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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Turned off, guy was walking off out to sea in the south part of towlong and didn't want to go all the way out there to resurrect when he died,etc, I need to get this done today so just went back to grinding AV. Log attached though if you can see anything. Tried changing to towlong steps and just started dieing, don't think my weapons are strong enough and my CC could be set up better.


Is it normal the bot cant do vehicle quests or am i missing something? theres always a pop up window. When i click continue profile, well it just does nothing pls help
Is it normal the bot cant do vehicle quests or am i missing something? theres always a pop up window. When i click continue profile, well it just does nothing pls help

Hi, Hekla,

You need to post a log for us to see what's going on.

The bot can do some vehicle quests on its own, and not others. Depends on the particular quest. You probably won't notice the vehicle quests the bot does, because when you look, you just notice the "bot is questing okay", and not the fact that it is using a vehicle.

And "NO", when that UserDialog pops up, you just can't continue! You need to follow the instructions--contained in that popup dialog--that the profile is giving you for completing the step. Some quests require manual intervention because there is no current behavior that can accomplish the needed task.

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Turned off, guy was walking off out to sea in the south part of towlong and didn't want to go all the way out there to resurrect when he died,etc, I need to get this done today so just went back to grinding AV. Log attached though if you can see anything. Tried changing to towlong steps and just started dieing, don't think my weapons are strong enough and my CC could be set up better.

Hi again, Sinbeast,

With this latest log, I can now see your next goal is to pick up "Robbing Robbers of Robbers" from Len the Whisperer.

This may be a problem that is isomorphic to Wing Nga getting moved. Comment out lines 1116-1117 of "[N - Quest] 88-89 Kun-Lai Summit [Kick].xml". It should look like this:
<!-- <CustomBehavior File="NoCombatMoveTo" X="783.7535" Y="-205.1563" Z="402.2014" /> -->
<!-- <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="61759" X="783.7535" Y="-205.1563" Z="402.2014" /> -->

If you don't want to edit the profile, then PickUp and TurnIn "Robbing Robbers of Robbers".

After that quest completes, you should be able to proceed normally again.

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Hi, Spewer,

Would you mind posting your fixes here, and the name of the profiles in Kick's profile pack you modded? Blizzard sometimes changes things up and moves them around, the profiles may need a slight freshening, and any info you can provide Kick will be appreciated.

thanks 10e6!

Well I tested it again and now it works correctly. Maybe I got a Cache Error this morning or something like that.
Even though I deleted the Cache folder and restarted the bot twice.
Obviously there is no need to chance anything :)
Heya, I've been running Kick's questing profiles for roughly 16 hours now and I haven't seen my toon mount even once.. Last 4 hours I've been working on my laptop and directly glazing at my pc monitor to see whats happening and for the last 4 hours I can say 100% that it hasn't mounted even once or even tried to mount.. AND YES I GOT "USE MOUNT" Enabled before someone asks if I have it enabled or disabled, AND YES! I have selected a proper mount id I have; 55531 = Mechano-Hog. And yes! I have checked that my mount distance is not set to infinite, its set to 15 AND YES! I have tried with other mounts and distances.
Hi, BadTank, and thanks for the page number!

You need to make your way to Shang Thunderfoot at the top of Thunderfoot Fields and start the profile again. It looks like their might've been some problems with elevator use when you ran the profile before. Hard to tell a lot because the log was seriously truncated.


Ok, tried again, lets see if you have better luck with this log.


This is after a full new install, same thing.


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Well Quest 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds Bug at 1 flypath sinc patch 5.1 moved it. minor fix but good to have so the profile runs smooth :D.

OLD Cords in quest " <Hotspot X="-235.1678" Y="567.171" Z="167.8401" /> "NPC name: Wing Nga"
NEW Cords: <Hotspot X="-224.211" Y="462.3087" Z="185.442" /> "NPC name: Wing Nga".
BC Profile - If the Flymount is already known, the toons trys to get it all the time, till HB gets restarted.


  • World of Warcraft_2012-12-04_22-41-42.webp
    World of Warcraft_2012-12-04_22-41-42.webp
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Well Quest 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds Bug at 1 flypath sinc patch 5.1 moved it. minor fix but good to have so the profile runs smooth :D.

OLD Cords in quest " <Hotspot X="-235.1678" Y="567.171" Z="167.8401" /> "NPC name: Wing Nga"
NEW Cords: <Hotspot X="-224.211" Y="462.3087" Z="185.442" /> "NPC name: Wing Nga".

i saw there is an update in SVN, get the new Version and try again.

Klaxxi - If there's someone with an enslaved Ik'thik Genemancer then the bot will just follow that person trying to attack thier pet until the player goes away. Maybe there's a way to blacklist the mob after so many tries? I watched my bot for a few mins follow an ally around trying to moonfire it.
I'm having the problem, when playing as tank, the bot often switch to mobs i may not attack whitch is hard to controll and highly noticable and detactable to other players. Is there any fix for it or an option I missed in the settings?

It's a Huge problem in Raid tanking.
Below are the steps I'm currently using for LazyRaider random dungeons:

  • Queue for a random dungeon
  • Enter the instance
  • Run HB
  • Select my CC
  • Bot Config > Select Tank > Close
  • Start HB
  • After the instance ends I leave the instance group
  • Stop and close HB
  • Repeat step 1
My question is, is there a faster way to get LazyRaider running? These steps take a fair amount of time and I'd like to reduce them if possible. Are any of these steps unnecessary and/or is there anything I can do differently to speed up this process?
could have a specific bot to be able to let him do the random scenarios, which will be still making a vain? get badges of bravery would be a good
Klaxxi - If there's someone with an enslaved Ik'thik Genemancer then the bot will just follow that person trying to attack thier pet until the player goes away. Maybe there's a way to blacklist the mob after so many tries? I watched my bot for a few mins follow an ally around trying to moonfire it.

Unfortunately the enslaved one shares the same MobId as one you can kill. It mucks with the bot. I don't know how to make a check for that, as it would have to happen within the bot more than within the profile. Sorry.
Heya, I've been running Kick's questing profiles for roughly 16 hours now and I haven't seen my toon mount even once.. Last 4 hours I've been working on my laptop and directly glazing at my pc monitor to see whats happening and for the last 4 hours I can say 100% that it hasn't mounted even once or even tried to mount.. AND YES I GOT "USE MOUNT" Enabled before someone asks if I have it enabled or disabled, AND YES! I have selected a proper mount id I have; 55531 = Mechano-Hog. And yes! I have checked that my mount distance is not set to infinite, its set to 15 AND YES! I have tried with other mounts and distances.

Hi, Thampz,

This is not a profile issue, please post it in the Support section. Alas, it sounds like you've checked everything I would know to check.

Toss a log (all 16 hours worth--zip it), and your plea to the Support section, and lets see if you've got exceptions or something that's preventing it from mounting.

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