Does any daylie Profile runs without Problems????? i try it every day.. first i update via svn then i start HB switch to questing and load "Golden Lotus Dailies" the bot dont pick up 1 dailie and so one phase 1 failed....
Today i try to load [Rep] Cloud Serpent Dailies [Brodie] the bot flys to the area and dont pickup any q then switching automatic the profile... tillers dailies the same he do only the yoon q (field q)
Before patch 5.1 its runs perfectly and now?!?!?
Please help me i hate questing and i want find a dailie pack how is running without Problems or tell me what is wrong.
Today i try to load [Rep] Cloud Serpent Dailies [Brodie] the bot flys to the area and dont pickup any q then switching automatic the profile... tillers dailies the same he do only the yoon q (field q)
Before patch 5.1 its runs perfectly and now?!?!?
Please help me i hate questing and i want find a dailie pack how is running without Problems or tell me what is wrong.