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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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[Profile Message]: Starting Debugging The Terrace
Mounting: Onyx Netherwing Drake
[Singular] Casting Fear Ward on Myself
Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create 'CurrentBehavior' in quest bot; an exception was thrown: Could not find file 'F:\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\DebuggingTheTerrace.cs'.

You didn't copy the Quest Behaviors folder into your HB folder. Several of my quests require them, they have to be in the right folder. Copy the Quest Behaviors folder itself into your HB folder, and when asked, merge the folder.

These do work.
Awesome stuff mate!!!

I would suggest altering the order in which it runs the dailies though. It kinda flies all over the place at the moment. You might wanna try:
- Order of the Cloud Serpent
- Operation Shieldwall
- Anglers
- Tillers
- Klaxxi
- Shado-Pan
- Golden Lotus
- August Celestials

That way you'll take the shortest route everywhere and end with the ones where you never know where you'll have to go ;)

I'll be running this profile a lot from now on so expect lots of comments from me ;)
Hi again, BadTank,

This log isn't doing the same thing as the last one. It looks like you took a taxi to Grookin Hill, Jade Forest to pick up a quest called The Scouts Return. You landed, and it wanted to pick up the quest, but doesn't look like it was moving to do so.

Might try moving the toon near Rivett Clutchpop, and see if it will continue from there. I've no clue why this is giving you grief, but it looks like an Honorbuddy problem, and not a profile one at the moment.


Thanks, it's still just going right back to the same spot and stands there. Is there a way I can by pass that? I can not even see the quest on my map at all.
Awesome stuff mate!!!

I would suggest altering the order in which it runs the dailies though. It kinda flies all over the place at the moment. You might wanna try:
- Order of the Cloud Serpent
- Operation Shieldwall
- Anglers
- Tillers
- Klaxxi
- Shado-Pan
- Golden Lotus
- August Celestials

That way you'll take the shortest route everywhere and end with the ones where you never know where you'll have to go ;)

I'll be running this profile a lot from now on so expect lots of comments from me ;)

I've put thought into it and it is coming soon. Operation Shieldwall and Doninance aren't part of the rotation yet. But yours is similar to my plan too. Expect it sometime end of week!
Hi Kick,

My HB crashes when it tries to load the QuestBehaviour "OnTheRightTrack" <-- this doesn't exist in the newest version of HB in the QuestBehaviour folder.

Br, ManOnFire
View attachment 72040 is 89-90 working because mine just grinds after he done a few quests using svn also loads 88-89 when i load 89-90.

Hi, Tokinterrorz,

It looks like you are done with the Townlong Steppes, and the bot is moving to the Dread Wastes. You are making the journey by ground, which means you've probably got Honorbuddy's "Use Flight Paths" setting turned off.

Your toon is just fighting mobs on the way to the next destination. There are a lot of mobs since you're on ground. Just let the profile keep running, and you should be good.

Hi Kick,

My HB crashes when it tries to load the QuestBehaviour "OnTheRightTrack" <-- this doesn't exist in the newest version of HB in the QuestBehaviour folder.

Br, ManOnFire

Hi, ManOnFire,

You addressed Kick, but I"ll answer anyway. :D

In Kick's Profiles/1-90 Questing Profile Pack/Questing Behaviors, you'll find a number of behaviors that need to be moved to the HB/Quest Behaviors directory for Kick's profiles to work. If you are asked a question about "Overwriting an existing file", I always answer "no", because I consider HB-shipped behaviors to be the authoritative ones. Many profile writers have provided profile-specific Quest Behaviors--you should check for this any time you use questing profiles.

Copy the behaviors to the right place, and you should be off-and-away again.

Thanks, it's still just going right back to the same spot and stands there. Is there a way I can by pass that? I can not even see the quest on my map at all.

Hi, BadTank,

Your problems both frustrate and elude me. I'm on version 1893 of Kick's repository, and the last log you posted no longer matches his questing sequence. He also has a comment to the effect in the profile "are these quests avail w/o doing the jade serpent temple chain?". So, he is obviously still refining the profiles.

Could I get you to update your version of Kick's repository to the latest (v1893 as of this writing), and let me see a new log if that doesn't fix some things for you?

Hey guys, I'm very new to using this program so bare with me. I've been trying to lvl a Holy pally from 1-90 and things have not been going as smooth as I thought. I'm learning as I go so that might be part of the problem.

