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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Sooo this is a dumb question im sure but ill go ahead anyway!

The profiles have to be loaded seperatly right?

No. If you run "[Rep] Daily Profile [Brodie]" it will auto run the first on the list, and each profile links to the next. You can start on any profile you want, but they follow a set path, the path is on Post #1, in the order of the areas listed there.
Sooo this is a dumb question im sure but ill go ahead anyway!

The profiles have to be loaded seperatly right?

You have 2 options.
Either select '[Rep] Daily Grind [Brodie].xml'
Will take you to pandaria and basically load '[Rep] Farm Dailies [Brodie].xml'

If you only select the 2nd you have to be in panda land and it'll start tillers dailies and continue doing all it can.

However, if you only wanna do select ones, select whatever profile and it'll start that and continue the others in the prio list.


Wanna report the tillers daily 'a gift for jogu', it moves to the stairs and just waits for object to spawn, even tho objects are there (apples and cranberries, 2 clicks inside the house).

Also wanna report the tillers daily 'weed wars II'. Moves to interact with npc but doesnt click the weed to pull them out.
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If you use the profile "Daily Grind" it will first Do the Tillers Farm quest > Tillers Normal > Order of the cloud serpents > Klaxxi > Golden Lotus > Anglers > Etc .. If you wanna do just 1 faction Just load the single profile and stop it after its done.
Wanna report the tillers daily 'a gift for jogu', it moves to the stairs and just waits for object to spawn, even tho objects are there (apples and cranberries, 2 clicks inside the house).

I increased the search distance, can you retry?
coming some more stuff to the : Operation: Shieldwall soon? ^^

I really hope they fix the meshes soon tho.
I asume that they aren't working as intended due to that atm :/ unless they've fixed it without me noticing it.
Ohh sweet! Thanks alot bro!

Btw you do know you are Awesome for doing this right? Big ups from Sweden
coming some more stuff to the : Operation: Shieldwall soon? ^^

I really hope they fix the meshes soon tho.
I asume that they aren't working as intended due to that atm :/ unless they've fixed it without me noticing it.

I just made huge additions to Shado-Pan, finished Tillers (needs testing) and am working my way towards finishing Operation: Shieldwall. It is a bit ugly as the meshes are not complete. I like to test while I code that area to make sure I'm not running someone into a wall or cliff. Patience. I promise, it's coming.
Thanks for your hard work m8, donated a months sub in cash for you.
Happy xmas :)
My only request is that you look over cloud serpent and august celestials dailies when you got some time over, those along with anglers(dont really care bout them) are the ones working poorly :(
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Hi, Tumbum, and thanks for the log and the timestamp!

There are a couple of things going on here. The first is a profile problem that we'll have to leave for Kick to solve--it hasn't been updated to buy the Pandaren-specific mount. It looks like you've got your mount and riding skill, so the profile should be skipping over the attempt to learn training if you restart it.

The other problem is you've got a plugin called "SupremeTargets" that is throwing all kinds of exceptions and preventing your profile from operating properly. Try disabling this plugin, and you should be off-and-away. If not, please attach another log (with SupremeTargets disabled), and let us have a look.


This Plugin was a Test and i deleted it. About Mounts, dont forget that Mounts are Account wide. If you got some Chars on the same Account they will share the Mounts.
My Toon learned the riding Skill in Outland but got stuck at buying, as i wrote, after a restart of HB everything goes on. Just to let Kickz know to check, if Mount is already learned, skip it.
Quest [Borderlands] - on guide - [N - Quest] 87-88 Krasarang Wilds [Kick]

"The memorail flame of Shu" Correct cords - <Hotspot X="-634.9197" Y="-523.8395" Z="71.40489" />

And here is were the bot just stand and try to use Quest item : <Hotspot X="-647.9323" Y="-573.5827" Z="69.12539" /> WoWScrnShot_120512_141212.webp

he stands on a mountain close to it, but still its to far.
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Thanks for your hard work m8, donated a months sub in cash for you.
Happy xmas :)
My only request is that you look over cloud serpent and august celestials dailies when you got some time over, those along with anglers(dont really care bout them) are the ones working poorly :(

