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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

When I had to turn it in manually, mob was underwater. Maybe a bug?

Thank you so much.

With original hotspots char was walking between two hotspots endlessly. Seems like HB had trouble to get to third hotspot.
I've abandoned quest and ran HB from scratch. Worked perfectly with these new hotspots.

You are welcome. :)
Could've been a bug, sometimes it happens on WoW's end.

Thanks for the feedback!
Hi Echotiger,

I've now debugged this quest "The Battle of Thunder Pass". Current code:

<If Condition="Bots.DungeonBuddy.Helpers.ScenarioInfo.Current.CurrentStageNumber == 10">
	<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" GoalText="Waiting for Scenario to complete {TimeRemaining}" />
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="if MovieFrame and MovieFrame:IsVisible() then MovieFrame:StopMovie() elseif CinematicFrame and CinematicFrame:IsVisible() then CinematicFrame_CancelCinematic() end" WaitTime="2000" />
<MoveTo Nav="Fly" DestName="The Battle of Thunder Pass - Stage 10" X="6025.898" Y="2850.042" Z="200.401" />

I've added some lines for debugging:

<CustomBehavior File="RunCode"><=!=[=C=D=A=T=A=[
		WoWUnit npc = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>().Single(d => d.Entry == 76484);
		Logging.Write("{0}: {1} at {2} yards", npc.SafeName, npc.Entry, npc.Distance);
		Logging.Write("Display ID: {0}", npc.DisplayId);

		Logging.Write("Me.Location: {0}", Me.Location);
		Logging.Write("Flightor.CanFly: {0}", Flightor.CanFly);
		Logging.Write("MovieFrame:IsVisible(): {0}", Lua.GetReturnVal<bool>("return MovieFrame:IsVisible()",0));
		Logging.Write("CinematicFrame:IsVisible(): {0}", Lua.GetReturnVal<bool>("return CinematicFrame:IsVisible()",0));

		var pathInf = Navigator.LookupPathInfo(npc, npc.InteractRange);
		Logging.Write("Navigability: {0}", pathInf.Navigability);
		Logging.Write("DistanceType: {0}", pathInf.DistanceType);
		Logging.Write("Distance: {0}", pathInf.Distance);
		Logging.Write("InteractType: {0}", npc.InteractType);

and found out, Lua code is triggered to early (so it won't cancel) and MoveTo while movie is still running, so I added this:

<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="10000" GoalText="Waiting for MovieFrame to appear {TimeRemaining}" TerminateWhen="Lua.GetReturnVal<bool>("if MovieFrame and MovieFrame:IsVisible() then return true else return false end", 0)"/>

Furthermore, I've realized MoveTo is still triggered to early as Navigability was still Unknown so I had to increase WaitTime for Lua behavior to 5000ms. Just to be sure I changed Nav to Run.

That's the debugged version: (I've tested it from scratch)

<If Condition="Bots.DungeonBuddy.Helpers.ScenarioInfo.Current.CurrentStageNumber == 10">
	<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" GoalText="Waiting for Scenario to complete {TimeRemaining}" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="10000" GoalText="Waiting for MovieFrame to appear {TimeRemaining}" TerminateWhen="Lua.GetReturnVal<bool>("if MovieFrame and MovieFrame:IsVisible() then return true else return false end", 0)"/>
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="if MovieFrame and MovieFrame:IsVisible() then MovieFrame:StopMovie() elseif CinematicFrame and CinematicFrame:IsVisible() then CinematicFrame_CancelCinematic() end" WaitTime="5000" />
<MoveTo Nav="Run" DestName="The Battle of Thunder Pass - Stage 10" X="6025.898" Y="2850.042" Z="200.401" />
There's also HB's ScriptHelpers.CancelCinematicIfPlaying and ScriptHelpers.InCinematic which should be good for this as well.

Thanks for investigating!
I'll get these changes integrated in.
Hey guys, if i use heirlooms, does the bot do the lower quests or higher ones?? or should i level without them so the bot doesnt have any problem with low lvl misions?
The checkpoint system will keep you in-line with quests that are relative to your level.
However, the checkpoint system isn't perfect - and evaluation of them won't happen until the bot reaches a 'checkpoint' line in the profile.

You can force evaluation of them by stopping->starting the bot, and there's also plugins to do this as well.
Just found out, that NPC is following you and if you will kill quest mob while swimming, NPC will be under water. You may want to make sure that quest mob is not being attacked before toon stands next to mob.
I see.
We'll have to check it out manually.
gorgond line 729 burn the corpses missed the 1st one near ancient and looped between all the rest maybe they used to reset previously preventing this but might need to be adjusted to include the one it was missing
Do you have a hotspot for the missed one?
If not, I can try increasing the collection distance so that the bot will look further from the hotspots.
Are you guys going to be adding support for handling the World Quests?
I'm debating it - currently I'm busy with Singular as well as flawproofing all the artifact profiles.
And given there's already world quests profiles out there - it's a bit low priority.
Level 1-10 doesn't work properly on druid/rogue. It's the combat routine, it only uses auto-attack up to level 10 when you can spec in a talent tree. Help please.
This isn't a profile issue - but more of a combat routine issue.
If you check out the Singular thread, you'll see this has already been fixed - and you can download the test build to get the fixes immediately instead of waiting for an Honorbuddy update.
Does the questing bot use artifact power (Recent change)? And if yes, then how to disable that?
There's plans to add this as a feature - along with a "Profile Config" menu to turn it on/off.
But currently, the latest version of the profiles shouldn't be using it.