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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Could I get a log of this?
Thanks for the workaround, but I have to verify that it's an actual issue in the profile and that it wasn't some freak bug on your end.

Nope, but check this part in the ally profile. there is a workaround

and if you look at the code you can see that there will be a problem if you dont get this item
The Pathfinder Profiles (WoD Pathfinder Loader) when running at The Iron Front has the character running the same extremely small area, and if this wasn't bad enough the character does not dismount to pull viable mobs - but this is a report for time - thus resulting in numerous bots all riding around the same very very VERY small area infinitely.

This is the information on the Info tab when this behaviour is present.

Goal: InteractWith-v2156: "Battle At The Iron Front" (http://wowhead.com/quest=38046)
Interacting with Iron Horde Banner, MobId(93013)
    [Ref: "[Tanaan Diplomat] All Dailies and Objectives" @line 541]


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Hmm, weird.
Could you try one thing for me real quick?
Run this code in-game and tell me what it says:

/run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(34957)); print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(30041))

If both return "true" or if both return "false" - then you may have a Cache corruption error.
You can clear your Cache, which typically solves issues like this,
To do so:
Close WoW and Honorbuddy out completely.
Go to both your World of Warcraft folder, and your Honorbuddy folder.
Inside of both, look for a folder named "Cache" - delete it and wait about 15minutes after you do so.
Go back in-game, and see if the bot continues properly.​

If it returns "true false" - then you may have completed a specific quest that made Along the Riverside no longer available.
Which in this case, I can make an edit to the profile for you that will skip Along the Riverside so the bot should continue as normal.

It returned true, and false. Don't know why the quest isn't there.. You don't have to. I'm 100 now. I will write again if the problem persists though :)
Nope, but check this part in the ally profile. there is a workaround

and if you look at the code you can see that there will be a problem if you dont get this item
Just saying "Nope" like that is a bit rude. You have to consider that Echo is being generous by even replying to you.
Chinajade states on the first set of threads that posts here without a log will be completely ignored and archived.

The BuddyTeam can't just accept your "workaround" without verifying the issue is actually an issue.
For all he knows he'd be sticking in broken code to something that already works.

Like he said it could be a freak bug on your end.
And if it's not some random bug, and it is an actual profile issue, then it's his responsibility to write a fix himself. Random code from the community can't be trusted.

You have to keep in mind that after all these years, and after thousands of testers ran by the team themselves nobody has ran across this as an issue.
That's why Echo mentioned it could be a freak bug on your end - because nobody else has *ever* reported it.

It could've simply been that an addon/plugin or something else actually deleted the item without you realizing. But we'll never know without a log.
I've seen hundreds of situations like this where someone tried blaming the profile whereas it was actually a user-mistake or something caused by a third-party extension.

I don't mean to sound rude, and I'm not wanting to start some ridiculous argument - but I'm just telling you how it is.
And as a general rule of thumb for the future // TL;DR: just post a log. It helps speed the process up and avoids situations like this.
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Nope, but check this part in the ally profile. there is a workaround

and if you look at the code you can see that there will be a problem if you dont get this item
I'll have to investigate this issue manually then with several of my own testers.
A fix will be made once I can spec out the details.
The Pathfinder Profiles (WoD Pathfinder Loader) when running at The Iron Front has the character running the same extremely small area, and if this wasn't bad enough the character does not dismount to pull viable mobs - but this is a report for time - thus resulting in numerous bots all riding around the same very very VERY small area infinitely.

This is the information on the Info tab when this behaviour is present.

Goal: InteractWith-v2156: "Battle At The Iron Front" (http://wowhead.com/quest=38046)
Interacting with Iron Horde Banner, MobId(93013)
    [Ref: "[Tanaan Diplomat] All Dailies and Objectives" @line 541]
It's farming in such a small area because you have very low iLvl.
640+ is generally recommended for that profile, and you have 589.
The higher your iLvl is, the larger area it will farm as the profile adapts to your character's ability.

You can change the minimum iLvl required for the precautions to be set in the "Profile Config" menu.
Just change it from 640 to 580, or 0. Whichever suits you.

Also, the area you're farming in is one of the more dangerous places, even for geared players.
So it's taking extra precaution to avoid getting in a constant death-loop.

