We can't even use BGBuddy atm, the risk of getting banned is like 90%+! BGBuddy needs to be updated asap. Basicaly what i'm saying is WORK FASTER! We payed for the best bot and we expect PREMIUM QUALITY SERVICES.
You must be kidding son.
For this Price, what the bot does is alot more you can get anywhere other.
I never got banned with BGBuddy bro.
Don't be so fucking greedy fuckface, they do alot of great work. BE FUCKING PATIENT FUCKFACE. DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT A FUCKING WORK THEY DO FOR THIS LITTLE MONEY YOU PAID?
This bot is the best Bot right now, and if you aren't happy with the bot its your own problem, since nearly 90% of the Users are Good.
My list:
1. BGbuddy
2. questing to 90 ( It seems like kick is so busy that you might need to hire someone else to help him - cava maybe?)
2. gatherbuddy
3 Dungeonbuddy
Petbattles doesnt matter at all for me.
Kick is doing a great job, even right now in MoP. No one of them is hired or get Paid.
Do your own Profiles if you can't wait. The Bot provides the Base and the Knowhow to Quest. Creating Profiles isn't their Job.