It's farming in such a small area because you have
very low iLvl.
640+ is generally recommended for that profile, and you have 589.
The higher your iLvl is, the larger area it will farm as the profile adapts to your character's ability.
You can change the minimum iLvl required for the precautions to be set in the "Profile Config" menu.
Just change it from 640 to 580, or 0. Whichever suits you.
Also, the area you're farming in is one of the more dangerous places, even for geared players.
So it's taking extra precaution to avoid getting in a constant death-loop.
I've went to check out the InteractWith you posted, and it does indeed have a "Dismount" line there. So it should be dismounting properly.
From your log it doesn't seem to be having issues with it. The only occurrence of what you posted is followed with:
[21:07:59.026 N] (Singular) Dismounting... Reason: Pull
[21:07:58.827 D] Skipped 2 path nodes
[21:07:58.827 D] Goal: InteractWith-v2156: "Battle At The Iron Front" (
Interacting with Iron Horde Banner, MobId(93013)
[Ref: "[Tanaan Diplomat] All Dailies and Objectives" @line 541]
[21:07:58.885 D] Activity: Setting Iron Sniper at 9 yards as your target
[21:07:58.950 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Iron Sniper, NavType: Run
[21:07:59.085 N] (Singular) Dismounting... Reason: Pull
[21:07:59.148 N] (Singular) Dismounting... Reason: Pull
[21:07:59.223 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(PathGenerated): towards Iron Sniper.0DDF @ 6.5 yds
[21:07:59.226 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, m=100.0%, moving=Y, mobs=1, Iron Sniper.0DDF, 67.6%, 6.5 yds, face=N, loss=Y, stun=N
[21:07:59.423 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:29 Latency:46
[21:07:59.428 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(Moved): towards Iron Sniper.0DDF @ 6.0 yds
[21:07:59.430 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(Moved): towards Iron Sniper.0DDF @ 6.0 yds
For now, I'll mark your report down and get a tester out to this area to see if I can replicate the dismounting issue.