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HB ARCHIVES: Feedback for Honorbuddy Improvements--DO NOT DELETE!

Get Mop questing working.. I tried to use it last week and it failed so hard i ended up paying for powerleveling service.

Thats just stupid. i went from 85-90 in 2 days with available profiles more then a week ago.
If questing doesnt get you there, LBniese's grinding profiles will, instead, even more xp/hour.
I also agree with whats been said so far and personally the bot base that affects most people is Questing and Gatherbuddy. I've seen that Kick has brought out some great profiles recently for leveling and they are getting better and better again to a point where I can leave for an hour or two knowing it will do it's thing.

That being said I wanted to mention another thing that may or may not be doable.
I noticed that when I left Honorbuddy in Questing bot base to do it's thing, after a while my character would have the <Away> mark beside his name even though he is still happily running around killing things.

In order to get rid of it I either have to move the character myself or I have to type /away which personally isn't a big deal at all but having this beside your name while running around killing things and completing quests may attract unwanted attention and bigger chance of reports.

So my question is, can this be fixed somehow to have Honorbuddy automatically recognize this and input a /away command to remove this tag from beside your name.

Hope that helps
I think that time for now should be spent on making the existing bases exceptional rather than new stuff. There's already a couple of community members working on Pet Bots. Leave that alone then adopt the best one later if they'll let you.

There's already been a ton of good ideas but I'll throw some of my thoughts out as well in some semblance of priority.

General Stuff
1. Auth server. Without it doing its job right, the rest of the list is moot.

2. Navigation, navigation, navigation.
  • KunLai Summit is impossible to navigate. Other places have similar issues. The bot needs to recognize a mountain it can't climb and stop kissing it while doing the unstuck dance. The thing is "smart enough" to run to across a field and to a road in a place like the Barrens when it doesn't matter but when it does matter it ignores the road and tries to climb up the side of the Himalayas to get to Temple of the White Tiger.
  • From the center of Halfhill Market the bot will not only go the long way around to Jogu (over a pot and behind a tree) but if you blackspot the pot and the tree then it tries to try to run over Anthea's semi circle table on the other side of the market instead of around it?! Use the wide open path, dummy!
  • Is there any way to make it fly smoother? More arcs and curves instead of snap turns, sharp drops and straight lines?

3. Stuck Handling - Its gonna happen. Could it look a little more human or at least random? (My son actually does the stuck handling dance. He thinks its hilarious. If it can be copied exactly like a dance move in a video, that's bad.)

4. Targeting/Awareness Issues - Perfectly described by Kamilche Plus:
The ability to control attacking of tagged mobs. I don't want to attack someone else's stupid goats but I do want to pot shot the Hunter Chief or the Behemoth because I'll get credit even if the other guy does the work. As a profile writer I'd like to be able to override the user's choice when its in the best interest of the profile just like other user settings.
Trying to attack opposing faction pets​

5. Give me back my two logging tabs!!!! As a profile writer I need to see what my Normal user will see and I want to see the diagnostic but not always together. If I'm monitoring the Normal and something goes wrong I have to open the log to find it instead of just switching tabs and comparing. And while you're at it, could you force line numbers out to the log in diagnostic mode?

6. The Forum - Lock the thing down so most areas are only open to paying customers. Why are we handing out our attack plans for free to the enemy?

7. New Features: If you're gonna go for NEW, go for this.
Display the current profile (or sub profile or subsequently loaded profile) at all times, maybe on the Info tab?
Let me change Combat Routine without closing HB
Pause Button
Blackspot button to write to user's global blackspots.xml
A don't sell/don't mail user setting. If enabled the toon just camps (or hearths and camps. You could even make THAT a choice) If not, the bot does what it does now. Or give me profile tags that can control that.
The built in relog, LogMeOut, login scheduling stuff has promise.

8. While I'm wishing can I ask Santa for a skilled coder mod who covers the Development forum so I actually get help when I ask questions I'm stuck on? :)

I have actually never used it. In its current state I never will. I know how much negative attention its bringing the community and attention is bad for everyone. Do whatever you gotta do to get rid of that attention. (And if that makes BG Buddy work better for PvPers that's just bonus!)​

Questing Bot
1. More conditional capabilities and the ability to create an option interface for questing similar to what you can fake by wrapping a questing profile inside PB. (If there's a way to create your own bool and have it used in a conditional in a quest profile and I just don't know it would someone please teach me! I'll donate for mentoring!)

2. Make sure the QBs that come packaged with the product actually work after updates (see PerformTradeskillOn)

3. QB wish list:
Could you make the ForcedMount.cs use the user selected mount instead of the first one in the list?
Could you make a KillThings like CollectThings so I have the control of CollectThings but will attack from range?

If I'd been using GB much during MoP instead of indulging my new obsession with questing profiles I'd probably have specifics here for you. Instead I'll just say, if its not doing the job its intended to do in a consistent, dependable and inconspicuous manner, fix it.

See Gatherbuddy suggestion.​

All Other Bot Bases and Anything I Missed
See Gatherbuddy suggestion.​

TL;DR If its not doing the job its intended to do in a consistent, dependable and inconspicuous manner, fix it. (and help Makkli learn to code)
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BGBuddy is already listed, so I go with documentation.
I have been around a lot and for a long time and know many things that I figured out myself.
Most people haven't and really have a hard time figuring out how to use behaviours and xml.to write profiles.
Some things are In the horribly outdated wiki. Those people that have the necessary knowledge don't need documentation and therefore don't write any, those that could need it, have no source to look at.
Seeing as it's a WIKI.... why don't you update it yourself?....

