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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Is a brand new install, so there was no previous cache. I cleared the cache from the previous install 3-4 times before i tried a fresh install. Uninstalled, cleaned registry, restarted PC, reinstalled. The bot went to Furlbrows pumpkin farm, and stood in the dirt with the notice that it was waiting for an object with a quest marker to appear. Coordinates issue? Im 99.9% sure that theres never been a quest to pickup at that very random seeming spot of dirt.

Thank you for the help. Im not sure at all what to make of this. At the time i originally posted the comment i had not done that quest.

Edit: As for the WoW client cache folders, those are deleted whenever i launch Bnet.
Weird, I looked back at your log and it is indeed in Fulbrow's Pumpkin Farm while looking for the quest pickup at -9896.051, 1258.686, 41.99673
Although it's attempting to pickup a quest from Saldean, which he's (of course) at Saldean's Farm.

On a profile level, there's no coordinates at all to tell the bot where this quest is obtained from.
Most of the quest data locations are translated from WoWhead or from Honorbuddy's Data'base' files.

As far as I'm aware, this quest has always worked in the past. Why it would randomly be bugging out now is strange.
I'll mark it down and get a tester out to it to see if I can get it to occur.
If not, I may go ahead and add the coordinates in just to be on the safe side.
If you've a boosted level 100 toon (horde) the following Quest is not available and the bot stucks

Goal: Picking Up Quest - Donnerfürsteninvasion! (http://wowhead.com/quest=37291) : From - Sergeant Grimjaw (http://wowhead.com/npc=88228) [Ref: "Pickup" @line 1215]
Hm, I recall my boosted 100s doing that quest.
Although things could've changed since then.

'Thunderlord Invasion!' is apart of a quest chain in which 'The Master Siegesmith' and 'Return to the Pack' are done first.
Were those two quest doable? Or was the entire quest chain nonexistent for the boosted 100?

If not, I'll see about removing them all.
Just an idea for the autoloader: kicks MoP profiles decide wether you have WoD active or not to go to dreanor at lvl 90 or stay in Pandaria. Can this be implemented in the autoloader too? I have a MoP account with a lvl90 toon and I wanted to do the Pandaria quests, but autoloader is trying to send me to Draenor. Right now, I have to load e.g. the Jade Forest profile instead of the autoloader. As said, just an idea, not a big thing so if it is too circumstancial to realize :)
Just an idea for the autoloader: kicks MoP profiles decide wether you have WoD active or not to go to dreanor at lvl 90 or stay in Pandaria. Can this be implemented in the autoloader too? I have a MoP account with a lvl90 toon and I wanted to do the Pandaria quests, but autoloader is trying to send me to Draenor. Right now, I have to load e.g. the Jade Forest profile instead of the autoloader. As said, just an idea, not a big thing so if it is too circumstancial to realize :)
I've actually wrote something similar to this in the next update, hehe.

The update hasn't went live yet because I'm working in quest checks for zones like "Twilight Highlands" for Horde which have a set of introductory quests you must complete first.
That way it won't travel to Eastern Kingdoms before completing the introductory quests.
I've actually wrote something similar to this in the next update, hehe.

The update hasn't went live yet because I'm working in quest checks for zones like "Twilight Highlands" for Horde which have a set of introductory quests you must complete first.
That way it won't travel to Eastern Kingdoms before completing the introductory quests.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to EchoTiger again. :)
Hi, seems like its outdated? Ive had lots of "Bot stops" after using this Profile for 8 Hrs now. (im watching and restart it alltime)

Can not turn in quest Lieutenant Paval Reethe (ID: 27260) because I don't have it in my quest log!
Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!

Is just 1 of the IDs. Ive had 28 missing quests alrdy. May i have to install any plugin?
Hi, seems like its outdated? Ive had lots of "Bot stops" after using this Profile for 8 Hrs now. (im watching and restart it alltime)

Can not turn in quest Lieutenant Paval Reethe (ID: 27260) because I don't have it in my quest log!
Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!

Is just 1 of the IDs. Ive had 28 missing quests alrdy. May i have to install any plugin?
Go ahead and try a completely fresh install.
Before you do the fresh install, delete the "Cache" folder that's located in your World of Warcraft directory.

If it still happens, I'll need a full log in order to tell what's going on.
Thanks, im on a fresh install. (just downloaded HB yesterday and using it with a 3 day key.)
Ill do a fresh again and try it. if i still get that problem ill send a full log - cuz there was rly lots of

Can not turn in quest xxxxxxxxxx (ID: xxxxxx) because I don't have it in my quest log!
Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!

errors. had to click "Start" always again.

