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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I am not entirely sure this is not working as it should at this moment, or if it's something with my configuration, lack of plugin etc.

However, in Jade Forest i am having frequent problems whenever i am picking up a quest that involves flying vehicle or anything at all that changes the standard UI.
HB pops a window asking if i wanted to stop it or continue, and if i press continue, the bot don't do anything and eventually dc due to afk.

Am i missing some plugin that is needed for this or something else? Or is this simply a "working project" in Pandaria? :)

Hi, Cyphoner,

Did you follow the instructions in that pop up window before hitting the magic "Continue" button? If so, what did the window say?

Did you copy the Quest Behaviors supplied in Kick's distribution to your HB/Quest Behaviors directory?

Also, for these kinds of problems, we need you to attach your log that demonstrates the problem, please.

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I ran into that last night, what it turned out to be was that the bot would leave, after doing a check, because the NPC's had not spawned yet. I'll doublecheck that there's an adequate wait time before doing the check, to allow for zoning, and spawning. I never make changes to how quests are picked up, so if the bot suddenly decides not to pick up quests, it usually is because of either a unclean cache folder, or a problem with the bot. Or a problem with spawning.

The same appears to be true for august celestials (might be pre friendly) as the bot would fly there and instantly fly away, i never reported it cuz i didnt care much about AC, but when i saw this figured i'd mention it.
While on the subject of AC when it flies to daily factional giver it always get pathing issues trying to fly out. (I tend to half monitor my botting from work, via rdp, so manually correct it).
Today was record, 43 quests 100% afk (-handing in tillers manually). weeee :D
View attachment 72563
Help Please when i run the bot it goes to this one spot and just stays there.
The problem is up a bit in the log the end part is me trying to use a different profile made by someone else. The problem is where is says quest pick up and just sits there

Hi, Fojomojo,

It looks like you need to clear your caches.

This problem usually occurs because you have switched toons, or done a quick log out/in without relaunching Honorbuddy,

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The same appears to be true for august celestials (might be pre friendly) as the bot would fly there and instantly fly away, i never reported it cuz i didnt care much about AC, but when i saw this figured i'd mention it.
While on the subject of AC when it flies to daily factional giver it always get pathing issues trying to fly out. (I tend to half monitor my botting from work, via rdp, so manually correct it).
Today was record, 43 quests 100% afk (-handing in tillers manually). weeee :D

Awesome on the afk bit!!!
Yes the elusive pathing issue in the factional cities. I added a stop or two in it to avoid it but depending on the direction you're going it could resurface. I plan to squash this once and for all, and make it fly out to the center of GL between the two cities and then head out. 20 extra seconds I know, but makes it more reliable.
This is what happens, at lvl 43 using CLUs CR! Look for this line, (CTRL+F) [06:24:34.229 D] and u will see where exactly the problem is!

All the bot ever does when it needs to heal is, casting flash of light when trying to walk at the same time, and keeps walk stop walk stop walk stop all the time and failing heals, while making the "Healing Animations" at the same time, which is dangerus since GM and all people see so obvious that its a bot!

It might be a CR problem i dont know :/ if it u can just move it to CLUs thread, the one with all CRs on same file!


Hi, Cortanz, and thanks for making analysis easier!

You are correct in that it is a problem with the CombatRoutine, and there is nothing the profile can do to help you. I'd post the problem in the CLU thread, and look at switching to another CombatRoutine for now.

Here is the fresh log, when i start the profile it goes - Moving to quest pickup(and it's still a spot with Bearheart)....

Another log

Hi, Nidat,

You meet the level requirement for the quest, according to WoWhead. Perhaps, a quest remains in your log that needs to be turned in before Gao-Ran Battlefront opens up.

If its not that, I'm out of ideas.

Well, i've got some kind of bug here, or something... My Balance druid doesn't use mounts at all in this profile... Maybe he likes to walk on foot?

Hi, Chimaer,

"Not mounting" is not a profile issue--you will need to post your problem with your full log in the Support forum.

The bug i saw with that quest with my pala was that it didnt use the item Bottle of Leeches as it was supposed to do and just killed the thunderlizards.

Hi, Duskfall,

Partial logs are useless for analyzing. Please attach your full log and lets have a look.

What am i doing wrong just stops randomly.

e2aCan some 1 tell me if the meshes are downloading seems to just stick ty

Hi, Tokinterrorz,

It looks like you might need to open port 5031 in your firewall, and your antivirus. If that doesn't get you going, you need to post a fresh log along with your problem description in the Support forum--as this is not a profile issue.

I'm having a problem with my shaman. While lvling the shaman does what it should be until it kills a mob. It doesnt drop focus after looting the mob so it begins to run around or become very jerky. I do not have this problem with my warrior though... not sure what to do.

Hi, Kesha,

This doesn't sound like a profile issue. You should report the issue to the Support forum. Also, nobody can help you with problems like this unless you attach your log.

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Hello! When the bot is supposed to choose an item to fininsh the quest it just stands there closing and opening the quest. How can i fix this problem? lvl 31 char.

Tried leveling a DK last night, had two issues in Hellfire Peninsula.