Thanks for your support!
I'm making big changes in Cloud Serpent soon, with the completion of Tillers. Someone has already offered to donate Anglers and AC, just a matter of getting them in. Big updates soon!
Yo man Whan i starts your profile It Change Pull distance to "1" and also OFF "loot mobs" and "loot chests" i reinst Full HB and profiles but it happened again... If i fix it manual it change back to distance "1" and OFF "loots" also have problams in the start of Farm Quests whaen He make 1st Q(plant any thing what quests asked) and than start to ran from Farmer Yun to the palant? than Back Again and again
I have "On" some Kick's plagins like Anti Drown ItemForAuraQuestHelper Azenius Refreshment Mb problam on Tham????
P.S. Same happenes on VEGA profiles when try to do Kallaxi's quests
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Yo man Whan i starts your profile It Change Pull distance to "1" and also OFF "loot mobs" and "loot chests" i reinst Full HB and profiles but it happened again... If i fix it manual it change back to distance "1" and OFF "loots" also have problams in the start of Farm Quests whaen He make 1st Q(plant any thing what quests asked) and than start to ran from Farmer Yun to the palant? than Back Again and again
I have "On" some Kick's plagins like Anti Drown ItemForAuraQuestHelper Azenius Refreshment Mb problam on Tham????

Turning Loots off and distance to 1 is normal. Each individual quest has a set loot rule and pulldistance. If you are doing kill quests and this is not changing, that might be a problem with HB, as each quest is programmed to swap it everytime.

The issue with Yoon I'd need to see. Do you have a log file? Do you have the seeds in your inventory? If not, is it flying to the vendor?

AntiDrown has some issues accidentally flying too high to path if you are flying mounted while underwater and need air. The others I don't THINK have any issues.
i On Tiller Quests... Lats see what he will wright..... (i make 1st Q with planting with my self) Now He [Profile Message]: Beginning Tillers Quests.[Profile Message]: Starting You Have to Burn the Ropes......... He standed on 1one spot and w8ing for objekt resss But around him there are 2 ropes =)
Now [Profile Message]: Starting Fatty Goatsteak
Mounting: Blue Wind Rider
[Singular] Casting Power Word: Shield on Myself

Lat's w8
i On Tiller Quests... Lats see what he will wright..... (i make 1st Q with planting with my self) Now He [Profile Message]: Beginning Tillers Quests.[Profile Message]: Starting You Have to Burn the Ropes......... He standed on 1one spot and w8ing for objekt resss But around him there are 2 ropes =)
Now [Profile Message]: Starting Fatty Goatsteak
Mounting: Blue Wind Rider
[Singular] Casting Power Word: Shield on Myself

Lat's w8

Yes the ropes, standing there, is intentional. I had too many instances of falling off the cliff trying to reach others as there is no Native Flying in Pandaria, yet. It takes a bit but its slow, I know. I doesn't look past the one it stands on, just incase it decides to head to the one above it, instead of in front of it.
"The issue with Yoon I'd need to see. Do you have a log file? Do you have the seeds in your inventory? If not, is it flying to the vendor?" Will try tommorow. But he Bot seed and than planted it.. He starts runing after that
I just made huge additions to Shado-Pan, finished Tillers (needs testing) and am working my way towards finishing Operation: Shieldwall. It is a bit ugly as the meshes are not complete. I like to test while I code that area to make sure I'm not running someone into a wall or cliff. Patience. I promise, it's coming.

Yeah I know :/ The meshes are/were a bit weird. didn't contain any info about the WMO's around the area.
I were making a quick profile my self, on the release day of patch 5.1 - Dind't have time to complete it my self, due to exams etc(Would have had to make the paths for it, manually.. Would have taken way to much time, away from what were important at the time)

I have a lot of patience ^^ I just were abit curious.

Keep the good work up tho ;)
I like what i've seen thus far!
[Profile Message]: Starting Debugging The Terrace
Mounting: Onyx Netherwing Drake
[Singular] Casting Fear Ward on Myself
Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create 'CurrentBehavior' in quest bot; an exception was thrown: Could not find file 'F:\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\DebuggingTheTerrace.cs'.
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