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- Apr 18, 2012
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Just saying "Nope" like that is a bit rude. You have to consider that Echo is being generous by even replying to you.
Chinajade states on the first set of threads that posts here without a log will be completely ignored and archived.
The BuddyTeam can't just accept your "workaround" without verifying the issue is actually an issue.
For all he knows he'd be sticking in broken code to something that already works.
Like he said it could be a freak bug on your end.
And if it's not some random bug, and it is an actual profile issue, then it's his responsibility to write a fix himself. Random code from the community can't be trusted.
You have to keep in mind that after all these years, and after thousands of testers ran by the team themselves nobody has ran across this as an issue.
That's why Echo mentioned it could be a freak bug on your end - because nobody else has *ever* reported it.
It could've simply been that an addon/plugin or something else actually deleted the item without you realizing. But we'll never know without a log.
I've seen hundreds of situations like this where someone tried blaming the profile whereas it was actually a user-mistake or something caused by a third-party extension.
I don't mean to sound rude, and I'm not wanting to start some ridiculous argument - but I'm just telling you how it is.
And as a general rule of thumb for the future // TL;DR: just post a log. It helps speed the process up and avoids situations like this.
compare ally with horde
you will see, that ally has nearly the same workaround.
if you read the code you can simply figure it out.
if a log is needed, ill post it. but in this case its just some simple logic.
which someone who is way more experienced in profile writing than me should be able to see.
It happens in 1/50 cases. But tell me what the profile should do, if the item doesnt drop?
you just write bullshit. amazing. like ryfto.
but ok. kicks accepted my help in the past. if things changed - its ok. noone needs my help.
and there are really people who dont understand, why there are not many people helping the community.
just go on!

thats my last post.