I tested the Klaxxi Daylis but the bot fly all the time without doing a quest.
i dont know how to download everything when i click on your SVN link
I tested the Klaxxi Daylis but the bot fly all the time without doing a quest.
<If Condition="((!HasQuest(32045)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(32045)))" >
<RunTo X="-220.5912" Y="463.5444" Z="185.442" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="60231" X="-220.5912" Y="463.5444" Z="185.442" /> <!-- FP -->
been there.It picks up quests, starts doing them, crashes, then when i start up again, It deletes those quests like it's ready to switch zones, then grabs them again, then halfway through them crashes.
It picks up quests, starts doing them, crashes, then when i start up again, It deletes those quests like it's ready to switch zones, then grabs them again, then halfway through them crashes.
I tried completing a round of them manually, moving to diffrent zones, deleting the cache, then it did the same thing with different quests.
lvl 67, Alliance Night elf Druid, Nagrand
Using fpsware druid cc.
View attachment 72752
been there.
nagrand has some teething issues with post-nessingwary quests, i think once you get into the west end of nagrand, you should pick up the few remaining quests, strive for 68, buy cold weather flying, and leave outlands.
seems you're doing the "rescue corki" questline, which is basically the same as the horde "debts" questline, same area, different mobs.
id advise switching the bot to combat, and clear out some of the quests by hand, i.e. the big roc/clefthoof/elekk elites for nessingwary, and just completing the remaining quests in the log, and then starting the profile again once you've completed most of the upper nagrand quests, the lower ones will be tedious and involve turtles, looking for muck, swimming, a mob escort, etc.
Been having issues with tillers daily, started revision before this one(-260) at first it refused to pickup any quests, just running the 'questpickup' line in log hundreds of times until i manually picked them up.
Today i didnt have to pick them up but now it refuses to turn them in.
This is with totally fresh install (i do it daily rather then just deleting cache, no biggie tbh)
(Side note, i put anglers into plugins instead of bots, but doubt thats it)
Here is log: View attachment 72787
Yeah my bot refuses to pickup cloud serpent quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Cloud Serpent Quests...
[Profile Message]: Beginning Cloud Serpent Quests.
[Profile Message]: Quests Completed. Returning to Arboretum.
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 857]: Loading profile '[Rep] The Klaxxi Dailies [Brodie].xml'
So basically it just flies there, dismounts, mounts up and leaves. ( Its been doing that for days) Did fresh install today but it still does that.