Fellow botters,
We have been really busy to nail things down due to MoP launch in HB. A lot has changed in WoW and a lot of rewriting/reversing done for HB lately.
We are getting back on track since we have a stable build working right now.
What we have planned so far are:
- Pet Combat Bot Base
- Stuck Handler Improvements
- BGBuddy Improvements
We see those as high priority. We would like to hear your opinion on how to get HB better.
Please do not fulfill this thread with small bugs in various botbases as we will continue to work on fixes that have been reported in support forums. This thread is for planning a road map.
What would like to see the most in HB or which part of HB would you like to be improved ?
PS. Please don't turn this thread into a flame war. It won't help neither you nor us. Every post in this thread will be read, although do not expect a reply for each post. We will be *listening*
Almost 4 months later and we are where now? Looks like most "fixes "made it only worse.
Bg-pathing needs to be fixed, also, when you path one ... do 2 or 3.. and let the bot randomly chose from it. Instead of all morons running same way.
Instead of going to a biggest pack, let it go to a fc or efc for a change.
Unstuck still sucks fury ballz
remove refreshment detection, if you bot, why care about a friggin hs. Still they stick wells at the other side of the room trying to see whos botting.
Start, at most bg's, reveals whos botting allr, try it. Start a wsg and see how the bot reacts, its like that in 90 % of the others.
Make the bot stand on random places at the start of a bg, now all stand on top of eachother, wich makes it clear whos a bot and who not.
To sum this shit up: More randomness while botting.. but since this thread has been started more then 3 months ago, yet no changes so far noticeable, i dont
see this happening.
soz if this looks like a flame thread, it isnt, not ment in any way.... it just gives me grey hair trying to gear up another and seeing this shit. scares me to see who and how
many are botting in a bg, and its not only the botters who see it now. It has become a steady topic in any bg. Pvp playerbase is furious... do something, plox,. ty