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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Honorbuddy v2.5.6597.518 started.
Logging in...
Attached to WoW with ID 9992
New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
New bot added!: BGBuddy
New bot added!: DungeonBuddy
New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
New bot added!: Grind Bot
New bot added!: Questing
New bot added!: Mixed Mode
New bot added!: PartyBot
New bot added!: Combat Bot
New bot added!: Raid Bot
Honorbuddy v2.5.6597.518 started!
Character is a level 90 Pandaren Hunter
Current zone is Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
[Singular] Starting Singular v3.0.0.1271
[Singular] Installation: integrity verififed for
[Singular] Determining talent spec.
[Singular] TalentManager - looks like a HunterBeastMastery
[Singular] Current spec is Hunter Beast Mastery
[Singular] Building method list
[Singular] Initialization complete!
Initialization complete.
Changing current profile to August Celestials v0.1
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to August Celestials v0.1
WoW cannot be minimized while running Honorbuddy!
[Singular] Your Level 90 Pandaren Mastery Hunter Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot Solo in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
[Singular] Context changed, re-creating behaviors
[Profile Message]: Compiling August Celestials Quests...
[Profile Message]: Beginning August Celestials Quests.
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 687]: Loading profile '[Rep] Shado Pan Dailies [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to Shado Pan Dailies v0.1
[Profile Message]: Compiling Shado Pan Quests...
[Profile Message]: Starting Shado Pan Dailies, moving to The Garrison.
[Profile Message]: Beginning Shado Pan Quests.
[Singular] [Pet] Calling out pet #1
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 395]: Loading profile '[Rep] The Anglers Dailies [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to The Anglers Dailies v0.1
[Profile Message]: Compiling Quests...
[Profile Message]: Starting The Anglers Dailies, moving to Nat Pagle's Man Cave.
Mounting: Swift Purple Gryphon

I did a completely fresh install and everything on your troubleshooting but it still skipped over AC dailies, shado pan just not working....
Honorbuddy v2.5.6597.518 started.
Logging in...
Attached to WoW with ID 9992
New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
New bot added!: BGBuddy
New bot added!: DungeonBuddy
New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
New bot added!: Grind Bot
New bot added!: Questing
New bot added!: Mixed Mode
New bot added!: PartyBot
New bot added!: Combat Bot
New bot added!: Raid Bot
Honorbuddy v2.5.6597.518 started!
Character is a level 90 Pandaren Hunter
Current zone is Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
[Singular] Starting Singular v3.0.0.1271
[Singular] Installation: integrity verififed for
[Singular] Determining talent spec.
[Singular] TalentManager - looks like a HunterBeastMastery
[Singular] Current spec is Hunter Beast Mastery
[Singular] Building method list
[Singular] Initialization complete!
Initialization complete.
Changing current profile to August Celestials v0.1
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to August Celestials v0.1
WoW cannot be minimized while running Honorbuddy!
[Singular] Your Level 90 Pandaren Mastery Hunter Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot Solo in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
[Singular] Context changed, re-creating behaviors
[Profile Message]: Compiling August Celestials Quests...
[Profile Message]: Beginning August Celestials Quests.
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 687]: Loading profile '[Rep] Shado Pan Dailies [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to Shado Pan Dailies v0.1
[Profile Message]: Compiling Shado Pan Quests...
[Profile Message]: Starting Shado Pan Dailies, moving to The Garrison.
[Profile Message]: Beginning Shado Pan Quests.
[Singular] [Pet] Calling out pet #1
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 395]: Loading profile '[Rep] The Anglers Dailies [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to The Anglers Dailies v0.1
[Profile Message]: Compiling Quests...
[Profile Message]: Starting The Anglers Dailies, moving to Nat Pagle's Man Cave.
Mounting: Swift Purple Gryphon

I did a completely fresh install and everything on your troubleshooting but it still skipped over AC dailies, shado pan just not working....

I need more than that in a log file. Unfortunately all this tells me is it went past my messages and displayed them to you. The log will show me if it received the commands.

Did the bot move to any locations? Did it move to the NPCs that start the quests? Moreso, are you Revered with Golden Lotus? (Sounds silly but...)
Tonight I didn't add much in. I added, to the Tillers, the ability to do Nomi's quests.

This includes Lessons 1 through 5, minus #3, and the Exalted and post-Exalted dailies.
#3 requires you to fish your own Carp, as you can't buy it from the vendor. If you have it before you start, it will turn it in.

I need testing on this! Let me know if it:
a) Doesn't buy the item
b) Buys too much of the item
c) Doesn't call out Nomi for the pickup or turn in. (PLEASE START WITHOUT HER OUT!)