I've went to check out the InteractWith you posted, and it does indeed have a "Dismount" line there. So it should be dismounting properly.
From your log it doesn't seem to be having issues with it. The only occurrence of what you posted is followed with:

[21:07:59.026 N] (Singular) Dismounting... Reason: Pull
[21:07:58.827 D] Skipped 2 path nodes
[21:07:58.827 D] Goal: InteractWith-v2156: "Battle At The Iron Front" (http://wowhead.com/quest=38046)
Interacting with Iron Horde Banner, MobId(93013)
    [Ref: "[Tanaan Diplomat] All Dailies and Objectives" @line 541]
[21:07:58.885 D] Activity: Setting Iron Sniper at 9 yards as your target
[21:07:58.950 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Iron Sniper, NavType: Run
[21:07:59.085 N] (Singular) Dismounting... Reason: Pull
[21:07:59.148 N] (Singular) Dismounting... Reason: Pull
[21:07:59.223 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(PathGenerated): towards Iron Sniper.0DDF @ 6.5 yds
[21:07:59.226 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, m=100.0%, moving=Y, mobs=1, Iron Sniper.0DDF, 67.6%, 6.5 yds, face=N, loss=Y, stun=N
[21:07:59.423 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:29 Latency:46
[21:07:59.428 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(Moved): towards Iron Sniper.0DDF @ 6.0 yds
[21:07:59.430 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(Moved): towards Iron Sniper.0DDF @ 6.0 yds

For now, I'll mark your report down and get a tester out to this area to see if I can replicate the dismounting issue.
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It returned true, and false. Don't know why the quest isn't there.. You don't have to. I'm 100 now. I will write again if the problem persists though :)
Alright, I've marked the issue down to keep an eye out for once my testers get around that area.
Thanks for the log / reports!
Am I able to use the WoD flying pack for 90-100 even if I don't have flying in Draenor unlocked?
The logic that handles flying will automatically resort to ground if you cannot fly.
It's farming in such a small area because you have very low iLvl.
640+ is generally recommended for that profile, and you have 589.
The higher your iLvl is, the larger area it will farm as the profile adapts to your character's ability.

You can change the minimum iLvl required for the precautions to be set in the "Profile Config" menu.
Just change it from 640 to 580, or 0. Whichever suits you.

Also, the area you're farming in is one of the more dangerous places, even for geared players.
So it's taking extra precaution to avoid getting in a constant death-loop.

I've went to check out the InteractWith you posted, and it does indeed have a "Dismount" line there. So it should be dismounting properly.
From your log it doesn't seem to be having issues with it. The only occurrence of what you posted is followed with:

[21:07:59.026 N] (Singular) Dismounting... Reason: Pull
[21:07:58.827 D] Skipped 2 path nodes
[21:07:58.827 D] Goal: InteractWith-v2156: "Battle At The Iron Front" (http://wowhead.com/quest=38046)
Interacting with Iron Horde Banner, MobId(93013)
    [Ref: "[Tanaan Diplomat] All Dailies and Objectives" @line 541]
[21:07:58.885 D] Activity: Setting Iron Sniper at 9 yards as your target
[21:07:58.950 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Iron Sniper, NavType: Run
[21:07:59.085 N] (Singular) Dismounting... Reason: Pull
[21:07:59.148 N] (Singular) Dismounting... Reason: Pull
[21:07:59.223 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(PathGenerated): towards Iron Sniper.0DDF @ 6.5 yds
[21:07:59.226 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, m=100.0%, moving=Y, mobs=1, Iron Sniper.0DDF, 67.6%, 6.5 yds, face=N, loss=Y, stun=N
[21:07:59.423 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:29 Latency:46
[21:07:59.428 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(Moved): towards Iron Sniper.0DDF @ 6.0 yds
[21:07:59.430 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(Moved): towards Iron Sniper.0DDF @ 6.0 yds

For now, I'll mark your report down and get a tester out to this area to see if I can replicate the dismounting issue.

While it was riding this infinite loop it was skipping a significant number of mobs, it did this for about 4-5 minutes until it died because it didn't dismount once. It just let the mobs attack and continued riding around.

This behaviour was replicated on 3 character I was running, all doing exactly the same thing.
Here is a perfect example of HB not dismounting, its been riding around like this for about 40 minutes - or more. I took the dog for a walk, that usually lasts 40 ish minutes, when I left the character was doing this so I could have been here even longer.

The quest is Frenzied Manafeeders, ID 34400, I've reported this before.

While it was riding this infinite loop it was skipping a significant number of mobs, it did this for about 4-5 minutes until it died because it didn't dismount once. It just let the mobs attack and continued riding around.

