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HB ARCHIVES: Feedback for Honorbuddy Improvements--DO NOT DELETE!

I'm so happy to see a thread like this being created, for me priorities go as follows:

1. BGBuddy
2. Working & Fully functional CCs for every Class/Spec combination for PvE and PvP
3. Meshing/Tile Issues fixed
4. DungeonBuddy
5. Questing (Profiles/Behaviors)
6. Fully functional Monitoring plugin for iOS and Android phones

First off, I've been using HB for a few years now and have been playing WOW since the beginning of BC. I have 2 accounts with about 14 toons total. I have used every part of HB. My priority list and reason is this:

1. Questing - It's the best for leveling. You get guild rep, make gold, faction rep, some gear, and achievements. Everyone wants faction rep for end game or raiding in general. I would love not having to do dailies, especially on every toon.

2. BG Buddy - Great for gear and achievements. Grinding enough honor to actually do something with takes forever by hand.

3. Dungeon Buddy - Great for gear, rep, achievements, and gold. Probably the hardest thing to get working good enough to be usable. I would say concentrate on something to first run LFR when possible. Theres enough people to not be noticed, you get decent gear, gold, and points for better gear.

I say at least get these working before adding new stuff. Also get the stuck and meshing fixed before adding new stuff.
This, also the BG routes need to be randomised a bit because you can see the HB running on the same points or places as the other ones.
its already being addressed, we've already changed the logic for AB and TP, if you wanna test it out download the honorbuddy beta.
Using Questing Buddy a lot lately, it no longer seems to utilize the checkpoint function, I have to set ignorecheckpoint set to False, so that it should be checking for checkpoints upon leveling but it no longer does. It performs quests just fine, but for larger groupings such as Kick's LK Alliance 68-80 it just does them 100% in the order in the file, not skipping after it levels.
Using Questing Buddy a lot lately, it no longer seems to utilize the checkpoint function, I have to set ignorecheckpoint set to False, so that it should be checking for checkpoints upon leveling but it no longer does. It performs quests just fine, but for larger groupings such as Kick's LK Alliance 68-80 it just does them 100% in the order in the file, not skipping after it levels.
its entirely possible that profile does not use checkpoints, since its only a small level range. it all depends on the profile developer if he wants to implement those or not.
Honestly i'd be insanely happy if there were questing to 90 for Alliance and Horde. IMO questing/levelling is the worst part of wow so a profile to level toons to 90 would be insane.
I want to make Node selection manageable in GB2 via profile. something like <exclusion> <inclusion> lists.
Fixing the "Authentication failed" error with the authentication servers would be what I'd like to see fixed. It is more than a little annoying to get your bots set up and running, and then you go to get a drink in the kitchen and by the time you get back at least one of the bots needs to be logged into again. There is nothing worse IMO for the lay person to detect bot than to see the bot doing its thing only to stop go afk get killed and not release, well other than the unstuck mechanic of jump, take 3 steps back, strafe 3 steps to the side, run into the the same object, rinse and repeat 2-∞ times with the exact same mechanic as before. Also if you're gonna add a new feature I would prefer to see gathering profession leveling while leveling before pet battles. It is a bit on nuisance early on to have to watch the bot way more closely to try and insure that you don't cap the prof, and then level well beyond the profession. Especially when questing is working well and in an 8 hour session you can go to from 10 to 40 or 50 with boas and raf bonuses.

1) Authentication failed error
2) Unstuck Mechanics
3) Questing
4) BG buddy
5) Dungeon buddy
6) gathering profession leveling, while leveling
7) "Pokemon"
Just my 2? anyways. Best of luck and godspeed on whatever you choose to fix and implement.
Hey HB team, even though the HB is not working well (not working at all) just keep up the great work!

I dont understand those kids raging cause HB is down. But hum, seriously, they can't do things by themselves meanwhile?!? Or go do something else! So stop wining!
My list:
1. BGbuddy
2. questing to 90 ( It seems like kick is so busy that you might need to hire someone else to help him - cava maybe?)
2. gatherbuddy
3 Dungeonbuddy

Petbattles doesnt matter at all for me.
I find Gatherbuddy the most important. Its also the easiest one to make better (almost always same situation, fly around and gather) while questing puts you in 1000 different situations. While GB doesn't give that much xp, it still gives you hell much mats > gold > money, and with enough patience, it can get you to 90 if you have to (I did anyway)! So definitely put 'Stuck Handler Improvements' first to make it even better. Cause flying 1000 times a day agains the trees is a bit bot notable. A mechanism to detect same collisions and try to avoid them would also be nice.

Questing is nice, but make it good afk'able is like asking Jesus to come back to the earth I think ;).

The rest I don't care much about. I don't like mixing bots with humans (avoidable with 5 acc, sure, but thats good for tha hardcore botters :)), I would never risk it afk. And if you don't go afkalble, then I think you better play it yourself.

I don't like the pet battle thing, so I would put that one actually last, but thats just personal taste.

If I may also suggest new feature, it would be auto login & HS + logout build in, made on randomized time ranges like, i would like to start it between 9-10, and let it stop between 16-17 (too many humans) and/or like start on 00-01 and stop it at 04-05 (realm restart). Also change profiles on time range would be nice. I know plugin writers can do this, but for example, relogger will conflict with logmeout, it will relog + logout infinitly so, really could use build in features like those!

Maybe fixing issue when sending error report would get you're feedback on issues come automatically to you ;)
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Fixing the "Authentication failed" error with the authentication servers would be what I'd like to see fixed. It is more than a little annoying to get your bots set up and running, and then you go to get a drink in the kitchen and by the time you get back at least one of the bots needs to be logged into again. There is nothing worse IMO for the lay person to detect bot than to see the bot doing its thing only to stop go afk get killed and not release, well other than the unstuck mechanic of jump, take 3 steps back, strafe 3 steps to the side, run into the the same object, rinse and repeat 2-∞ times with the exact same mechanic as before. Also if you're gonna add a new feature I would prefer to see gathering profession leveling while leveling before pet battles. It is a bit on nuisance early on to have to watch the bot way more closely to try and insure that you don't cap the prof, and then level well beyond the profession. Especially when questing is working well and in an 8 hour session you can go to from 10 to 40 or 50 with boas and raf bonuses.

1) Authentication failed error
2) Unstuck Mechanics
3) Questing
4) BG buddy
5) Dungeon buddy
6) gathering profession leveling, while leveling
7) "Pokemon"
Just my 2? anyways. Best of luck and godspeed on whatever you choose to fix and implement.

perfect, nothing to add except build in relogger, shut down planer and descent singular cc (with more customizable functions)
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We can't even use BGBuddy atm, the risk of getting banned is like 90%+! BGBuddy needs to be updated asap. Basicaly what i'm saying is WORK FASTER! We payed for the best bot and we expect PREMIUM QUALITY SERVICES.
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1. BG Buddy Pathing it is called HONORBuddy (!!Alterac Valley First!!)
2. Questing
3. Dungeon Buddy
What everyone else said but also.

1. Ground mounts should be ground mounts even when using random mounts, it should then randomize the ground mounts, looks so stupied when a level 40 i running around on a gryphon.