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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hey why is it my bot want's this quest so badly? i cant make it stop trying to get it and i cant fine it in the Profile the quest is called Doctor Vomisa, Ph.T.


Hey why is it my bot want's this quest so badly? i cant make it stop trying to get it and i cant fine it in the Profile the quest is called Doctor Vomisa, Ph.T.

Hi, Cny1994,

The quest PickUp is at line 5413 of the "[Fly][A - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick].xml" profile. The profile perceives it as the 'next undone quest that needs doing', and that's why its trying to pick it up so badly. :D

I highly suggest using Notepad++ when trying to read or edit profiles.

Hi, Jabber and thanks for the log!

I'm trying to analyze it and map it to Kick's profiles. For instance, he sometimes deletes quests in the log before picking new ones up. But, I haven't found where he does that in the profile yet.

It may be faster to get you going, if you could tell us the nature of the crash. What's crashing--WoW, Honorbuddy, or both? Is there some kind of error message that pops up, or does it drop straight to desktop? If an error, what does the text say?

I'll keep looking through the log, but was seeking alternatives to get you going quicker.

UPDATE 1: More results:
  • I did locate at least 5 areas in the profile where Kick is abandoning quests.
    Unfortunately, you're crash is probably straddling one of these five usages.
  • From the log, I see no mis-behaving CombatRoutines or Plugins, but that doesn't mean they aren't the cause.
  • I can find nothing in the log that indicates a crash even happened.
    We're going to need an external source (popup dialog, Windoze event manager, etc) to actually tell us why the crash occurred.
If you're willing, try going back to Singular or a CombatRoutine other than FPSware's. I can understand your liking FPSware's a lot, but it may still be 'beta'-ish--not sure.

Sorry! Nature of the crash is just honorbuddy. Ontop of that the crash isn't your fault, I came to teh same conclusion as you and FPSware (and all druid cc's i'm trying... ) is crashing Honorbuddy it seems.

On that note, if I stop HB manually it will still do the quest drop / pickup.

I switched to singularcc lvl'd to 68 and it dropped the quests, left the zone, and started in netherstorm with no problems.

Could it be that Nagrad ends at 68, and nether-storm technically starts at 67?

So every time it starts it says "Hey! I'm 67, I should be in netherstorm, I'm going to ditch these quests!" but then the quest line has it finish more rounds of lvl 67 quests in nagrand till it's 68.
Hi, Jiniix, and thanks for the log.

I've had this happen to me before, and when it did, I couldn't even click on the questgiver manually and have the quest offered.

Please try to do it manually, and if you can't, you need to restart the WoWclient--something has botched internally with the WoWclient. I've had this happen a few times recently.

If you can pick up the quests manually, then just go ahead and pick them up, and restart the profile and you'll be off and away. The latter result would be an Honorbuddy problem. As, the profile is issuing the correct directives to Honorbuddy, but HB is ineffective in carrying them out.


I just accepted the quests for the bot and it continued without a problem. Just wanted to point it out, as it had been there for more than 10 minutes I'd say.
Ehm.. u tryed deleting the line you said and some ohter line's with the name of the quest.. but whatever i do it wants to fly to shat and take a portal to org :o i might just be stupit but, i need some more help here


Hi, Xsonz,

Just move your toon to Krasarang Wilds, load the "Krasarang Wilds" profile and hit "Start" on Honorbuddy. The only profile you can't do that with will be "Dread Wastes" because it requires flying (i.e., level 90).

Don't come QQing back here if you're not 90 by the time you're done with Townlong Steppes, because you will have cheated yourself out of the experience you need to do Dread Wastes. :D


Hi chinajade, thx for the reply and I promise I wont come here QQing :P

Btw, I haven't yet tried the method you described but no reason to think that it wont work :)
Ehm.. u tryed deleting the line you said and some ohter line's with the name of the quest.. but whatever i do it wants to fly to shat and take a portal to org :o i might just be stupit but, i need some more help here

Hi, Cny1994,

If you modify Kick's profiles, you're on your own. If you don't know how to fix things, you shouldn't be modifying them. Sorry to be hard-nosed about this, but that leads right into custom profile support which is a nightmare.

Why are you trying to skip the quest anyway? If the bot's not doing a good enough job, then just run the quest manually, and restart the bot/profile.

Hello very new to this however any assistance or direction will be helpful. I tried to start a new toon and as i start running hb it will collect the quest but then it won't go to complete the quest. it will continue to talk to the npc quest given(i.e marshal mcbride). It also states that i have not selected something to do with weapon and talents. please help. thanks
View attachment 876 2012-12-11 20.24.txt here's my log. The problem I'm having is that my toon is level 88, I set it to the 88-89 kun lai profile and every time, it does about a 3rd of a quest then runs all the way to dread wastes to try and mine a node of kyparite and get killed over and over.... it's so weird.
Well im not trying to "skip" it. The problem is that the bot is trying to get it when it havent made any ohter quest and that means that it cant get it. so it just stand trying to talk to the guy and nothing happens :o

Ich weiss nicht warum, aber ich bekomm dieses Profil leider nicht zum Laufen.
Ist jemand hier der aus Deutschland kommt und mir das vielleicht per TeamSpeak oder so mal erkl?ren kann, w?re super nett.



