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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Just saying "Nope" like that is a bit rude. You have to consider that Echo is being generous by even replying to you.
Chinajade states on the first set of threads that posts here without a log will be completely ignored and archived.

The BuddyTeam can't just accept your "workaround" without verifying the issue is actually an issue.
For all he knows he'd be sticking in broken code to something that already works.

Like he said it could be a freak bug on your end.
And if it's not some random bug, and it is an actual profile issue, then it's his responsibility to write a fix himself. Random code from the community can't be trusted.

You have to keep in mind that after all these years, and after thousands of testers ran by the team themselves nobody has ran across this as an issue.
That's why Echo mentioned it could be a freak bug on your end - because nobody else has *ever* reported it.

It could've simply been that an addon/plugin or something else actually deleted the item without you realizing. But we'll never know without a log.
I've seen hundreds of situations like this where someone tried blaming the profile whereas it was actually a user-mistake or something caused by a third-party extension.

I don't mean to sound rude, and I'm not wanting to start some ridiculous argument - but I'm just telling you how it is.
And as a general rule of thumb for the future // TL;DR: just post a log. It helps speed the process up and avoids situations like this.

compare ally with horde
you will see, that ally has nearly the same workaround.
if you read the code you can simply figure it out.

if a log is needed, ill post it. but in this case its just some simple logic.
which someone who is way more experienced in profile writing than me should be able to see.

It happens in 1/50 cases. But tell me what the profile should do, if the item doesnt drop?

you just write bullshit. amazing. like ryfto.

but ok. kicks accepted my help in the past. if things changed - its ok. noone needs my help.
and there are really people who dont understand, why there are not many people helping the community.

just go on! :D
thats my last post.
you just write bullshit. amazing. like ryfto..
Seriously, like I said. I'm not being rude or wanting to start and argument. Take your petty insults elsewhere, this is a mature forum - not for disrespectful people like you.
If you keep it up, I'll just have you reported. Keep in mind you're the one jumping to insults here so you have no room to call me "Like Ryfto"

My point is, post a log.
You're probably using a cr4cked version of the bot which is why you won't post a log.
People like Echo work hard on this bot and then thieves like you come around and just steal from it - then insult the community by saying that we're writing "bullshit" just for asking you to post a log.

youif a log is needed, ill post it. but in this case its just some simple logic.
which someone who is way more experienced in profile writing than me should be able to see.
Well why don't you post it? That simple? You posting a log is more simple than Echo going out of his way blindly fixing an issue you can't post a log for.
It doesn't matter how simple it is, and I'm sure Echo sees the error in the profile and has already made a fix.
But that's still no reason for you not to post a log. That way we can also make sure you're not using a cr4cked version - how about that?
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Burning Crusade:

Drain Schematics (ID 9731)

If the bot doesnt get the item to accept the quest, he stops questing because he is trying to turnin the quest without having it

workaround (if its not already fixed :p): HORDE
I've sent two testers out to the location, one Horde and one Alliance.
Neither of them was able to replicate the issue you posted and were able to quest through Zangarmarsh without issue.

With that said, I've went ahead and made a hotfix to the Horde profile which will prevent the item from being turned in if the player lacks the quest.
That way any potential issues that could arise while questing in this area are completely prevented.
This update is now live on the SVN as: Revision-4606

Thanks for your report!
Alright, I've linked your thread over. We'll update the bug tracker to include your newly added information.
Thanks for the reports! Hopefully this bug will be smashed soon!

Thanks! So where can I keep myself updated to see if this bug is fixed?
Thanks! So where can I keep myself updated to see if this bug is fixed?
I'll try to keep you updated the best I can. Every now and then I'll post a list of reported bugs and whether or not they've been fixed.
So just try to visit the thread regularly and you'll see my update post. In fact, I'm about to make an update post now on the current bugs.

If you don't see any updates, feel free to private message me and I'll give you an update as to what's going on.

Since (at the moment) we're assuming it's an internal bug and not a profile bug - there's no public source where you can see the progress of this issue.
As the 'internal' bug tracker for the bot isn't public for safety reasons.
However, for the profiles, you can always find a list of updates publically here: https://www.assembla.com/spaces/buddy-profiles/subversion/commits/list
I'll try to keep you updated the best I can. Every now and then I'll post a list of reported bugs and whether or not they've been fixed.
So just try to visit the thread regularly and you'll see my update post. In fact, I'm about to make an update post now on the current bugs.

If you don't see any updates, feel free to private message me and I'll give you an update as to what's going on.