I've had the same situation in the past where the WIKI was either inaccurate or nonexistant. As soon as I found out what it *should* say, I simply updated the WIKI. It's what WIKIs are for.
The bot seems to have a lot of trouble recovering from evading mobs or being stuck in combat. There are quite a number of mobs in the world that are fighting other npc's but keep my toons in combat. The bot doesn't react to this and it sits there for hours until I do something. Also, if a mob is stuck in a rock or a tree or anything and it's evading, the bot continues to try to attack it and it doesn't simply run away, get out of combat, and keep going.

It would be nice if it could recognize these two situations and move on accordingly.
Really helpful post I'm sure they will be able to learn a lot from this and be able to move forward and improve vastly.
Actually considering the actual question asked by the OP this is a really helpful post. cg1203im thinks that the top priority should be on fixing existing issues than adding new features. Since the OP wanted the opinions of the user base on what to work on and specifically stated they didn't want bug reports this post is exactly in line with what was asked.
Actually considering the actual question asked by the OP this is a really helpful post. cg1203im thinks that the top priority should be on fixing existing issues than adding new features. Since the OP wanted the opinions of the user base on what to work on and specifically stated they didn't want bug reports this post is exactly in line with what was asked.

So just saying "you fix the shit that's broken" makes his post helpful really.?
I do agree that fixing excising issues should be the top priority but making vague posts does not help anyone.
Anyone could just make a post saying fix everything broke but I think it would be better if they actually list what they think is broken and needs fixing.
So just saying "you fix the shit that's broken" makes his post helpful really.?
I do agree that fixing excising issues should be the top priority but making vague posts does not help anyone.
Anyone could just make a post saying fix everything broke but I think it would be better if they actually list what they think is broken and needs fixing.
Did you miss the part where I reminded you that they specifically asked us not to repeat bugs that have been reported elsewhere? So its helpful that you grade someone's comment because they didn't do what you thought they should do instead of what the devs asked them to do? How was that helpful? How does that help the devs "move forward and improve vastly".

The irony is now my pointing that out to you makes me just as guilty so I'll be respecting the rest of their request and not creating a "flame war" by posting on this again. Join me?
Guys, we are open to criticism and the like. But if this turns into a flame war and troll fest, it will just get closed like everything else.
1) Fix the mesh.
2) Fix the mesh.
3) Fix the mesh.

Those would be my top 3 votes for stuff to improve the bot.
Would improvements to the forum also go on this thread? Like the cold, unwelcoming albeit rude responses I received from two of the people in the upper echelon here at the HB forums? That if you wish to truly have a community, you welcome new people, and perhaps instead of crying out about using the search and walking away feeling as if you answered a question, which to me using the search seems obvious, but I guess that's one way to boost your post count if that sort of thing matters to you. But instead, if a person has the answer, if a person is going to post a response, would it not be within the realm of logic to write the answer? Think about it, if everybody starts chiming in about the search, then when you use the search, you come to a bunch of threads, of which the answers are: use the search. It is a vicious cycle. As far as a community, a forum, a means to income for the HB folks, I would rather have threads full of repeated answers, than threads full of some semblance of the repeated phrase: 'use the search'.

Just my two cents...
Would improvements to the forum also go on this thread? Like the cold, unwelcoming albeit rude responses I received from two of the people in the upper echelon here at the HB forums? That if you wish to truly have a community, you welcome new people, and perhaps instead of crying out about using the search and walking away feeling as if you answered a question, which to me using the search seems obvious, but I guess that's one way to boost your post count if that sort of thing matters to you. But instead, if a person has the answer, if a person is going to post a response, would it not be within the realm of logic to write the answer? Think about it, if everybody starts chiming in about the search, then when you use the search, you come to a bunch of threads, of which the answers are: use the search. It is a vicious cycle. As far as a community, a forum, a means to income for the HB folks, I would rather have threads full of repeated answers, than threads full of some semblance of the repeated phrase: 'use the search'.

Just my two cents...

Forum improvements should be mentioned to the staff so that we can discuss it.
Who are you mentioning in this post?
The gist of my post was not to waylay blame, but offer suggestion. It is something I notice on many forum posts, on many forums that I find when I search for things. I think I find the answer, but no, I find a thread someone took the time to reply to, but amidst taking that time to type, when they could offer the answer in the post and thus create another thread with a solution, they do not. But in its stead they post... 'use the search', or 'use google', etc etc - thus creating a dead end for both the poster, and all those seekers looking for the same answer. And I understand post quantities are like... a way of life to some people, they have to run the turf by replying to all, but in a vane attempt to bolster one's ego, entire communities suffer as a result, and not only the community, in a case like bossland the bottom line suffers as well. I know I find myself, in light of the welcome I received, and the length of time that has now elapsed between paying to upgrade to three lifetime sessions and my key still only having permission for one, thinking that my choice regarding a bot provider may not have been wise.
I'm looking for a good arcane cc for lazyraider. It needs to use rune of power, nether tempest, and presence of mind preferably. Alter time and mirror image would also be helpful. If you have any questions about the rotation or anything feel free to ask me. I'm willing to make a donation to whoever can help me out with this...I'm sure with the nerf to fire other mages wouldn't mind donating also. PLEASE HOOK ME UP!!