Ich weiss nicht warum, aber ich bekomm dieses Profil leider nicht zum Laufen.
Ist jemand hier der aus Deutschland kommt und mir das vielleicht per TeamSpeak oder so mal erkl?ren kann, w?re super nett.



Wenn Sie k?nnten, k?nnen Sie erkl?ren, was das Problem ist? Ich spreche kein Deutsch, aber google translate wirkt Wunder. F?hlen Sie sich frei, um hier zu posten, oder schicken Sie mir eine Nachricht im privaten Bereich.
AC daily intro quest 'trial at the temple of the white tiger' is bugged and flyes to somewhere in jade forest(didnt let it go cause it choose to walk on the ground halfway there, still on dragon mount lol, tried twice with fresh install).
Even when i fly to Xuen and stand next to him it mounts up and heads to jade forest :(

When i manually turn in and complete, it starts questing :)
(Rev. 263.)
Today was also low with only 29 afk completes but know it varies, but if you can see a pattern maybe ? :)
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hello, im leveling my monk using this profiles and i got stuck on deepholm (lvl 82) where the bot tries to pickup a quest from Maruut Stonebinder when he has none to give. I've tried restarting HB with no effect.

Here is my log :)

Hi, Ninglin,

This log does not demonstrate your problem. It just shows that you tried to launch Honorbuddy before starting the WoWclient. Please toss the log that demonstrates the problem, and we'll have another look.

Hello very new to this however any assistance or direction will be helpful. I tried to start a new toon and as i start running hb it will collect the quest but then it won't go to complete the quest. it will continue to talk to the npc quest given(i.e marshal mcbride). It also states that i have not selected something to do with weapon and talents. please help. thanks

Hi, Hammer1222,

The initial (to level 5 or so) quests may have some problems for some classes/races since the Honorbuddy rewrite, and WoW 5.1 update. Please attach your log, and we should be able to give you specific instructions on how to proceed. Anytime you ask for help, you should attach a log that demonstrates the problem--because we're just going to ask for it anyway, and it speeds up the cycle time for your analysis.

AC daily intro quest 'trial at the temple of the white tiger' is bugged and flyes to somewhere in jade forest(didnt let it go cause it choose to walk on the ground halfway there, still on dragon mount lol, tried twice with fresh install).
Even when i fly to Xuen and stand next to him it mounts up and heads to jade forest :(

When i manually turn in and complete, it starts questing :)
(Rev. 263.)
Today was also low with only 29 afk completes but know it varies, but if you can see a pattern maybe ? :)

I have no clue how that happened. The waypoint was miles off, and I know I've tested that before. That, and the Klaxxi issue you brought to my attention have been fixed.
View attachment 73006 here's my log. The problem I'm having is that my toon is level 88, I set it to the 88-89 kun lai profile and every time, it does about a 3rd of a quest then runs all the way to dread wastes to try and mine a node of kyparite and get killed over and over.... it's so weird.

Hi, Vanhorne86,

I see what you describe happening in your log. It looks like you are correct in that its heading to harvest a node.

Here's the scenario I believe is happening:
  • Honorbuddy does a search and finds a harvestable item within say, 50 yards
  • The node it finds is in another zone--perhaps on the other side of a wall, or off a drop
  • Honorbuddy makes the calculation assuming you've got a flying mount, but at level 88 you can't fly in the zone yet
  • Honorbuddy then calculates the ground path to get to the destination, and off you go (ugh)
If this scenario is correct, this is an Honorbuddy bug. IMHO, if you can't fly, Honorbuddy should determine the distance to the harvestable item based on ground-path only (which would consider the world tour you are physically making).

I'd make a posting in the Support forum and link back to the posts in this thead (saves typing). This is most definitely and Honorbuddy bug, and should be relayed to the HBdev team. The Support forum is the only vehicle I know of doing that.

As a work-around, just turn off Harvest Herbs and Minerals for a while, and sailing should be smooth. If this works, it will also confirm your theory.

"Clearing the forest" Mistfall daily for golden lotus. Not listed in your Golden Lotus dailies on front page.
Well im not trying to "skip" it. The problem is that the bot is trying to get it when it havent made any ohter quest and that means that it cant get it. so it just stand trying to talk to the guy and nothing happens :o

Hi, Cny1994,

Ah, that's not the scenario I understood your problem to be. Obviously, the profile shouldn't be trying to pick up a quest that isn't offered.

Two things to try:
One of the above two solutions should work for you. If not, I'm out of ideas.

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