1) The bot was trying to take a quest which was grey for several hours. The problem was it was a level too low (59 instead of 60) due to not turning in a completed quest. I was lacking about 2k exp to be able to pick that certain quest up.

2) The bot was stuck spamming a NPC dialog quest (there was another bot doing the same thing, maybe thats why it didn't work? I.e some event being started over and over again, never completing).
EDIT: It actually gets stuck trying to free an npc that it has already freed. Keeps trying to free "Aylaan the Waterwaker" in quest The Dreghood Elders instead of "Akoru" even when I already have freed Aylaan.


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Why does it keep going to the flight master and standing there forever? Its already updated the flight point nodes. Stop/Start doesn't work only way is to close out HB Fully and start it again.

Hi, OrcD3vil,

This is not a profile problem. You most likely swapped toons or did a quick log out/in to trigger the problem. To repair it, you might try clearing your caches.

If that doesn't help, you'll need to post your complaint and log in the Support forum.

me and 6 friends are all haveing the same issues with your script as of 12/9/2012
it seems that in the Questing area's for level 36 to 58 are badly Scripted for mobs.
the bot runs/ skips mobs, and is getting stunned/ect and then goes and attacks Quests mobs, and pretty much gets a 5 to 8 mob pileup and dies instantly.
this happens for multiple classes.

No logs Required.
We all have tryed singular routine and other routines.
its your script related.
selected kill between hotspots, and not, and still get the issue.
adjusted pull range. still no go.

I noticed in the Searing Gorge, me and my friends are all getting Stuck in the same spots, running in triangle circles... ect
running in to groups of 5 to 7 stone templer giants.
just dieing instantly on every Quest.
there was a red dragon Quest at lvl 46, opening 3 eggs... bot did not open eggs... ever since then, the bot has just been doing ultra horrible. now lvl 50, will come back later with more info if there are any more issues.

all this info is to try to help make updates/better script, this info is not to just say ,, hey your script sucks. or anything like that.
just here trying to help improve things really.

a new master... but who?
Lunk's task
The Fewer, the better.

Bot walks up to stone guys.
walks into group of 6, they do fire and almost instantly kill me.

i figure bot would kill 1 and die... come back... revive...
kill another ect.. until all killed.

but the bot just stands there.

Hi, Conetopia,

To be honest, this sounds like a CombatRoutine problem. The profile has probably sent you to a grinding area to guarantee a certain level before proceeding to the next set of quests. But, without logs, we'll never know for certain.

Please don't bother posting with complaints like this if you're unwilling to attach your log--Kick will just eventually delete your post with no explanation. Same in the Support forum, you're just wasting electrons and time to make any post where you're unwilling to attach logs.

It picks up quests, starts doing them, crashes, then when i start up again, It deletes those quests like it's ready to switch zones, then grabs them again, then halfway through them crashes.

I tried completing a round of them manually, moving to diffrent zones, deleting the cache, then it did the same thing with different quests.

lvl 67, Alliance Night elf Druid, Nagrand
Using fpsware druid cc.

View attachment 72752

Hi, Jabber and thanks for the log!

I'm trying to analyze it and map it to Kick's profiles. For instance, he sometimes deletes quests in the log before picking new ones up. But, I haven't found where he does that in the profile yet.

It may be faster to get you going, if you could tell us the nature of the crash. What's crashing--WoW, Honorbuddy, or both? Is there some kind of error message that pops up, or does it drop straight to desktop? If an error, what does the text say?

I'll keep looking through the log, but was seeking alternatives to get you going quicker.


UPDATE 1: More results:
  • I did locate at least 5 areas in the profile where Kick is abandoning quests.
    Unfortunately, you're crash is probably straddling one of these five usages.
  • From the log, I see no mis-behaving CombatRoutines or Plugins, but that doesn't mean they aren't the cause.
  • I can find nothing in the log that indicates a crash even happened.
    We're going to need an external source (popup dialog, Windoze event manager, etc) to actually tell us why the crash occurred.
If you're willing, try going back to Singular or a CombatRoutine other than FPSware's. I can understand your liking FPSware's a lot, but it may still be 'beta'-ish--not sure.
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Hello! When the bot is supposed to choose an item to fininsh the quest it just stands there closing and opening the quest. How can i fix this problem? lvl 31 char.

Hi, Jokter,

Reward selection on quest completion is done by Honorbuddy--this is not a profile issue. Please report your problem to the Support forum.

Also, be sure to attach a log, otherwise nobody can help you with problems like this.

Still having problems with klaxxis dailys... the bot picks every daily, moves to the quest spot but then just flys away.
hello, im leveling my monk using this profiles and i got stuck on deepholm (lvl 82) where the bot tries to pickup a quest from Maruut Stonebinder when he has none to give. I've tried restarting HB with no effect.
hey, i've only come across one problem with the profile and that is that the profile for dreadwastes is set to level 90 only so i can't use it to go from 89 - 90 like the name on that profile suggests is there anything i can do to enable it to let the bot level me in dreadwastes as at 89 - 90 that is where i'll get the most experience
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