Hey, Kick,

In the "[N - Quest] 87-88 Krasarang Wilds [Kick].xml" profile, Borderlands is running to the wrong place to light the last two Memorial flames. Here's the update (lines 948-956-ish):

<While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 30084)" >
<RunTo X="-674.0682" Y="-459.4032" Z="74.96905" />
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(78928)" WaitTime="1000" />​
<While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(2, 30084)" >
<RunTo X="-632.0898" Y="-515.079" Z="72.67176" />
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(78928)" WaitTime="1000" />​


Jesus Christ! chinajade you are doing a very good work to the HB community.

once again, thank you so much!
only seems to be doing first set of golden lotus dailies for me...is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?...this is using just the golden lotus file, i wasnt using the one that stats at tillers and goes through them all BTW, could that be the issue? awesome profile BTW :)
What's the best thing to do if some sort of failure happens in the middle of this profile (daily grind)? Is there a general rule for all multi profiles? I've tried to restart from the beginning and let it go to each quest hub......I've also tried finding which XML file it left off at.
Would deleting all incomplete quests help?
Also the "golden lotus scripts" > Ruins of Guo-lai needs to be renamed....not a big deal, It just says "white petal lake" if you load it manually
Hey, Kickatrocious, <Chinajade's taunt improves by 1.>

In "[N - Quest] 87-88 Krasarang Wilds [Kick].xml" profile, the The Arcanic Oubliette is trying to run through that pinkish dome to complete the quest, and it gets ported and confused, and repeats. The following fix makes certain the toon goes *around* the dome, rather than try to go through it. Please note, I changed the order in which the crystals were visited. Starting around line 1015-ish, just replace this whole block:

<If Condition="((HasQuest(30274)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(30274)))" >
<While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(3, 30274)" >
<RunTo X="-1145.918" Y="-154.7195" Z="24.03196" />
<RunTo X="-1161.96" Y="-174.1957" Z="29.61349" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="210535" ObjectType="Gameobject" Range="8" X="-1162.527" Y="-177.5222" Z="28.31511" />
<RunTo X="-1145.918" Y="-154.7195" Z="24.03196" />​
<While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(2, 30274)" >
<RunTo X="-1107.547" Y="-157.2234" Z="27.35464" />
<RunTo X="-1095.176" Y="-178.1759" Z="33.63386" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="210533" ObjectType="Gameobject" Range="8" X="-1097.714" Y="-176.6482" Z="33.2825" />
<RunTo X="-1107.547" Y="-157.2234" Z="27.35464" />​
<While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 30274)" >
<RunTo X="-1023.511" Y="-180.8024" Z="33.65838" />
<RunTo X="-1051.578" Y="-232.9452" Z="34.95833" />
<RunTo X="-1091.647" Y="-237.6236" Z="33.30101" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="210527" ObjectType="Gameobject" Range="8" X="-1094.898" Y="-236.9672" Z="34.58879" />​

Last edited:
Anytime the quest mounts some type of vehicle and has the skills change its unable to do the quest... is there a fix for this?
I need more than that in a log file. Unfortunately all this tells me is it went past my messages and displayed them to you. The log will show me if it received the commands.

Did the bot move to any locations? Did it move to the NPCs that start the quests? Moreso, are you Revered with Golden Lotus? (Sounds silly but...)

For Shado-Pan it will move to the spot and pick up the quests but for August Celestials it does not even move before it switches the profile.
Anytime the quest mounts some type of vehicle and has the skills change its unable to do the quest... is there a fix for this?

There are just a handfull vehicle quests that doesnt works because the Quest Behaviors are not working. A do there job. Please dont forget to copy the "Quest Behaviors" Folder of Kickz SVN in your HB "Quest Behavior" Folder, and restart HB.
I think if Natfoth has time, he will fix this QBs to work with Kickz Profile again. But we all have to wait :(
Hey, Kicktastic,

In "[N - Quest] 87-88 Krasarang Wilds [Kick].xml" profile, the toon gets stuck trying to InteractWith Malen Moonfeather. An Honorbuddy stop/start will fix this, but in the interest of keeping the profile as AFKable as possible, I commented out the offending line (~line 1246):

<!-- <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="59048" X="-1156.104" Y="1769.462" Z="16.98939" /> --> <!-- FP -->

Last edited:
I have some problem with the Golden Lotus quests atm. Did most of them without issue yesterday but now it'll only pick up the quests, then complete 1 (High Chance of rain). After that it switches quests but won't do them, ends up switching to next faction.

Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to The Golden Lotus v0.3
[Profile Message]: Compiling Golden Lotus Quests...
[Profile Message]: Beginning Golden Lotus Quests.
[Profile Message]: Starting/Checking Phase 1...
[Profile Message]: Starting Acts of Cruelty
[Profile Message]: Starting Set in Stone
[Profile Message]: Starting The Eternal Vigil
[Profile Message]: Phase 1 Completed. Returning to Golden Pagoda.
Mounting: Swift Flight Form

As you can see does nothing with the quests.