Edit: heres 1 file with 9 of that errors

View attachment 2856 2016-01-05 16.24.txt
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Thanks, im on a fresh install. (just downloaded HB yesterday and using it with a 3 day key.)
Ill do a fresh again and try it. if i still get that problem ill send a full log - cuz there was rly lots of

Can not turn in quest xxxxxxxxxx (ID: xxxxxx) because I don't have it in my quest log!
Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!

errors. had to click "Start" always again.

Edit: heres 1 file with 9 of that errors

View attachment 195414
The log indicates that it attempted to pickup the quest that it failed turning in.
The only thing I could guess is there's some conflicts with the addons you're running.

Especially addons like "autoturnin" which will break the bot definitely.

Honorbuddy is only advised to be ran without addons.
Could you try turning them all off? And before you start the bot again - pickup the quest Feeding the Fear from Holgom
I tought so. Im alrdy in the next Area and doing quests. working good now (no more errors since i was posting and turned off addons)
seems like addons are the problem .. im so sorry & big thanks for ur help!
I tought so. Im alrdy in the next Area and doing quests. working good now (no more errors since i was posting and turned off addons)
seems like addons are the problem .. im so sorry & big thanks for ur help!
Bot safe!
Hello buddies :)
I noticed some problems with the quest "Sealing the way" in Deepholm (Stonehearth).
The bot doesn´t attack and just stands there. If I get aggro manually everything goes fine until he stands at the next target for the quest.
This repearts until the quest is done.
I think it´s an aggro problem with flight form.

I had this problem on 2 characters already. Both feral druids.

I attached a log so you can look up the problem yourself. I think it happened around 3AM.

Have a great day!

View attachment 2996 2016-01-05 22.43.txt
Hello buddies :)
I noticed some problems with the quest "Sealing the way" in Deepholm (Stonehearth).
The bot doesn´t attack and just stands there. If I get aggro manually everything goes fine until he stands at the next target for the quest.
This repearts until the quest is done.
I think it´s an aggro problem with flight form.

I had this problem on 2 characters already. Both feral druids.

I attached a log so you can look up the problem yourself. I think it happened around 3AM.

Have a great day!

View attachment 195454
Thanks for the heads up!
This issue is known already - the behavior used to handle this quest isn't set to dismount for Druids in Flight Form.

Later today, or Tomorrow there will be updates sent out that should fix this - along with make tweaks to the other profiles.
Guys - should we use the v1 or v2 one? what the difference between he two?
Auto-Loader v1

Loads by your race and faction.
It does not check your character's level, and will start by loading the 1-5 profiles regardless of what level you are.
From there, the 1-5 profiles will chain-load to 5-12, 12-58, etc - until a profile for your level is loaded.

Given this, this loader in some instances can actually be slower.
(eg: If you're level 58 and still have quests not complete in Blasted Lands, it will load into the 12-58 profile to do these quests instead of going to Outlands.)

This loader is better for if you wanting to do Loremaster since you can turn on "Ignore Checkpoints" to have the bot do every quest.
Turning on "Ignore Checkpoints" will have the profiles not skip portions of the profile code if you're above the level for the quests in that section.​

Auto-Loader v2

Loads by your race, faction and level.
So if you're level 58, it will load directly into 58-70 Outland profile and will skip the 12-58 profile.

Also, v2 has universal navigation built in so no matter where you start the bot, it will navigate to the questing location.
(eg: If you start in Stormwind as level 76, the Auto-Loader will take you to Northrend before starting.)

It also has support for Pandaren in which if you start as a level 1 Pandaren, it will ask if you want to be Horde or Alliance.
That way you can AFK as soon as you start it and not worry about it getting stuck as the "Choose Your Faction" screen.
v1 of the Auto-Loader does not have level 1 Pandaren support.​


Use Auto-LoaderV1 if you're wanting to farm Loremaster.
Use Auto-LoaderV2 if you're wanting complete AFK for questing from 1 to 100.​
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Bug with quest Alliance 91 lvl "Circle the Wagon" on escort the laborers it can't normally do it and runing all time wrong. Please fix it
Bug with quest Alliance 91 lvl "Circle the Wagon" on escort the laborers it can't normally do it and runing all time wrong. Please fix it
Since none of my testers have had issues with this quest, there's nothing for me to see what's causing the error on my end. So I can't "fix it" without having the technical information.
With that said, I'll need a log. That way I can see the process of execution your bot took prior to having the issue.