In any case, ever since my pally has hit 58 and moved to Outlands he has really struggled to quest and lvl. For the most part he keeps trying to grind in one area till next leveled tier. So 58 to 62 he grinded in Hellfire peninsula right next to Falcons Watch. Than at 62 he moved to next area, rinse and repeat. Each time he moves on, the bot usually attempts to quest but gets stuck talking to the same NPC and cancels out. I manually move him or try to get the bot on the right track and he will decided to grind.

I'm currently lvl 65 now and it has been all grinding. I would imagine there is a problem somewhere but not sure what. Ill try posting the right log but I'm thinking someone might want to see a couple logs since I have just been moving the bot along. I have never posted a bug so excuse me if I missed anything or posted wrong.

I'm going to attempt to post 3 different logs. Not really sure which ones I should post but will start with theses I guess. Thanks for help in advance.


Hey guys, I'm very new to using this program so bare with me. I've been trying to lvl a Holy pally from 1-90 and things have not been going as smooth as I thought. I'm learning as I go so that might be part of the problem.

In any case, ever since my pally has hit 58 and moved to Outlands he has really struggled to quest and lvl. For the most part he keeps trying to grind in one area till next leveled tier. So 58 to 62 he grinded in Hellfire peninsula right next to Falcons Watch. Than at 62 he moved to next area, rinse and repeat. Each time he moves on, the bot usually attempts to quest but gets stuck talking to the same NPC and cancels out. I manually move him or try to get the bot on the right track and he will decided to grind.

I'm currently lvl 65 now and it has been all grinding. I would imagine there is a problem somewhere but not sure what. Ill try posting the right log but I'm thinking someone might want to see a couple logs since I have just been moving the bot along. I have never posted a bug so excuse me if I missed anything or posted wrong.

I'm going to attempt to post 3 different logs. Not really sure which ones I should post but will start with theses I guess. Thanks for help in advance.

Hi, Bazooka_joe, and thanks for the logs!

Unfortunately, these logs aren't capturing the problems you describe. But there are a couple of things in them, that if we fix, might put things right...

  • Need to move Honorbudy out of Program Files(x86) into C:/Games/Honorbuddy or somesuch
    The path name to the Honorbuddy directory should not contain any spaces or periods.
    Some explanation as to why, here.

  • Try clearing your caches...
    Follow these instructions for clearing your caches, and you should be off-and-away.

I'm hoping that these steps will get you going. If not, please post the log that demonstrates the problem next time you see it happen.

And just FYI...
Kick's profiles do grind a bit in Outland, but you shouldn't be doing it all the time.

valley of four winds profile stuck me in a tree everytime and does not unstuck

Hi, Sexypogo,

This is not a profile issue, and should be posted in the Flightor thread. You will need to include appropriate information over there: which profile you were using, your log, and a screenshot or video.

Any1 any idea why my HB isn't changing places? Ofc updated by SVM Kick's profile. It's sth with HB or profile? Like I'm lvl 64 and still exping till 80% in Zangarmarsh. Just by accident bot stops and then need to click start and is going to another location... I just readed that U need to change sth in file if U want to bot farm all avaible quests :S
Hey, Kickadilious,

In the "[N - Quest] 87-88 Krasarang Wilds [Kick].xml" profile, Borderlands is running to the wrong place to light the last two Memorial flames. Here's the update (lines 948-956-ish):

<While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 30084)" >
<RunTo X="-674.0682" Y="-459.4032" Z="74.96905" />
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(78928)" WaitTime="1000" />​
<While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(2, 30084)" >
<RunTo X="-632.0898" Y="-515.079" Z="72.67176" />
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(78928)" WaitTime="1000" />​

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Thank you chinajade,

Thanks for the quick response, I will give those things a shot and respond back. I'm reinstalling Wow to get the file/folder structure corrected. May not have been the quickest way but o well.
this plugin have issue with healing some time stop healing and targeting too. the problem is in arena, bg and some time in dungeon or raid.
What does not work? Lazyraider 2.0.11 still works fine here.

If you scroll back through a few pages there are NUMEROUS complaints about things not working right after 5.1 and no response. The fact it works for you is irrelevant.
Hey Kick,

I've got the old quest for the Hand of A'dal title, and it would be bad if it's get deleted. Is there a way to prevent delete that one quest?
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