This behaviour was replicated on 3 character I was running, all doing exactly the same thing.
Like I said, I'll mark this down to see if I can get a tester to replicate the issue.
For now, it's marked as "unverified" since it hasn't been an issue for anyone until your report.

I'll have a group of 5 testers running on it first thing tomorrow - right now I'm about to head off to bed.

Thanks for your continued reports!
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Thanks for the log!
Could you try moving your character out of your Garrison before starting the bot?

Once you move out of the Garrison - start the bot and see if that helps.

I tried it with another character who now stuck in the same situation.
I left the garrison through the front gates, made sure map is in another one, and still the same.
This is the log.

View attachment 12264 2016-01-15 12.57.txt

Thanks for the help!
Here is a perfect example of HB not dismounting, its been riding around like this for about 40 minutes - or more. I took the dog for a walk, that usually lasts 40 ish minutes, when I left the character was doing this so I could have been here even longer.

The quest is Frenzied Manafeeders, ID 34400, I've reported this before.
A "fix" for this was made by someone in the past, but it seems they made the wrong type of fix.
I've sent an update with a proper fix for both Horde and Alliance that should permanently disable mounts during this quest.
I tried it with another character who now stuck in the same situation.
I left the garrison through the front gates, made sure map is in another one, and still the same.
This is the log.

View attachment 195938

Thanks for the help!
One other thing I can suggest: Try deleting your Mesh files.

Close Honorbuddy out, and browse to this file directory: %localappdata%\Bossland\Honorbuddy
Once in there, delete the file called "Meshes" - after that, start the bot up again and try it.

If it still doesn't work, tell me and I'll elevate this to the bug tracker to see if the core devs. can figure out what's going on internally.
Just curious as to the difference in the auto loader and the V2 auto loader. working on my dranor flying now while i have to work the rest of the week. Just want to make sure that i have the correct auto loader selected. aiming for loremaster achievment right now. thanks
Just curious as to the difference in the auto loader and the V2 auto loader. working on my dranor flying now while i have to work the rest of the week. Just want to make sure that i have the correct auto loader selected. aiming for loremaster achievment right now. thanks
For Draenor, it doesn't matter.
Both auto-loaders just load the "Shadowmoon Valley (Alliance)" or "Frostfire Ridge (Horde)" profiles which will chain-load all the way to Nagrand.
The only difference is that V2 will navigate you to Draenor before starting if you aren't there already.

But to break them down:

Auto-Loader v1

Loads by your race and faction.
It does not check your character's level, and will start by loading the 1-5 profiles regardless of what level you are.
From there, the 1-5 profiles will chain-load to 5-12, 12-58, etc - until a profile for your level is loaded.

Given this, this loader in some instances can actually be slower.
(eg: If you're level 58 and still have quests not complete in Blasted Lands, it will load into the 12-58 profile to do these quests instead of going to Outlands.)

This loader is better for if you wanting to do 1-100 Loremaster since you can turn on "Ignore Checkpoints" to have the bot do every quest from level 1 to 100.
Turning on "Ignore Checkpoints" will have the profiles not skip portions of the profile code if you're above the level for the quests in that section.​

Auto-Loader v2

Loads by your race, faction and level. However in certain circumstances it will ignore level (eg: Draenor 90-100)
So if you're level 58, it will load directly into 58-70 Outland profile and will skip the 12-58 profile.

Also, v2 has universal navigation built in so no matter where you start the bot, it will navigate to the questing location.
(eg: If you start in Stormwind as level 76, the Auto-Loader will take you to Northrend before starting.)

It also has support for Pandaren in which if you start as a level 1 Pandaren, it will ask if you want to be Horde or Alliance.
That way you can AFK as soon as you start it and not worry about it getting stuck as the "Choose Your Faction" screen.
v1 of the Auto-Loader does not have level 1 Pandaren support.​


Use Auto-LoaderV1 if you're wanting to farm every quest in the game.
Use Auto-LoaderV2 if you're wanting complete AFK for questing from 1 to 100.​
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One other thing I can suggest: Try deleting your Mesh files.

Close Honorbuddy out, and browse to this file directory: %localappdata%\Bossland\Honorbuddy
Once in there, delete the file called "Meshes" - after that, start the bot up again and try it.

If it still doesn't work, tell me and I'll elevate this to the bug tracker to see if the core devs. can figure out what's going on internally.

I just deleted Meshes folder and tried again, but still does not work.

View attachment 15188 2016-01-15 14.06.txt