Since (at the moment) we're assuming it's an internal bug and not a profile bug - there's no public source where you can see the progress of this issue.
As the 'internal' bug tracker for the bot isn't public for safety reasons.
However, for the profiles, you can always find a list of updates publically here: https://www.assembla.com/spaces/buddy-profiles/subversion/commits/list

thanks I will get on and play with the situation and see if I can get them out of that mode.
[div=font-family:segoe ui;color:#000;font-size:19.5pt;font-style:normal; -webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;text-rendering: optimizelegibility]Status Report

[div=font-size:19.4px;color:#D65717;text-shadow: 0px 1px #000]Fixed Issues[/div][div=font-size:16px]
Auto-Loader v2
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][90-92, SMV - Frosfire Ridge] - Report by [POST=2129412]fpsware[/POST][/div] ւ Will now consider if the player has done the Draenor introduction quests yet or not. If not, will pick them up and prep for the 90-92 profile.
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][85-90, Pandaria] - Feature Request by [POST=2125956]Ilja Rogoff[/POST][/div] ւ Will now check if your account has the Draenor expansion unlocked or not. If not, the bot will load into Pandaria quests at level 90 instead of Draenor quests.
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][80, Northrend to Hyjal] - Report by [POST=2122836]Zaldo[/POST][/div] ւ Bot should now properly load into Hyjal at level 80 instead of continuing to quest in Northrend.

  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][A+H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Quest: City of Lights (10211)] - Report by BuddyTeam Testers[/div] ւ Will no longer attempt to turn in quest if it's not complete.
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][A+H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Quest: The Assassin (9400)] - Report by BuddyTeam Testers[/div] ւ Will no longer attempt to do this quest unless the preceding chain is completed.
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Quest: Drain Schematics (9731)] - Report by [POST=2131033]Cloudy[/POST][/div] ւ Will no longer attempt to turn in quest if isn't present in the player's quest log not complete.

  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][A+H - Quest] LK 68-80 [Quest: Signs of Big Watery Trouble (12011)] - Report by BuddyTeam Testers[/div] ւ Will now loop until completed as testers failed on first attempt.
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][A+H - Quest] LK 68-80 [Quest: Funding the War Effort (12303)] - Report by BuddyTeam Testers[/div] ւ Will now do this quest on a ground mount to avoid issues.
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][A+H - Quest] LK 68-80 [Quest: Oh Noes, the Tadpoles! (11560)] - Report by BuddyTeam Testers[/div] ւ Removed "Range" setting as it was causing issues.
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][A+H - Quest] LK 68-80 - Report by BuddyTeam Testers[/div] ւ Will no longer attempt to vendor to 'Ahlurglgr (25206)' if the prerequisite quest isn't completed.
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][A+H - Quest] LK 68-80 [Quest: Fueling the Project (11715)] - Report by BuddyTeam Testers, [POST=2129674]Cloudy[/POST], Pookthetook[/div] ւ Will now dismount to use the Portable Oil Collector.

  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][N - Quest] Deepholm 82-84 [Quest: Sealing the Way (26501)] - Report by BuddyTeam Testers, [POST=2127109]Wombazz[/POST][/div] ւ Will no longer fail if dismounting fails.
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][N - Quest] Deepholm 82-84 [Quest: Fight Fire and Water and Air with... (27042)] - Report by BuddyTeam Testers[/div] ւ Will now longer get closer to the elementals.
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][N - Quest] Deepholm 82-84 [Quest: Apply and Flash Dry (26411)] - Report by BuddyTeam Testers[/div] ւ Will now dismount properly while handling this quest.

  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][A+H - Quest] 94-96 Talador [Quest: Frenzied Manafeeders (34400)] - Report by [POST=2131498]fpsware[/POST][/div] ւ Will now stay dismounted during this quest.

Pathfinder Profiles
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][N - Quest] Assault on Darktide Roost] - Report by [POST=2129819]DanishNinja[/POST][/div] ւ Will now complete Darktide Roost properly instead of going back to the Garrison immediately.

[div=font-size:19px;color:#D65717;text-shadow: 0px 1px #000]Noted/Unconfirmed Issues[/div][div=font-size:16px]
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][?? - Quest] 96-98 Arak [Quest: Mother of Thorns (34885)] - Report by [POST=2129797]DanishNinja[/POST][/div] ւ Quest not showing.
    ւ Will depreciate error if testers cannot replicate the error. Else: Awaiting log.
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][?? - Quest] 90-92 SMV [Quest: ??? (???)] - Report by [POST=2130617]Asbonia[/POST][/div] ւ Getting stuck attempting to pick up a quest from Yrel after 'Battle of Karabor'
    ւ Will depreciate error if testers cannot replicate the error. Else: Awaiting log.
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][A - Quest] 94-96 Talador [Quest: The Battle for Shattrath (34099) - Report by [POST=2122162]fpsware[/POST], [POST=2122292]Ilja Rogoff[/POST][/div] ւ Bot isn't interacting with the portal, which is causing it to get stuck.
    ւ Assumed to be overcome by events as no other reports regarding this have been made.
    ւ Awaiting confirmation from official testers.
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][Tanaan Diplomat] All Dailies and Grinds [Quest: The Iron Front (XX) - Report by [POST=2131357]fpsware[/POST][/div] ւ Bot isn't dismounting while farming around the location.
    ւ May be apart of a larger issue, core-devs are compiling information regarding this to figure out what's going on.
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][A - Quest] 98-100 Nagrand [Quest: Along the Riverside (35059) - Report by [POST=2130626]DanishNinja[/POST][/div] ւ Questing isn't showing up.
    ւ Log Provided: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/attac...-mega-profile-pack-15872-2016-01-14-17-33-txt
    ւ Pending testing by official testers.

