutine (CLU) that's the problem. It looks like the profile has set the Pull Distance to 1 to avoid the very problem you are seeing, but it appears the CombatRoutine is not honoring that. Try going back to Singular for questing--its not perfect either, but should get the job done for this.

Well I never touched any routines.. Kinda noob too it.. But never had this issue before.. Normalle i select profile and click start and it.. Starts
Currently in borean tundra in warsong hold. i open wow then open hb load profile and when i press start it starts compiling quests, the problem is that it gets stuck on Compiling Riplash Strand Quests


Currently in borean tundra in warsong hold. i open wow then open hb load profile and when i press start it starts compiling quests, the problem is that it gets stuck on Compiling Riplash Strand Quests

Hi, Tazy,

This looks like a problem with Honorbuddy .520... I've seen several logs today where Honorbuddy just quits emitting log entries. I assume it is hung internally someway. You need to report this to the Support forum, please.

Hey China,

thank you for your aid. Just want to give you my feedback by saying how awesome and useful your aid is. No joke and im not kidding. Just wanted to say thank you.

Another question: Where can i find out which coordinates i am ? What i mean. By writing a profile you need to declare where the questmob is by wrting down 3 coordinates xyz . How can i find out these coordinates ? Is there an ingame tool to do so ?
Hey China,

thank you for your aid. Just want to give you my feedback by saying how awesome and useful your aid is. No joke and im not kidding. Just wanted to say thank you.

Another question: Where can i find out which coordinates i am ? What i mean. By writing a profile you need to declare where the questmob is by wrting down 3 coordinates xyz . How can i find out these coordinates ? Is there an ingame tool to do so ?

Hi again, Lykah, and thank you for the kind words!

In the future, this type of question belongs in the Developer forum.

But to get the information you need...
Honorbuddy -> Settings & Tools -> Developer Tools -> click on the swirly at "My Position" entry

The tooltip says you can double-click on the "My Position" information to copy it to the clipboard, but that usually gives me problems for some reason. Instead, I usually click on "Make Hotspot" at the bottom of that window, then cut-n-paste the emitted entry (in the Honorbuddy scrolly window) into the profile.

cheers and welcome aboard to profile writing!
Hey guys, I have a question I can't find the answer to.

Is it possible to change the character level in HB / Kick's profile? If yes,how?

For example, I am lvl 85 now and I'm questing in Jade Forest with profile '[H - Quest] 85-86 The Jade Forest [Kick]' and when I achieve level 86 my char will automatically go to '[N - Quest] 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds [Kick]'. (note: Valley of the Four Winds is one and only profile in kicks pack that is for 86-87lvl which means if I choose any other profile, HB will detect that I'm 86lvl and will automatically change the profile to Valley of the Four Winds'

The thing is, I do NOT want to quest in Valley of the Four Winds and because of that I want to 'trick' HB to think that my char is level 87 so it would send him to another map (in this case: '[N - Quest] 87-88 Krasarang Wilds [Kick]'

Is it possible to do this?

Thanks a lot,
The thing is, I do NOT want to quest in Valley of the Four Winds and because of that I want to 'trick' HB to think that my char is level 87 so it would send him to another map (in this case: '[N - Quest] 87-88 Krasarang Wilds [Kick]'

Is it possible to do this?

Hi, Xsonz,

Just move your toon to Krasarang Wilds, load the "Krasarang Wilds" profile and hit "Start" on Honorbuddy. The only profile you can't do that with will be "Dread Wastes" because it requires flying (i.e., level 90).

Don't come QQing back here if you're not 90 by the time you're done with Townlong Steppes, because you will have cheated yourself out of the experience you need to do Dread Wastes. :D

When picking up the quests (Eastern Plaguelands): 'Pamela's Doll' and 'I'm Not Supposed to Tell You This', the bot just stands there, targets the questgiver, detargets and repeat.
I saw another person suspiciously (:D) doing exactly the same thing.

I literally downloaded the profiles right before using them from your SVN, so they should be up-to-date.

Great work though :)


in new to the botting and im having trouble in these steps

3) right click that folder and click "SVN Checkout"
4) copy and paste Kick's link to SVN trunk into the first box & press ok
5) wait for profiles to download
6) each day, right click the 'Kick's Profiles' folder and press "SVN Update"

Hi, Sphexrazer,

It sounds like you haven't downloaded and installed the Tortoise SVNclient. It will modify the right-click context menu so you can see how to do those steps, once the SVNclient is installed.

If Kick's instructions for doing this are insufficient, try Jvidia's video guide for setting up TortoiseSVN. As I recall, he leads you through all the steps Kick has outlined for you.

When picking up the quests (Eastern Plaguelands): 'Pamela's Doll' and 'I'm Not Supposed to Tell You This', the bot just stands there, targets the questgiver, detargets and repeat.
I saw another person suspiciously (:D) doing exactly the same thing.

I literally downloaded the profiles right before using them from your SVN, so they should be up-to-date.

Great work though :)

Hi, Jiniix, and thanks for the log.

I've had this happen to me before, and when it did, I couldn't even click on the questgiver manually and have the quest offered.

Please try to do it manually, and if you can't, you need to restart the WoWclient--something has botched internally with the WoWclient. I've had this happen a few times recently.

If you can pick up the quests manually, then just go ahead and pick them up, and restart the profile and you'll be off and away. The latter result would be an Honorbuddy problem. As, the profile is issuing the correct directives to Honorbuddy, but HB is ineffective in carrying them out.

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