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HB ARCHIVES: Feedback for Honorbuddy Improvements--DO NOT DELETE!

Hi, Maatuska122,

Then something is horribly wrong—probably with your Honorbuddy installation. The bot should not be fighting at all, if Combat is disabled.

Please open a new thread in the Support forum regarding this issue. Please be certain to attach the profile, and the full log that captures the issue.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]


It doesn't fight when I disable combat, that works fine.

But it wont move with MyCTM if toon is in combat with mobs. This is my problem.

EDIT: ugh well, im gonna modify MyCTM for my needs since I know how to "fix it for my use" but i didnt do it before because I tought im too lazy/forget to change files again when bot updates.
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It doesn't fight when I disable combat, that works fine.

But it wont move with MyCTM if toon is in combat with mobs. This is my problem.

EDIT: ugh well, im gonna modify MyCTM for my needs since I know how to "fix it for my use" but i didnt do it before because I tought im too lazy/forget to change files again when bot updates.

RunLikeHell ?
RunLikeHell ?

This is getting so OffTopic, but I stated before that I must have "TerminateWhen" usable on behavior and RunLikeHell doesn't support this (atleast last time I checked).

But I created my own modified MyCTM so eveything is 100% fine from my side now.
Make an option to change the loot table (loot score) for Dungeonbuddy and Auto-Equip.
When I'm running Dungeonbuddy I have to run with real sub-par items (http://www.wowhead.com/item=6323) just in case that one item (http://www.wowhead.com/item=1482) drops, and even then I don't know if the loot table will F me up because of loot specialization etc.

edit: Also problem with other items, like wanting to farm Buccaneers' Vest (http://www.wowhead.com/item=14175) which has a much smaller drop rate than its other components.
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Could we get BGbuddy x DungeonBuddy combo added to Mixed Mode?
It would be very useful during leveling when Dungeon queues are slow (which they tends to be at lower lvl's) or just for players who need both honor and JP and want to do it more efficiently when queues are slow at 90.
I've taken notes during my month of HB so i will just dump them here for your listening. If its the wrong thread, yell! :D

Movement - Bot never drops into ghost wolf, or runs with cheetah mode, or mounts. He is always walking.

Jumping and doing human stuff - I need the bot to jump ever so often. Also to stare around and not sit still while he is waiting. In short, act less like a bot he is. The jumping plugin messes up the pathing, BAD.

Paying - I want a monthly payment system which is automated, this way i know SOMEONE is working on the security of my account and bugfixes like the below. Because i am willing to paying for it. Maybe split the monthly profits with the other authors as well so they keep improving the botbases etc ?

Dungeon related bugs

Wise Mari@Temple of The Jade Serpent - The looting always takes to long time, so I am always locked out of this boss. Tried changing the following distance and its been somewhat helpful but i still end up manually taking over.

Gekkan@Mogu'shan Palace - After doing the quest with the vaults, my guy returns to the "shortcut" to drop down...and just stands there. Better to either follow tank. Also, my guy sometimes take the shortcut without members moving, thus starting the fight = reported.

Taran Zhu@Shado-Pan Monastery - The pathing to this one fails ever so often, forcing me to take over. It basically works 1 of 10 times.

Commander Vo'jak@Siege_of_Niuzao_Temple - My guy falls of from the platform and fails to come back up in a reasonable amount of time. Also, if the tank decides he wants to tank down at the stairs, my guy stands 40 feet away...FROM THE TANK...drawing aggro..

General Pa'valak@Siege_of_Niuzao_Temple - Pathing sucks, and because the character doesnt mount, he stumbles on the patrol causing a wipe.

BGBuddy - Randomize starting points and pathing. Right now it looks really bad having 80% of the AV team follow the same pattern, start and pathing.
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Can you separate the Start & Stop buttons? Sometimes I get lazy and use something like remote desktop or logmein to monitor my other PCs in another room and there is lag between the time I click and the time the video refreshes with the result of the click; add in that the bot doesn't always stop right away... I can't say how many times I've clicked and reclicked and accidentally restarted the bot. This happens sometimes in a "panic" situation where the bot is doing something very visibly bot-like and I'm trying to stop it before I get seen so I click and reclick the button as it's stopping and end up restarting & resuming the errant behavior. Basically I want to be able to spam the stop button without having the bot restart.

When the "pause" button is added please be sure we can stop from the paused state.
Make an option to change the loot table (loot score) for Dungeonbuddy and Auto-Equip.
When I'm running Dungeonbuddy I have to run with real sub-par items (http://www.wowhead.com/item=6323) just in case that one item (http://www.wowhead.com/item=1482) drops, and even then I don't know if the loot table will F me up because of loot specialization etc.

edit: Also problem with other items, like wanting to farm Buccaneers' Vest (http://www.wowhead.com/item=14175) which has a much smaller drop rate than its other components.
Hi, Jackdd,

Thank you for the suggestion, but this is far outside Dungeonbuddy's responsibilities. This problem would best be solved using a plugin.