Good job so far!
I have some problem with the Golden Lotus quests atm. Did most of them without issue yesterday but now it'll only pick up the quests, then complete 1 (High Chance of rain). After that it switches quests but won't do them, ends up switching to next faction.

Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to The Golden Lotus v0.3
[Profile Message]: Compiling Golden Lotus Quests...
[Profile Message]: Beginning Golden Lotus Quests.
[Profile Message]: Starting/Checking Phase 1...
[Profile Message]: Starting Acts of Cruelty
[Profile Message]: Starting Set in Stone
[Profile Message]: Starting The Eternal Vigil
[Profile Message]: Phase 1 Completed. Returning to Golden Pagoda.
Mounting: Swift Flight Form

As you can see does nothing with the quests.

Good job so far!

See post #1, troubleshooting, "it's skipping quests"
For Shado-Pan it will move to the spot and pick up the quests but for August Celestials it does not even move before it switches the profile.

Sounds like a non-fresh install issue. Are you alliance or horde and can you send a log file.

Edit: Either non-fresh or non-supported quests.
Last edited:
Hey, Kicksaslacker, <Chinajade's taunt skill increases by 1.>

In "[Fly][N - Quest] 90 Dread Wastes [Kick].xml" profile, on the Dead Zone quest, you no longer interact with the pillar. Instead you have to use the Klazzi Resonating Crystal in your backpack. The profile changes below start about line 735:

<While Condition="((HasQuest(31009)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(31009)))" >
<RunTo X="25.28475" Y="3998.119" Z="240.6393" />
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(83276)" WaitTime="1000" />

There are just a handfull vehicle quests that doesnt works because the Quest Behaviors are not working. A do there job. Please dont forget to copy the "Quest Behaviors" Folder of Kickz SVN in your HB "Quest Behavior" Folder, and restart HB.
I think if Natfoth has time, he will fix this QBs to work with Kickz Profile again. But we all have to wait :(

I don't know how the "kill between hotspots" work. But I get the impression that it does stop and kill a lot. So my thought was that maybe it would be possible to update to profile with turning off kill between hotspots every time you get to the "turnin" quest part and back on when it's time to do the quests.

I think this would make it faster to get back to the quest receivers but I don't know for sure. What do you think?
Heya, Kickthedwarfhater,

My dim-witted Dwarf believed you when you told him he could resupply and repair at a Horde Supply Kodo. So, we had to set him straight by editing "[Fly][N - Quest] 90 Dread Wastes [Kick].xml" to contain only the neutral vendors. Starting around line 22, I commented out the faction-specific vendors:

<Vendors> <!-- Neutral vendors only; Faction-specific place right inside QuestOrder -->
<Vendor Name="Claretta" Entry="61215" Type="Repair" X="528.3212" Y="-652.0018" Z="257.0843" /> <!-- Pangs Stead, Valley of the Four Winds -->
<Vendor Name="Refuge Supplier An" Entry="67183" Type="Food" X="-1185.325" Y="1032.172" Z="21.92144" /> <!-- Crane Wing Refuge -->
<!-- <Vendor Name="Murn Stronghoof" Entry="67182" Type="Food" X="-1691.648" Y="1619.418" Z="15.28844" /> --> <!-- Dawnchaser Retreat -->
<!-- <Vendor Name="Supplies Kodo" Entry="58172" Type="Food" X="-1705.365" Y="1575.342" Z="15.37387" /> --> <!-- Dawnchaser Retreat -->
<Vendor Name="Refuge Supplier An" Entry="67183" Type="Food" X="-1185.325" Y="1032.172" Z="21.92152" /> <!-- Crane Wing Refuge -->
<Vendor Name="Refuge Supplier An" Entry="67183" Type="Repair" X="-1185.325" Y="1032.172" Z="21.92152" /> <!-- Crane Wing Refuge -->
<!-- <Vendor Name="Supplies Kodo" Entry="58172" Type="Food" X="-1705.365" Y="1575.342" Z="15.37378" /> --> <!-- Dawnchaser Retreat -->
<Vendor Name="Bowfitter Suyin" Entry="67184" Type="Food" X="-2518.354" Y="505.0469" Z="2.635097" /> <!-- Marista -->
<Vendor Name="Bowfitter Suyin" Entry="67184" Type="Repair" X="-2518.354" Y="505.0469" Z="2.635097" /> <!-- Marista -->
<Vendor Name="Spademender Yumba" Entry="67052" Type="Repair" X="-437.3083" Y="1907.863" Z="136.2737" /> <!-- Stoneplow -->
<Vendor Name="Nan the Mason Mug" Entry="62878" Type="Food" X="-365.9896" Y="1905.672" Z="142.8074" /> <!-- Stoneplow -->​

Last edited:
Not delivering all of the Klaxxi dailies

The bot currently doesn't deliver the quest "Rampage Against The Machine" upon completion. It will deliver all of the other dailies but that. After which it continues with the Golden Lotus.


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