[div=font-size:19px;color:#D65717;text-shadow: 0px 1px #000]Pending Feature Requests[/div]
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;]Missive Autoloader - Feature Request by [POST=2129495]DanishNinja[/POST][/div] ւ A loader that will automatically load each of the Garrison daily missives and have the bot do them.

[div=font-size:19px;color:#D65717;text-shadow: 0px 1px #000]Technical Issues / Not Profile Related[/div][div=font-size:16px]
  • [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;]Report by [POST=2131160]lzxiro[/POST][/div] ւ Bot is trying to fly in Draenor while the player doesn't have the flying ability.
    ւ Under investigation by the core-team.

Did you report a bug that isn't on here?
Please remind me, and I'll add it in!

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I have a professionbuddy profile on the store that needs to load kicks profiles from the store, is this possible? I was hoping I wouldnt have to upload kicks profiles with my product.
I have a professionbuddy profile on the store that needs to load kicks profiles from the store, is this possible? I was hoping I wouldnt have to upload kicks profiles with my product.
You should be able to use the store link.


store:///1-100 Questing Profile Pack/Auto Loader - v2.xml
store:///1-100 Questing Profile Pack/WoD/Pathfinder Profiles/Draenor Explorer.xml

As your "LoadProfile" path.​

Just be warned: If the user doesn't have the profile pack on their store account, it will not load properly
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Thanks for the response. Just to be sure by using auto loader does it focus on the loremaster cheevo or does it do all the quests available. Thanks in advance
Thanks for the response. Just to be sure by using auto loader does it focus on the loremaster cheevo or does it do all the quests available. Thanks in advance
It does not by default.
To ignore the profile checkpoints (which cause the bot to skip quests) you must:

Click "Settings & Tools" on Honorbuddy
Scroll to the bottom of the settings menu and look for: "Override profile settings" - check that box.
Look towards the bottom of the list for: "Ignore Checkpoints" - check that box.
Save and Close the menu.

Then use the "Auto-Loader" and the bot should do every quest.
You should be able to use the store link.


store:///1-100 Questing Profile Pack/Auto Loader - v2.xml
store:///1-100 Questing Profile Pack/WoD/Pathfinder Profiles/Draenor Explorer.xml

As your "LoadProfile" path.​

Just be warned: If the user doesn't have the profile pack on their store account, it will not load properly

I tried this with setting IsLocalOrFromStore="True" .. should it be set to false?
There is a bug in the Throne of the Elements questing portion of the 98-100 Flying Nagrand profile. If the player doesn't have Draenor Flying, the bot will keep moving into the river and swimming around. The old profile without flying works fine for this area.
There is a bug in the Throne of the Elements questing portion of the 98-100 Flying Nagrand profile. If the player doesn't have Draenor Flying, the bot will keep moving into the river and swimming around. The old profile without flying works fine for this area.
By technicality, the bot shouldn't treat the quest any different.
The flying logic switches back over to 'ground' so it should be behaving exactly like it did before the addition of flying.

I don't suppose you have a log so I can see what's going on?
By technicality, the bot shouldn't treat the quest any different.
The flying logic switches back over to 'ground' so it should be behaving exactly like it did before the addition of flying.

I don't suppose you have a log so I can see what's going on?

Sure thing, sorry about not having a log. I was in a hurry and didn't grab it. I'll add it to this post.

EDIT: Don't have a log sorry, ended up running the old outdated profile to 100. If I level another class and it happens, I'll happily provide logs.
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Sure thing, sorry about not having a log. I was in a hurry and didn't grab it. I'll add it to this post.

EDIT: Don't have a log sorry, ended up running the old outdated profile to 100. If I level another class and it happens, I'll happily provide logs.
Alrighty then, thanks for the reports!
I'll keep the issue marked down until it can be investigated further.
getting a bug when starting the 96-98 Spires of Arak questline for Alliance

I am attempting to start the bot with a couple quests picked up and the bot idles at "Compiling Arak Quests"

"[Singular] ... Dungeon using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[Profile Message]: Compiling Arak Quests"

Nothing happens and the character remains idle.