Hi, Darkie,

Movement - Bot never drops into ghost wolf, or runs with cheetah mode, or mounts. He is always walking.
"Ghost wolf" for travel would be a feature of your Combat Routine. I believe Singular does this, so you must be using a third-party Combat Routine. If so, you need to contact the author with the feature request.

Jumping and doing human stuff - I need the bot to jump ever so often. Also to stare around and not sit still while he is waiting. In short, act less like a bot he is. The jumping plugin messes up the pathing, BAD.
Plugins already exist to do jumping. We feel such functionality does not belong in the Honorbuddy core.

Paying - I want a monthly payment system which is automated, this way i know SOMEONE is working on the security of my account and bugfixes like the below. Because i am willing to paying for it. Maybe split the monthly profits with the other authors as well so they keep improving the botbases etc ?
Bossland GmbH eliminated the 'subscription'-based model for business reasons, and we have no plans to re-instate them at this time.

We appreciate your willingness to reward good work, and suggest you do so in the form of donations.

As to the Dungeon-related issues. Those are bugs that should be reported to the appropriate thread ([post=1059505]DungeonBuddy thread[/post]?) with a full log that illustrates the problem.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]
If you have multiple issues, please do the courtesy of discussing only one issue per post. A 'shotgun' approach to reporting issues is going to be ignored.

Can you separate the Start & Stop buttons? Sometimes I get lazy and use something like remote desktop or logmein to monitor my other PCs in another room and there is lag between the time I click and the time the video refreshes with the result of the click; add in that the bot doesn't always stop right away... I can't say how many times I've clicked and reclicked and accidentally restarted the bot. This happens sometimes in a "panic" situation where the bot is doing something very visibly bot-like and I'm trying to stop it before I get seen so I click and reclick the button as it's stopping and end up restarting & resuming the errant behavior. Basically I want to be able to spam the stop button without having the bot restart.

When the "pause" button is added please be sure we can stop from the paused state.
Hi, Jimbob42,

We've opened feature request HB-1236 ("Separate pause, play, and stop buttons?") against this issue.

I'm pretty content with Honorbuddy as a whole, and have no real input on what may or may not improve the program; however, the forums are often where I am unable to find what I am looking for. I often have to rely on Google to filter what I am really looking for rather than thebuddyforums' search features. Is there any open discussions being made as to a better performing forum website with better search filtering and categorizing features? I know the staff must be frustrated with the many duplicate topics created...including this one. I wouldn't believe it if I was told I was the first to mention this! With better forums comes a better user experience imho.

Thanks for the save, Bloodmarks!

Hi, NavyAV89,

We've answered this question a few times. Its not going to happen. [post=1605167]This was probably one of our better explanations.[/post], if you're still curious.


Also curious if this is going to change now that ALL flying mounts now double as ground mounts. Since there isn't going to be flying for quite a while in WoD the ability to use flying mounts as ground mounts would be awesome.
Also curious if this is going to change now that ALL flying mounts now double as ground mounts. Since there isn't going to be flying for quite a while in WoD the ability to use flying mounts as ground mounts would be awesome.

I saw a mention somewhere that the size of some of the mounts would adversely affect the BOT - getting hung up on doorways with the big mounts for example. There was also a concern about the behavior being different when "jumping off" of things on a flying mount used as a ground mount.
But there are large ground mounts too, such as every kodo & mammoth in the game, and small flying mounts like the Headless Horseman.

The only flying mount that I've seen that has a falling/fly animation is the armored skyscreamer.
I would love to see questing / dungeons . also one thing i have noticed the looks very "bottish" is when you kill something, walk 2 steps, get on a mount , go 2 steps , get off mount, attack mob. other than that i am very overall satisfied with HB , "nothing is perfect nor will it ever be" that being said HB is as close as it gets. can't tell you how many times i have qued for all my 90 raids gone to bed, woke up the next day and never even got so much as a tell from someone saying i messed up etc. my hats off to the HB crew !!!
Vengance, now "Resolve" included into the API? I know the vengance was missing in Panderia, so CR had no way of tracking it.
[size=+1]Closing this thread until a "Release" version of Honorbuddy becomes available[/size]

Hi, all,

With all the changes to the WoWclient and Honorbuddy API, we feel it is inappropriate to leave this thread open until a "Release" version of Honorbuddy has been made available.

Once the Community acclamates to all the changes imposed by WoD, and Honorbuddy has caught up to it, we'll re-open the thread.

So, we're closing this thread until a "Release" version of Honorbuddy is dropped.
