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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Im having a problem with the alliance quest "Mother of Thorns". The dead arokka shows no quest. Im using autoloader and it has completed all the other quests before. What do i do?
I'll need a log to see what's going on.
Sorry for spamming. I've noticed that the Missive "Darktide Roost" doesn't work. It thinks the quest is completed even though it isnt. When i start the profile, the bot walks up to the starting point and then it just goes into a "complete state" and flys back to the garrison. logs is included.
I'll check it out, and have an update for it soon if a fix is made.
Thanks for the report!
boosted smv - Getting stuck at Waiting for npc to show a quest cursor - npc yrel. after battle of karabor
Stuck at [A] Along the riverside. No quest to pick up. lvl 99. Horde profiles usually has no problems but this is the 2nd time i run into a thing like this while leveling an alliance.
I don't know why but the profile is not working properly for me or probably I have something wrong in my HonorBuddy I have a friend that 1 clicked this profile and got stuck only once.... But me... Everytime that I come back the bot is always stuck and afk or I get disconnected... Any solution?
boosted smv - Getting stuck at Waiting for npc to show a quest cursor - npc yrel. after battle of karabor
Stuck at [A] Along the riverside. No quest to pick up. lvl 99. Horde profiles usually has no problems but this is the 2nd time i run into a thing like this while leveling an alliance.

Do two have logs for these issues?
I don't know why but the profile is not working properly for me or probably I have something wrong in my HonorBuddy I have a friend that 1 clicked this profile and got stuck only once.... But me... Everytime that I come back the bot is always stuck and afk or I get disconnected... Any solution?
When the bot is running, what's your average FPS / latency?
Also, have you considered running it with a relogger such as HBRelog?
Burning Crusade:

Drain Schematics (ID 9731)

If the bot doesnt get the item to accept the quest, he stops questing because he is trying to turnin the quest without having it

workaround (if its not already fixed :p): HORDE

<!--Swamprat Post-->

<Objective Nav="Fly" QuestName="A Warm Welcome" QuestId="9728" Type="CollectItem"
CollectCount="30" ItemName="Naga Claws" ItemId="24280" />
<If Condition="HasItem(24330)" >
<PickUp QuestName="Drain Schematics" QuestId="9731" GiverType="Item" GiverId="24330" />
<While Condition="HasQuest(9731) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(9731)" >
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="563.6907" Y="6945.234" Z="26.44246" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<MoveTo X="563.6907" Y="6945.234" Z="16.44246" />
<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="565.3687" Y="6942.028" Z="-14.96922" />
<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="565.3687" Y="6942.028" Z="16.42365" />

<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3000"
GoalText="Waiting for quest to complete {TimeRemaining}" />

<If Condition="HasQuest(9731) &amp;&amp; IsQuestCompleted(9731)">
<TurnIn QuestName="Drain Schematics" QuestId="9731" TurnInName="Ysiel Windsinger"
TurnInId="17841" X="-143.4519" Y="5533.816" Z="31.06601" />

<If Condition="IsQuestCompleted(9731)">
<PickUp QuestName="Warning the Cenarion Circle" QuestId="9724"
GiverName="Ysiel Windsinger" GiverId="17841" X="-143.4519" Y="5533.816" Z="31.06601" />

<TurnIn QuestName="Balance Must Be Preserved" QuestId="9720"
TurnInName="Ysiel Windsinger" TurnInId="17841" X="-143.4519" Y="5533.816" Z="31.06601" />

<If Condition="HasQuest(9724)">
<TurnIn Nav="Fly" QuestName="Warning the Cenarion Circle" QuestId="9724"
TurnInName="Amythiel Mistwalker" TurnInId="16885" X="-314.8192" Y="4711.438" Z="18.33707" />

<If Condition="IsQuestCompleted(9724)">
<PickUp Nav="Fly" QuestName="Return to the Marsh" QuestId="9732"
GiverName="Amythiel Mistwalker" GiverId="16885" X="-314.8192" Y="4711.438" Z="18.33707" />

<If Condition="HasQuest(9732)">
<TurnIn QuestName="Return to the Marsh" QuestId="9732"
TurnInName="Ysiel Windsinger" TurnInId="17841" X="-143.4519" Y="5533.816" Z="31.06601" />
Burning Crusade:

Drain Schematics (ID 9731)

If the bot doesnt get the item to accept the quest, he stops questing because he is trying to turnin the quest without having it

workaround (if its not already fixed :p): HORDE
Could I get a log of this?
Thanks for the workaround, but I have to verify that it's an actual issue in the profile and that it wasn't some freak bug on your end.
My char is trying to fly from my garrison, but I do not have flying yet. Please see the attached for log.
4 of my other chars are fine...

View attachment 195903

Please take a look, thanks!
Thanks for the log!
Could you try moving your character out of your Garrison before starting the bot?

Once you move out of the Garrison - start the bot and see if that helps.
Here you go, no errors of what i can see. There is just no mission here, so the bot won't continue to quest..
Hmm, weird.
Could you try one thing for me real quick?
Run this code in-game and tell me what it says:

/run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(34957)); print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(30041))

If both return "true" or if both return "false" - then you may have a Cache corruption error.
You can clear your Cache, which typically solves issues like this,
To do so:
Close WoW and Honorbuddy out completely.
Go to both your World of Warcraft folder, and your Honorbuddy folder.
Inside of both, look for a folder named "Cache" - delete it and wait about 15minutes after you do so.
Go back in-game, and see if the bot continues properly.​

If it returns "true false" - then you may have completed a specific quest that made Along the Riverside no longer available.
Which in this case, I can make an edit to the profile for you that will skip Along the Riverside so the bot should continue as normal.
If both return "true" or if both return "false" - then you may have a Cache corruption error.
You can clear your Cache, which typically solves issues like this,
To do so:
Close WoW and Honorbuddy out completely.
Go to both your World of Warcraft folder, and your Honorbuddy folder.
Inside of both, look for a folder named "Cache" - delete it and wait about 15minutes after you do so.
Go back in-game, and see if the bot continues properly.​

If it returns "true false" - then you may have completed a specific quest that made Along the Riverside no longer available.
Which in this case, I can make an edit to the profile for you that will skip Along the Riverside so the bot should continue as normal.

It still happens.


Yes sir, see attachment
It seems that the bot is attempting to pick up The Secrets of Gorgrond from Yrel.

Could you try running this in-game?
/run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(33533)); print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35556)); print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(36632));

If it returns true on either of the last two, then you may have completed the quest from an alternative quest giver.
In this case, I'll need to make an edited profile for you.

If it returns true on the first one, then it's a "Cache" issue.

Also, is it in Embaari Village when attempting to pick this quest up?
It may be attempting to pick the quest up from a phased/alternative version of Yrel.
Last edited:
It seems that the bot is attempting to pick up The Secrets of Gorgrond from Yrel.

Could you try running this in-game?
/run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(33533));

If it returns "false" - and the quest still isn't showing up.
Then it could be that the quest isn't available for boosted 100s.
I can make a quick edit in the profile that should get you past the quest if this is the case.

Also, is it in Embaari Village when attempting to pick this quest up?
It may be attempting to pick the quest up from a phased/alternative version of Yrel.

"false" is what comes it

Yes its in Embaari village.
"false" is what comes it

Yes its in Embaari village.
Sorry I made edits to the post since your reply.
Could you try running the edited code?

/run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(33533)); print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35556)); print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(36632));